Chapter 165

Lady Melania, this is a serious breach of etiquette.

Never mind the informal speech, but to call him Ian?

Although Melania was the daughter of the Hayman family, the most influential among the aristocracy, Ian was one who governed the nation. Moreover, he was the Minister of the most important department, the Ministry of Magic. While he might be a lower-ranking noble, he could not be compared to someone who was merely treated preciously due to their bloodline. Not to mention, even the princes were currently in a position where they sought his assistance.


However, Lady Melania called his name once more, seeming unconcerned. This time, she slightly raised the end of her sentence, making it a question.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, her expression became visible. It seemed perplexed, yet she was frowning in a peculiar manner.

Lady Melania, youre quite intoxicated.

I suppose I am.

Melania smiled brightly and released Ians arm. However, her gaze remained sticky as she meticulously scrutinized his features.

Could it be that weve met before?

If you attended the New Years banquet, we would have seen each other there.

No, I mean when we were young.

No, we havent.

I see. Im truly sorry. Actually, I was a bit doubtful. The name Ian is quite common, and above all, I couldnt believe that such a dashing person could be the same one I knew.

Im flattered by the compliment, but please be more cautious next time, Lady Melania. It would have been troublesome if others were present.

The social circle was a place where even a small breeze could create a storm. Putting aside the fact that the ladys outrageous behavior would become the talk of the town, there was a possibility that Ian could be entangled in an unsavory rumor with her. It was a well-known fact that she was Gales woman, so if that happened, it would be truly bothersome.

I apologize.

Melania smiled and nodded her head. However, whenever she looked at Ian, she felt a sense of dj vu. Could it be because she had seen him at the New Years banquet or somewhere else? But at some point, when she recalled that child from her memories, it felt as though Ian was wearing a shell.

Well then, take care on your way back.

Lady Melania.

Yes, Minister Ian Hielo.

Thus, it seemed that if she called him familiarly by his name, the appearance she knew would emerge. As if it were a magic spell to break a curse. She must be quite drunk to have such absurd thoughts. Melania stood up straight and faced Ian.

Are you aware of His Highness Gales curse?

Of course.

The personal hardship Gale was hiding, aside from the publicly known one. Melania paused for a moment, then smiled broadly.

Since its related to the existence of Bariel, I will sincerely do my best to help.

It seemed Melania knew what Gales true curse was. But that was it. She bid farewell, saying she would really go in and see him, and left. Ian also left the palace without hesitation.


Is this the place?

Yes. Since its a job that provides room and board, Ive entrusted the management of the slaves to them for now.

Before long, Ian arrived at a small slaughterhouse in the commercial district. The main tasks here were cutting meat, removing rotten entrails, and washing away blood. Starting with the foul odor, the work itself was highly demanding, so it was rare to find ordinary imperial citizens here.

Come on! The next batch of meat is coming in! We need to cut it quickly before the ice melts, so move swiftly!

Most of them were either of slave origin or slaves themselves. The pay was decent for the hard work, so it was common for their masters to send them here. As Ian slightly wrinkled his nose, Romandro called for the factory manager.

Hey, where are our kids?

Theyre packaging in the back.

Ill take them for a bit.

At Romandros words, the manager bowed his head. Even though they were all slaves, their lives varied greatly depending on who their master was. Those who came here to die or be punished had to perform hard labor while covered in blood, while others could live relatively comfortably, doing tasks like packaging indoors.


Romandro opened the thick iron door and guided Ian inside. From afar, the sound of quiet chatter could be heard. It was the conversation the slaves were having to alleviate their boredom while working.

How far has the investigation into that man Fakens progressed?

The last report mentioned not only the circumstances of illegal slavery but also the seizure of smuggled goods. When it came to smuggled goods, it probably included looted spoils associated with thieves, like Berics Black Sword.

Hell be referred to trial soon. When that happens, hell be executed without even showing his face.

And theres been no word about the familiar necromancer?

The security forces investigated, but they said they wouldnt talk about him specifically. Ill put in a bit more effort.

Romandro rubbed his middle and index fingers together, mimicking the act of counting money. There was no better stimulant than that to get the security forces in the slums to act.

Ian nodded and entered the packaging area. It was certainly more pleasant and cleaner compared to the other sections. The absence of a whip in the supervising managers hand alone revealed the atmosphere.

Ah, hello.

Its Lord Romandro. Over there.

Lord Ian is here too. Hello.

The slaves put down what they were packaging and prostrated themselves to greet them. Ian walked slowly, examining the backs of their heads.

Is it bearable living here?

Yes, yes, sir! I feel like this place is the heaven Ive only heard about.

Its truly wonderful to live outside the prison bars. Th-thank you again. For letting us know the joy of working.

No need to thank me. Just think of it as earning your own price.

It would be more accurate to say they were paying off the cost of bringing them here from Fakens. If they exceeded that, they would work to purchase their freedom as commoners next. It was already challenging to manage them, so they were currently being entrusted to the slaughterhouse. It would be more beneficial for Ian to liberate them by paying money.

B-but why are you here?

