Chapter 154

As Wesleighs authority, which was said to be capable of bringing down even a bird, vanished, Seilro, the head of the Magic Support Department, found himself in an equally precarious situation.

No, it would have been a relief if he had merely been driven to the edge of a cliff. The Imperial Palace seemed to view the Magic Support Department as an accomplice to the heinous criminal Wesleigh, while the other magic departments, their supposed family, turned a blind eye and shunned them, preoccupied with the position of minister.


Thus, Seilro had been lying low, waiting for an opportunity to break through the situation once a minister was elected, when he unexpectedly received a summons. Moreover, it came from Ian, who was said to have gained the unwavering trust of the current prince.


Huff, huff

Twenty-one minutes and thirty-four seconds.

He really made it in under thirty minutes? Did he use a portal?

How could he use a portal by himself? Good job. It must have been a while since you ran, being an office worker.

Gasping for breath, Seilro surveyed the Magic Operation Departments office. Five department heads, including Hale, had already gathered. Ian poured a cup of tea and gestured for him to sit down.

Your eagerness is admirable. Please take a seat, Director Seilro.

He noticed Ians gaze drop to his collar. In his haste, he hadnt realized his collar was flipped inside out. Glancing at Hale, who was sprawled out smoking, Seilro sat across from him.

Wh-whats this about?

Haha. Indeed. What could it be? For Director Seilro to come running here at the crack of dawn, it must be a matter befitting such urgency.

Ian smiled gently, laying the groundwork. Suddenly, Seilro realized that unlike the other department heads, such as Akorella and Hale, who looked disheveled, Ian appeared neat and tidy. Surely, being at the center of the Ministry of Magics crisis management, he should be the most frazzled.

Was it the value of being a nobleman? Or was it his pretty face?

Director Seilro?

Im listening.

I want you to know that while I believe the Magic Support Department had no involvement in the recent Wesleigh incident, Im unsure if the Imperial Palace will be as convinced. Its only natural for opinions to be divided among our fellow mages.

Thats not all. What if the Imperial Palace decides to completely overhaul the Magic Support Department to keep the Ministry of Magic in check? And if, at the same time, they review past work records and uncover problematic issues?

Seilro would be unable to avoid punishment, separate from Wesleigh.

As you know, the Imperial Palace is currently receiving reports on internal matters of the Ministry of Magic through me. Lets make sure to convey the Magic Support Departments innocence to the palace. That much is undoubtedly possible.

Seilro immediately grasped Ians meaning. He would persuade his backer, Prince Mariv, to show leniency to the Magic Support Department. Stammering, Seilro cautiously offered a rebuttal.

E-even if His Highness Mariv lets it slide, the direct victim is His Highness Gale. How he will react is

His Highness Gale is not a problem either.

At those words, Akorella and Hale also turned their heads to look at Ian. While it was natural for His Highness Mariv to be Ians sponsor, what about His Highness Gale?

However, instead of revealing his secret deal with Gale, Ian gave a vague response.

Because it would be a misstep for His Highness Gale.

A misstep? Hmm. I see.

Hale, who had been smoking in the back, exhaled smoke at Ians words. If Mariv seized power, Gales position would undoubtedly be unstable.

In such a situation, there was no reason for him to persistently go after the Magic Support Department. He would rather show leniency as much as possible. The enemy of an enemy is a friend. He would even absorb those cast out from the Ministry of Magic into his own forces.

Thats right. No need to worry about His Highness Gale, Seilro.

Even if that wasnt the case, if Ian became the Ministry of Magics minister, wouldnt his power and His Highness Marivs authority be sufficient to cover it up? As Hale flicked his cigarette, Seilro furrowed his brows. He clearly didnt understand.

What do you mean?

If you dont get it, just shut up and nod. Thats your path to survival.

Akorella tightly pressed her lips together at the blatant rebuke. If even a hint of laughter escaped, it seemed Seilro would storm out of his seat.

Dont worry and just gather the support of the Magic Support Department members for me. What do you think? I believe its worth rushing here at dawn without even noticing your collar flipped inside out.

Ian tapped Seilros shoulder, asking.

Surveying the department heads and Ian, Seilro slowly opened his mouth, painstakingly scraping up his self-esteem that had dried up on the floor.

And if I refuse?

Oh. If you do that

As Ian chuckled softly, the sun rose outside the window. The dazzling sunlight painted his golden hair even more radiantly. The sunlight was so warm that it could be felt, yet it couldnt erase the coldness that seeped into his green eyes.

