Chapter 156

Sir Ian. Are you busy?

At someones call, Ian turned his head. His sleeves had been rolled up for a while, and his usually neat hair was slightly disheveled. It was the price of being buried in paperwork for days on end. As the sole link between the Ministry of Magic and the Imperial Palace, it was only natural.

What is it?

A carriage has arrived for you, Your Excellency.

Ah. The Luron stones? Ill be right out.

And you know you have a magic assessment coming up soon, right?

Ian nodded. Very naturally, Ian was receiving honorifics from the other mages. Despite the general atmosphere where young newcomers, even if they were nobility, were looked down upon, as soon as he emerged as a strong candidate for the next minister, prestige followed suit.


In the distance, three or four carriages could be seen lined up and running. mages, including Ian, gathered to see the Luron stones, and among them was Chief Akorella. Biting her nails, she quickly ran down the stairs.

Come on! Come on in!!

Chief Akorella, its dangerous!


Whether the horses were startled or not, Akorella hopped around and gestured to her subordinates. It was an order to come and unload the goods. From inside the carriage, Romandro and Beric peeked out their heads, looking for Ian.

Ian, Ian!

Can I unload this here?

In response to the greeting waving hands, Ian smiled brightly and replied. As the guards and staff put the boxes on the ground, Akorella snorted and carefully opened the lid. There was a plentiful amount of brilliantly sparkling purple Luron stones chunks.

Oh my god! Oh my god!

This is the first time Ive seen such big pieces.

Wow, theyre huge. Each box must weigh several kilograms, right? We need to call more people.

Trembling with excitement, Akorella picked up the Luron stones. The mages watching from the stairs also buzzed with exclamations. Even if it wasnt the Mana Stone Management Department, a large-scale supply of such precious mana stones was a positive thing for everyone.

Chief Akorella! Your nose Nosebleed! Nosebleed!

The color is so brilliant and beautiful, hah, Im really going crazy. I want to polish it, burn it, mix it here and there, and study it right away. Can I lick it!? Minister Ian!?

Are you crazy? Why would you lick that?

Did I ask you? I asked the owner of the mana stone.

She grinned with a half-crazed look, blood dripping from both nostrils. Since it seemed like there would be trouble if he didnt allow it, Ian nodded and gestured.

Its your departments property now, so lick it or not, do as you wish. But it would be best to move it to the storage room quickly. Someone from the Imperial Treasury will be coming soon.

Woohoo! Thank you!

Yes. Understood.

After confirming with a mage that the Luron stones had actually been received, the payment was scheduled to be made to Ian. For now, only a few tens of thousands of gold coins would come in, but there was no problem with processing the tribute and rewarding Romandro.

Ian! No, Master! Wanna eat?

Dont be fooled. This guy emptied all the food at the Imperial training ground. Instead of doing the training he was told to do, he just lounged around. In terms of luck, he has the best.

I went, but Jaylut and the others werent there. There were only small fries, so I took it easy.

Due to the Wesleigh incident, security at the Imperial Palace had become even stricter. So, Jaylut and Bathsheba were also busy and couldnt come to the training ground often. The mages immediately recognized who the young red-haired swordsman was.

Ah, thats him. The one who made Captain Jaylut open up his mana.

Hes younger than I thought. But hes Sir Ians guard?

Impressive, to be on par with Captain Jaylut.

I heard he was brought from the frontier, but its definitely an unknown place. Not only Luron stones deposits but also crazy dogs like him

A smile twitched at the corner of Berics mouth as he looked at Ian. His eyes sparkled, his ears perked up. As if being the center of attention was pleasant, whether it was praise or curse, he kept showing signs of joy. Ian patted Berics shoulder, laughing.

Do you like it?

Oho, this feels surprisingly good.

Those who choose the sword as their destiny are usually like that.

Ian, so what about the meal?

At Berics words, Ian checked his watch. It was an awkward time for a meal, and above all, he had an important schedule ahead of him today.

I dont think itll work. Its about time for the magic assessment.

Magic assessment? Didnt we do that at the New Years party?

That was to check if you had mana itself, and this time its to determine superiority. If youre going to be the leader of the mages, you need to have mana that everyone will acknowledge.

Everyone would roughly estimate it, but competing to rank was a different matter. Perhaps some of those who did not run for the chief position gave up because they didnt want their level to be revealed.

Can I come along?

Do as you wish.

With Ians permission, Beric hopped around excitedly, circling the surroundings. Romandro waved his hand, following Akorella.

Sir Ian, Ill take care of the rest here. When the Treasury writes a check, Ill process the tribute right away with that.

Thank you. Sir Romandro.

So. Well, you handle Beric.

I almost took back my thanks.

Rather than doing administrative work, it was better to have that rascal with him at the Imperial Palace, as it was a life-draining task, Romandro grimaced. Beric, regardless, tugged at Ians collar and whined.

So? Where is that held? The mages fight!


Although it has an official name, the Magic Training Room, all the mages called this place the Glass Dome. It was because a dome wall was built with defensive mana stones to prevent damage to the outside when practicing attack magic.

Iaaaan! Master! Fighting! Lets kill them all! Drink them up! Crush them! Stomp on them, crunch crunch! Go! Go!

Beric stood out among the calm mages. He even clenched his fists and shouted, supposedly cheering. When Ian glanced at Nakina, asking her to take care of it, she grabbed Berics collar without hesitation and sat him down.

Is everyone here?

