Chapter 144

The magicians couldnt say a word. No, it would be more accurate to say they didnt because they felt like they would be swept up in this chaotic situation if they showed even the slightest reaction.

Even if it was an order from the Second Prince, wasnt Wesleigh their direct superior? And if she was the head of the Ministry of Magic, she could be considered the representative of the current magicians. How and why were they being told to kill such a person

Y-Your Highness. That is difficult.


Someone mustered up the courage to step forward. He looked a bit older and seemed to have the will to convey the position on behalf of the others. It would be an unpleasant statement for Gale, but

The priority is to understand why Minister Wesleigh has become like this. It seems to be a side effect of magic, and that is the way to save Minister Wesleigh and, in the long run, the way to save the magicians. If you call the department heads inside, there will be a solution.

State your identity.

Im Shailot from the Mana Stone Management Department.

Shailot, you will be brought to trial for disobedience of orders once the incident is resolved.

It was a warning not to accept any nonsense. With that response, the magicians who were about to add something had no choice but to shut their mouths. If only the department heads who could handle the situation in the middle were there, it wouldnt have come to this. They glanced at Wesleigh standing in front of the barrier.

Bang! Boom!

Both of her ears were torn off. Was that why she couldnt hear their pleas? Wesleigh kept pounding the golden wall with her fists as if trying to break the barrier.

What are you doing? I said kill her!

Do you all want to be dragged away for disobedience of orders?!

Gales subordinates shouted, but the magicians didnt budge. Gale realized that it was truly thanks to Wesleigh that he had been able to put the Ministry of Magic under his command and use them.

Its the right time to replace them in many ways.

Rather, it was a good thing. With this opportunity, he should completely overhaul the department and imprint who their true master was. Gale slowly turned his head to look for Ian. It seemed he would have a way to advance the situation.


Why was the Second Prince looking for Ian? Not only was he a newcomer who had just joined, but wasnt he also the First Princes man? Everyone turned to look at Ian standing behind them with puzzled expressions.

Yes, Your Highness.

Ian clicked his tongue inwardly but smiled brightly and bowed his head. It wasnt bad. Because when building his forces in the Ministry of Magic in the future, he could give the perception that he had the support of both princes.

What do you think?

Gales eyes didnt match his question at all. He was urging Ian to attack first. But Ian calmly used his head.

First, wasnt justification the most important thing?

Your Highness, before that, if I may be so bold, it would be great if you could tell me what decision was made regarding Minister Wesleighs agenda in the meeting inside.

If the title of head of the Ministry of Magic attached to Wesleighs name was removed, it would be easier to handle the magicians. Since Gale had left his seat and rushed out here, she must have fallen from grace.

As of now, Wesleigh has been dismissed from the position of minister. Candidates for the next Magic Minister will be received and re-elected soon.

Although he didnt show it, Gale seemed to be a bit flustered too. He barely grasped Ians intention and provided a suitable answer. He filled it only with content that set the direction for future actions.

Minister Wesleigh has been dismissed?

Dismissal means shes not even a civil servant anymore. Does that mean shes been demoted to a civilian status?

More importantly, theyre receiving candidates!

There was a reason the department heads werent coming out.

If theyre going to elect a new Magic Minister

Wait, theres no rule that only department heads can be candidates.

Wesleigh was no longer their leader. Continuing to serve her was an act of defiance against the will of the Imperial Palace, and this was tantamount to treason. Moreover, candidates for the next minister? Didnt that mean anyone could become the second Wesleigh?

Ive heard there are many skilled individuals in the Ministry of Magic. Im curious.

Gale threw out a remark with a slow smile. Prove your loyalty and ability by killing Wesleigh. So, try to make a proper impression on him.

Zzing! Zing!



One magician was the first to activate an attack spell. The blue light that burst from his palm aimed at Wesleighs body, but it sublimated and disappeared before getting close. Like an ice shard thrown into lava.

Damn it! Im sorry, Minister Wesleigh!

Those who built the barrier, continue to maintain your mana!

Wait, hey!

Release your mana to the maximum! The opponent is Minister Wesleigh!

Have you all gone mad? Come to your senses!

Those who interfere, step back!

Clop clop!

The magicians quickly formed formations by gathering with their departments. Only those who still couldnt accept it, more precisely, the magicians of the Magic Support Department, stood dumbfounded. The others pushed their shoulders and roughly warned them.

His Majesty the Emperor is inside. If we cant stop Minister Wesleigh here, well all be executed. If you intend to bring ruin to the Ministry of Magic, Ill kill you first.

No, wait, calm down!

The Magic Support Department couldnt understand the sudden change in attitude of the other departments. It was a difference in perspective brought about by the benefits of power.

Zzing! Zing!

Boom boom! Boom!

Dont give her a chance! Keep going! Keep going!

Damn it, use your strength properly!

Once dominoes fall, theres no stopping them. The magicians released their respective mana and relentlessly fired attacks at Wesleigh. However, since they were all desk workers and few had honed their attack magic, the effect was minimal.

Magic Operations Department! Why are you just standing there?!

Yeah, do what you usually do!

A magician shouted while wiping cold sweat. Everyone was on the verge of dying from using unfamiliar magic, but Tommy and Nakina were just blankly watching. With an attitude that perfectly fit the saying watching a fire from across the river.

We dont attack without Captain Hales orders.

What? Theyre talking nonsense, seriously.