Ignoring someones question, Ian only observed the slaves. Those who were too old or too young were eliminated, as were those who were frail. Those with excessively large physiques were also eliminated. He needed someone who was clearly suitable for assassination.

Is there anyone among you who is good with their body?

Good with their body? Xiaoshi is the best worker among us. They say its a waste for him to be packaging here, so hes sometimes called to do the slaughtering.

He was called earlier, so he must be working.

Forgive me for speaking out of turn, but the factory manager overworks Xiaoshi. He came with us, but since they say its a waste for him to be packaging, they keep taking him away. Hes a slave, so theres nothing we can do, but isnt that ultimately disobeying Mr. Ians orders?

Thats right!

At the slaves words, Romandro shouted vehemently. He had clearly told them to exclude their slaves from the slaughtering work! Ian calmed Romandro, who was raging about calling the manager, and ordered him to guide the way.

This way, please.

A barefoot slave took the lead. Squelch, squelch, the dry floor gradually became wet, making his footsteps more prominent. Ian realized it wasnt water but the blood of livestock.

Its this one this time.

Xiaoshi! Get to work!

The manager pointed at the sleeping livestock, coiling his whip. Xiaoshis side profile could be seen standing there blankly.

His hair and eyes were an ashen gray. As if refusing the order, he clenched his jaw tightly and kept his gaze fixed on the ground. His seemingly empty gaze was particularly hollow.



Eventually, the whip struck his left arm. At that, Xiaoshi gripped the knife tightly and turned his head.

His eye colors are different.

His left eye was gray, but his right eye was a pale brown. That must have increased his value in the slave market.

Xiaoshi swallowed a sigh and fumblingly felt the cows neck. To find the vital point.


Then, with trembling hands, he firmly grasped the knife. The important part of the job was to minimize the suffering and end it with a single strike. Whenever unskilled individuals held the knife, the agonized cries of the livestock could always be heard. But ever since Xiaoshi was assigned, there had never been such an occurrence.


Wait! Hey!

Gasp, Sir Romandro.

Well, well, you know this is a breach of contract, right? We entrusted the slaves to you only for packaging work.

Oh my, thats not it. It just so happens that we were short on manpower today, so we had no choice but to mobilize them.

Aha! I came here knowing everything!

Xiaoshis knife halted in midair. Judging by the managers flustered reaction, it was clear that his master had come. Xiaoshis odd-eye met Ians gaze head-on.

He has a good physique but looks agile. Hes perfect for an assassin. Above all, he seems to have a serious demeanor, the kind who silently carries out the task given to them.

Its really not true. Really! This is the first time! Right, Xiaoshi?

The manager subtly pressured and urged him. The master would leave, but the manager would be with him all day. He had to act appropriately and discreetly to make his life easier.

Its the seventeenth time.

However, Xiaoshi solemnly revealed the truth. It was unclear whether he was loyal to Ian as his master or if that was his original disposition. But either way, it was a satisfactory answer for Ian.

A slave is ultimately property. What will you do if there are issues with their stamina or health?

No, thats not it, well, I apologize.

For a breach of contract, you must bear the corresponding responsibility. Romandro.

At Ians call, Romandro showed his front teeth from behind, making a displeased expression. It meant for the manager to follow him out. As the manager followed Romandro out in a fluster, the surroundings became quiet. Only the faint breathing of the sleeping livestock could be heard.

Your name is Xiaoshi, right?


Where are you from?

I dont know. I was born in a slave traders prison.

So he was a slave by birth. Ian nodded and glanced at the sleeping livestock.

You have a good physique. Have you ever engaged in combat?

I have.

Do you have talent?

I dont think Im bad. Thats why Im still alive.

When a slave said they had engaged in combat, nine times out of ten, it referred to gladiatorial fights for entertainment. The very fact that he had survived with all his limbs intact was proof of his talent.

You dont enjoy it?


He was calm, unlike Beric who would rave wildly. As if he knew the weight of his words well.


Seeing blood isnt pleasant for me.

Ian smiled at Xiaoshis answer. Perfect. There was no one better suited as an assassin to be sent for show. Since it was literally for external use, if he even made a single guard bleed, Gale could find fault with it.

It must have been tough working here.

Then, Id like to assign you a different task. Can you do that well?

At Ians question, Xiaoshi lifted his head. His eyes were truly peculiar for a man. Considering he said he was born in a prison, one could imagine the depths of the twists of his fate.

Im not sure, but if you tell me to do it, I will.

I like your answer.

Perhaps it was because he had been a slave to the bone. His attitude was as if his master was the center of the world. Ian handed him a handkerchief and casually added.

Youll be going to kill a noble person.

He couldnt even kill livestock, and now he was being told to kill a person? A look of perplexity flashed across Xiaoshis face. But then came Ians subsequent order.

But you must not kill them. You just need to walk in on your own two feet and get caught as is. You wont even need to draw your sword from its sheath. Everything has already been arranged, so I will also guarantee your safety to the fullest extent possible. Well, will you do it?

Putting aside the suspicious nature of the order, a master asking a slave if they would do it? Wasnt that truly strange? He bowed his head and replied.

I will do it. If it is my masters command.

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