It was the chief of another department who would conduct the selection. He scanned the surroundings and then paused, looking at a certain point on the upper floor. Then he immediately bowed his head. Ian and the other candidates also turned around.

Isnt that His Highness Mariv?

The Minister of Justice is here too.

Everyone is showing up through word of mouth.

Why is His Highness the Prince here, ah.

The mages muttered and glanced at Ian. What other reason could there be? It must be to personally confirm the abilities of Ian, who Mariv was directly supporting.


Ian and the other mages all put their hands on their chests and bowed in that direction. The chief cleared his throat and explained the procedure of the magic assessment.

Face each other and shoot mana, confirming the side that pushes and the side that gets pushed. Magic is not allowed, and you must prove your ability with pure mana spheres. The time limit is a total of three minutes. Objections will not be accepted, and anyone who wants to give up now may do so. Theres nothing more unsightly than being pushed down by the opponents mana.

A moment of silence. A mage raised his hand.

I will give up.


I will also give up.

Anyone else?

They glanced at Ian as they declared their forfeit. In fact, the outline of the next minister had almost been decided. Internally, more than half of the department was with him, and externally, he was receiving the support of the Imperial Palaces key figures. Moreover, judging by his confrontation with Wesleigh, his mana power itself was also not to be underestimated.

I give up.

Then the remaining ones are

The chief raised his eyebrows at Chang. As if asking if he wasnt going to give up. Ian also turned to look at him, and his expression seemed truly complex and troubled.

If Dilaina withdraws her support, it would be utterly meaningless.

Beyond the presence or absence of meaning, it could even be dangerous. Defeating the one pushed by Mariv, Gale, and Dilaina and taking the ministers seat? How long would that position last?

If the one who seizes the upper hand in the power struggle is not desired by anyone, its like drinking from a poisoned chalice.


I, I wont give up.

Chang pondered for a long time and then declared as if squeezing it out. He would have his pride, and on the other hand, it meant that he was that deeply attached to the ministers position. Whether he was dull or stubborn would be revealed in time.


I, I wont give up.

Chang pondered for a long time and then declared as if squeezing it out. He would have his pride, and on the other hand, it meant that he was that deeply attached to the ministers position. Whether he was dull or stubborn would be revealed in time.

Yeah? Alright. Then only Ian and Chang will proceed with the magic assessment. It wont take long. It will be decided in just one round.


The chief tapped each endpoint with his hand. It was a signal to move far apart. While the two walked to the ends, the others all left the dome.

Master! Lets win! If we win, I wont eat a whole pig today!! For us, there is only victory!

My ears are falling off, you bastard. Shut up a bit.

Ian! Show them once!

Isnt it the skill that even defeated Wesleigh!

He didnt defeat her, he just, uh, stood in the way!

Chang! Be careful!

What, Chang. You wont give up? Are you sure?

The mages clamor poured out all at once. The light of magic slowly spreading through the dome. Soon, numbers blossomed largely on the glass. It was a countdown.

Ian, I dont know what you did to Lady Dilaina, but its not over yet.

-10. 9, 8

I, I will pro, prove it again with th, this.

Chang stuttered, unable to overcome his nervousness. He judged that if he could defeat Ian here, he could turn Dilainas heart around and further overturn the public opinion of the entire Ministry of Magic. Ian smiled genuinely and slowly released his mana.


Chang. Its good to see you doing your best until the end.

Shut up. How long have I been waiting for this day since I joined the Ministry of Magic. What do you know, you who just barged in!?

-7, 6, 5

Do I need to know?


You dont know much about my situation either, do you?

Listening to you is annoying.

-4, 3

Consider this not an opportunity. Its the eternal truth that if you dont give up, you will reap the fruits someday. I highly regard that you did not give up.

At those words, Chang bit his lip hard. The courage to take a step forward even knowing the way is blocked. The tenacity to hold on to even a small hope until the end. It may not be now, but someday a new opportunity will surely come to Chang.

Shut up!

-2, 1


As soon as the number disappeared, Chang exploded his mana. It swept through the short grass and reached Ians eyes in an instant.

However, the moment he met Ians golden eyes.

Pew! Boom!


Changs power bounced back and was torn apart in all directions. The light endlessly pouring out of Ians body. The mana of the two intertwined in the air and entered into a battle of strength.

No, they thought it had entered.

Huh? Chang?


Chang! Hey! What are you doing?

Aaaah! Damn it, this, what!

Just a few seconds.

It was only a few seconds that Chang blocked Ians mana.

Unable to overcome the force pushing in, his feet began to be pushed back. Sweat dripped down, but no one noticed. Not even Chang himself.



The moment his power slightly loosened. Changs body flew away and was stuck in the wall. A while later, dust settled thickly, and all the mages stood up at the same time.


Ian elegantly gestured to drive away the smoke and then looked up at the spectator seats. As if asking why they werent making a judgment.

Then, a flower slowly falling in front of him.

Well done.

It was a flower thrown by Mariv. A white flower to congratulate the winner.

Then the mages around him also created flower petals with magic. The petals sent by them one by one piled up at Ians feet.

Iaaaan! Thats my master!

Great job, amazing, Ian!

What was that just now? I didnt see it wrong, did I?

Chang! Are you okay? Chang! Get a hold of yourself!

He was extraordinary at the New Years party too, wow.

Ian held up Marivs flower and saluted lightly. The mages awed applause continued to burst out along with the flower petals.

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