Yeah, get lost. Do you think its the first or second time weve been screwed over by rushing in without knowing anything? Just maintain the barrier well. It would be better for you to just stay out of the way and then rush in when the department heads come out.

What do you not know? Its Minister Wesleigh!

Her body is burning. Does that look normal to you?

That, thats disobedience of orders. Everyone, watch carefully! Look at what the Magic Operations Department is doing!

The magician seemed to be shouting at his colleagues, but in reality, he was glancing at Gale. Tommy and Nakina burst into hollow laughter and rubbed their ears.

Idiots. Seriously.

Regardless of the reason, Ian thought it was a rather wise move. Because the smoke Wesleigh was emitting was becoming more and more toxic.

Your Highness Gale, I have brought the bow and arrows.

Gale took the bow from his subordinate and immediately took a stance. The bowstring stretched vigorously, and a black cloth was tied to the arrow. Its tip was unflinchingly aimed at Wesleighs head.

Magicians, theyre all useless.

Everyone, step aside! Its a mana sealing stone arrow!

A mana sealing stone is here! Get back!



Mana sealing stones had the power to nullify everything, to the point of being called the Achilles heel of magicians. It was the rarest of the rare, and only a few members of the imperial family could nominally possess it. The magicians hastily made way, and the arrow cut through the space between them.


It pierced through the magically created barrier in an instant. At that moment, it flew towards Wesleigh.


Just like other magical attacks, the arrow also disappeared, leaving only smoke. The magicians who witnessed it stiffened in unison and took a step back.

Wait, didnt you say it was a mana sealing stone arrow just now?

If that doesnt work, it means

Minister Wesleigh! Dont tell me, dont tell me you mixed blood with magic?

Damn it! Captain Jaylut! No! Dont get close!

As the magicians fell into a panic, outsiders also flinched and huddled even more. Romandro, who had been clinging like a shell, trembled and tugged at Ians collar.

W-Why are they doing that? Ian?

It seems Wesleigh used forbidden magic.

Whats that?

The one who answered instead was Nakina. Contrary to what she had said about not participating, her palms were continuously condensing mana. So that she could immediately protect people if something suddenly happened.

We havent actually seen it either. Its literally forbidden magic. Its commonly said that blood is mixed with magic, but we dont even know if thats the real activation method.

Its very existence shatters the balance of power. Even Ian, who had stood at the center of magic as an emperor, had only seen it once. It was right before his death, due to Naums sacrifice.

Anyway, forbidden magic makes it possible to transcend time and space or reverse life and death. It goes against the laws of nature. Therefore, mana sealing stones dont work on it either.

That was why Ian could transcend time and space without any problems even when he was captured in the underground prison. Ian rubbed the back of his neck as if puzzled by the unexpected development.

Gale, your work is not very good either.

If he was going to handle it, he should have done it properly. How could he let Wesleigh appear wearing forbidden magic? Ian turned to look at Gale. He also had a fairly flustered expression.

Are you sure you brought the right arrows?

O-Of course. Your Highness Gale.

Then why doesnt it work?

It was when Gale was urging his subordinates. Wesleigh, who had remained silent, opened her mouth.


It wasnt the voice of a living being. It was filled with sharp malice, and the moment you heard it, your head would become dizzy due to the intense reverberation. People all ducked down and covered their ears, and Gale frowned while standing.

Weve been together for so long, I came to find you because its too soon to end it like this.

D-Damn it, why is she suddenly like this?

Is it because of the mana sealing stone?

The feeling of a mana sealing stone that a magician could never forget. Gales arrow had awakened Wesleighs mind that had been consumed. Gale let out a hollow laugh and pulled the bowstring again.

I didnt know you were such a clingy woman.


Swish! Ping!

Arrows kept flying in, but they couldnt neutralize Wesleigh. She slowly approached Gale. The magicians who came to their senses rushed at her in unison, but they couldnt stop her even a single step.

Protect His Highness Gale!

Wesleigh! Are you crazy? Stop coming closer!

Captain Jaylut! Orders!

Everyone, release your mana!

Your Highness, take shelter inside!

Back, back away!

The security guards and subordinates continued to retreat while escorting Gale. Ian just patted the trembling Romandro and watched the situation. Was she trying to kill Gale? Or did she have another intention?

Theres no need to help him.

If Gale died here, the Ministry of Magics prestige would hit rock bottom, but that was it. Since he also had Marivs lifeline, it wouldnt have a significant impact on Ian.

Ah, building the annex will definitely become more difficult.

Even in a situation where the Ministry of Magic had the upper hand, they hadnt been able to push through the construction of the annex. Hmm. Even for the sake of keeping them in check, should he help?

Romandro muttered as if he was about to faint.

I-Ian. Is there no way to deal with forbidden magic?

No. Thats not the case. If its a force stronger than the casters mana, it can be suppressed without any problems.

Call the department heads! We need to combine everyones strength!

And one more thing.

Zzing. Zing.

Ian released his mana, not knowing if it would work. Wasnt it the law that forbidden magic worked against forbidden magic? If he was a product of it, perhaps


The mana sphere Ian had roughly shot up hit Wesleighs body. Unlike other magicians, it was the first time a physical attack had succeeded without being neutralized.



Just now

Ian looked down at his own palm in surprise without realizing it. The other magicians were the same.

It was the first silence that hung in the air since the incident began.

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