I dont think anyone will be able to remember you, Mr. Seilro.

Short but clear. It implied that Seilro could disappear, entangled with Wesleigh, on charges of treason. Thus, even as time passed, not a single letter of his name would remain here.

When I asked what if I refuse, I was merely curious. I have, you know, a lot of curiosity. I was just wondering about the choice I wouldnt make. Mm-hmm.

Seilro immediately corrected himself, mumbling excuses. At his appearance, Akorella couldnt hold back her laughter, and Hale also lit a new cigarette.

Ahahaha! You were so pathetic just now, but its okay. Well keep it just between us. You made the right choice! Hey, were still family, arent we? Seilro, Id be so sad if you died. Then who would I experiment on with mana stones? Huh?

Thankfully, he may be stupid, but hes not stubborn. Congratulations on your life extension.

At the department heads words, Seilro could only clench his trembling fists. But what could he do? There was no other choice for him now. If he refused Ian, he would have to side with Zhang, but no matter who backed Zhang, he couldnt stand against Mariv.

Then, tell them to release our kids who were summoned by the Imperial Guard. I need some leverage to persuade the members.


Ian snapped his fingers, nodding in agreement. While securing the votes of the Magic Support Department was important, it was also crucial to place as many of Ians forces as possible within the Ministry of Magic building to shape the atmosphere.

Understood. Ill do my best to have them all return home by this afternoon. Director Seilro, while youre here, go to that corner and review some documents. Were so understaffed, we might have to borrow a dogs paw.

A d-dogs paw?

Come on, lets get to work now.

What time did they say they were receiving the administrative report?

Youll have to ask the department next door about that. I heard it came down separately in the middle.

Leaving the dumbfounded Seilro behind, they all stretched and got up. How could the morning be so merciless despite not getting any sleep? Just as Akorella opened the door wide to return to her department


Ahhh! You startled me!

She found herself face to face with an unfamiliar chief attendant standing right in front of the door. At her commotion, everyone turned their heads to look at the door.

Who is it?

Lord Ian Hielo. I am Lady Dilainas chief attendant. Please spare a moment. The carriage is ready.

Dilaina? The only concubine currently by the Emperors side and the birth mother of Arsen and Jin. Ian put down the bundle of documents and picked up his coat.

Lets go.

What could she want to see him for? He had a rough idea, but couldnt be certain.

Arsen and Jin. For the sake of her sons safety, Dilaina would wish for a balance between Mariv and Gale. At least until the children come of age.

But now that things had turned out this way, if Mariv seized the Ministry of Magic and firmly grasped power, there would be no one left to stop his dominance. And if Mariv ascended to the throne, Arsen and Jins safety could not be guaranteed either.

Dilaina would rather help Gale now.

In terms in the case of the Emperors future death being problematic, Gale and Dilaina could easily be in the same boat.

Did Gale perhaps drop a hint to Dilaina in advance? That even though Ian appeared to stand by Marivs side, he was holding a knife behind his back.

Its possible. Right now, maintaining forces to respond is important. She may try to gather strength by involving Arsen and Jin.

If not, was she summoning him, someone considered Marivs talent, to keep him in check? As the carriage sped along, Ian continuously formed hypotheses.


The surroundings of Dilainas palace were exceptionally quiet due to the early morning. A chilly breeze brushed past Ians hair, and the chief attendant led him with a half-bowed waist.

This way, please.

The sound of the chief attendants shoes echoed loudly. There was no one in the corridor. Although it was early, it was too extreme for a concubines palace. Surely, people had been deliberately cleared out.

The chief attendant bowed her head in front of the large arched door leading to the drawing room.

Excuse me. I will briefly announce your arrival inside.


There was no servant to convey the message, so she entered herself. As she stepped through the door first, Ian stood upright, gazing straight ahead.

How much time had passed?


Ian turned his head down, feeling warmth on his right hand. Silver hair and blue eyes. A child was holding Ians hand.

Lord Ian.

Eyes conveying that it had been a long time. The tone was calm and subtly hushed. In that peculiar atmosphere, Ian unconsciously tried to utter the name Jin. However, he stopped due to the childs beaming face.

Your Highness Arsen. Good morning.

Arsen looked at Ian with wide eyes, as if surprised. Then, as if intrigued, his eyes narrowed. Ian felt that gaze was cunning.

How did you know?

Know what?

That Im Arsen.

Ians gaze rested on Arsens cheek. A smooth cheek without dimples. He lightly shook off the childs hand and smiled.

Its a secret.

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