Chapter 135

The general meeting held before bringing a matter to the Emperor.

Since Mariv and Gale participated due to the frontier situation, the meeting had never proceeded smoothly even once. Everyone was trying to handle the matters with their minds sharp, fearing that if noise occurred, the princes would participate again.

Wesleigh was watching the discussion of the department heads with an indifferent expression.

Well then, well decide that the administrative department will handle this matter. Next item. Yesterday, a report arrived from the mayor of Karenna. It says that the group of bandits causing trouble in the area has been eradicated.

Is that so? Thats truly fortunate.

They gave us headaches several times, so thats good. Did they directly eradicate them? We were about to form a punitive force otherwise.

Oh my. As I recall, that mayor was not someone capable of that.

Karenna. Although it was a city with deep ties to Wesleigh, there was not a hint of change in her expression. The Prime Minister gestured for silence and carefully read the report.

Most of the bandits were annihilated during the eradication process, and only the leader was captured alive and interrogated. However, during the interrogation, several questions arose, so they contacted us to seek advice from the Imperial Palace.

Questions, you say?

The bandits brought several peculiar items as they came down from the north. The details are not attached, but based on whats mentioned, it seems to be related to undead

Wesleighs eyes, who had been listening quietly, grew rapidly. Undead? Were they saying that undead were discovered in Karenna of all places?

What do you mean?

Wesleigh unknowingly raised her voice and asked, but the atmosphere was that as the head of the Ministry of Magic, she would naturally be sensitive about undead. One department head smiled awkwardly and casually threw out a remark.

Minister Wesleigh, dont be so agitated. You know we receive reports every time that the Ministry of Magic is managing necromancers well, dont you?

Thats right. Did the mayor of Karenna say he has the corpse of an undead? Or did he mistake a vagabond for an undead?

At the questions from the department heads, the Prime Minister lightly shook his head.

There was no such mention, and it seems to be specified based on the interrogation of the bandit. Since there is no related information in Karenna, they are requesting materials held by the Imperial Palace.

Information about undead was under Wesleighs jurisdiction. As the Prime Minister gestured, the attendant brought the report to Wesleigh and offered it. Although she wanted to maintain her composure, her hand movements acted separately from her mind. She read the letters as if devouring them, and she couldnt help but frown more and more.

The mayor of Karenna has urgently asked a few questions, so we should send the answers to those by express mail, and I think its proper to send the related information by carriage.

Questions. I see.

Is it correct to view undead as magic beasts? Has a slave group that trades undead been formally permitted by the central government? Is there a way to become undead without necromancy?

I will handle it.

Wesleigh realized that the questions were quite specific. Surely there must have been a process to reach this point. As she bit her lips and flipped through the report, someone asked.

But was the eradication of the bandits done by the mayor of Karenna?

It was Taiha, the head of the Imperial Defense Department. If the bandits had come down from the north, the possibility of them crossing the border had to be considered. Then, naturally, there would be grounds to hold him accountable, wouldnt there? There was no noble lords directly in charge of guarding the northern border.

Well, they say there were a couple of intrusions. It seems the guards of Karenna suppressed them. But they say they received some help from external mercenaries. Isnt that right, Minister Wesleigh?

Yes. Thats whats written.

External mercenaries? I guess even a small city like Karenna has mercenaries. Hahaha!

While the ignorant fools burst into laughter, Wesleigh couldnt bring herself to laugh. The existence of these external mercenaries was truly irksome. If they were wanderers who just got tangled up by chance, there would be no problem, but

If the mayor of a small rural city mentions them to this extent, it clearly means they played a central role in suppressing the bandits.

Wasnt it a position delegated by the Imperial Palace? More than anyone else, they were the ones who focused on empty formalities. Wesleigh thought that even the brief mention by the mayor was not something to be taken lightly.

Anyway, I will take charge of this matter. We can move on to the next item.


Wesleigh lightly closed the report and suggested. It was appropriate for her to handle it within her own sphere. However, Taiha, who had been listening quietly, interjected.

Bandits fall under our jurisdiction.

But they have already been suppressed, and what the mayor requested are answers to various questions regarding undead and other matters.

It seems slave traders are involved, and that also falls under our purview. Also, the bandit leader is still alive. Head Wesleigh, you just need to neatly organize the answers to the questions and send them by express mail, right? Strictly speaking, its not a matter for the department head to step in.

The meaning was to just answer the questions and back off. Wesleigh let out an absurd hollow laugh and tapped the table with her finger. Silence fell over the conference room where they had been noisily discussing.

Here they go again.

The Prime Minister just stroked his white beard and sighed inwardly. It was obvious in cases where they were so sharp about insignificant things. Either it was the New Year, there were personal feelings involved, or there were separate circumstances.

Taiha seems to be concerned about the reappointment of department heads since its the New Year.

Unlike the Ministry of Magic, which was independent and rarely had power shifts, other places used to be sharp about reappointments due to personnel evaluations. If nothing special happened, they would continue, but when was there a day without special events in the Empire? Especially the Imperial Defense Department, wasnt it a place where the head changed a couple of times a year after going to war?

Minister Taiha, why are you trying to take on work so diligently when its the New Year? That will only increase the burden on your successor.

Wesleigh pointed that out and made a very insulting remark. She was saying what if he took on the job and got dismissed. Taihas thick eyebrows twisted in a nice way.

Why is Wesleigh acting like that? If she was less sharp, there would be no problem at all. As Taiha said, its not something she should directly intervene in.

The Prime Minister alternately looked at the two and inwardly calculated the odds. Although she had a sky-high momentum, he wasnt sure if it was just a whim

Tap tap tap!

Minister Wesleigh. Please be quiet.

I will if that fellow doesnt spout nonsense.

Minister Taihas words also have a point. So I hope the two departments will work together to handle the matter regarding Karenna. I believe there will be no problem if you cooperate but only take responsibility for your own jurisdiction. Lets move on to the next item.

The Prime Minister sided with Taiha. Wesleigh made an absurd expression, but most of the department heads checked the next report as if they had expected it.

So you should have maintained the line well.

The balance due to proper checks had been broken since the New Years party. Because of the Truth Serum developed by the Ministry of Magic. Before appointing high-ranking officials, they would make them drink a magic potion that makes them tell the truth and be faithful. What were they thinking, making something like that?

Yes, next is

Continuing on

Where in the world was there someone who didnt have a single speck of dust if you shook them out? And the Ministry of Magic made that? Based on what? The departments other than the administrative department ruled by the Emperor had banded together for once in a long time and were actively opposing this matter.

I think the appointment of the Chief Justice of the Judicial Department will be the start of it, so what will they do?

Sir Helrot, who was actively being pushed by 1st Prince Mariv, was the prospective candidate for Chief Justice. He was recognized as a talented person both externally and internally, but the problem was that he had a steadfast spirit and was not on good terms with the Ministry of Magic.


Wesleigh gestured to her assistant. As he quietly approached while attending the meeting, Wesleigh covered her mouth with her hand and whispered something. Everyone pretended not to pay attention and didnt look, but they were all focusing on them with their senses heightened.

Bareto, gather all the necromancers.

Yes. Understood.

And tell the Magic Stone Management Department to prepare as well.

I will make sure there are no problems.

After finishing her instructions, Wesleigh glared at the department heads in the conference room with a sharp gaze. No one was looking, but they couldnt help but stiffen their necks for no reason.

Everyone, as always, wished.

They hoped the meeting would end quickly.


Maybe I should have let him die then?

Romandro muttered seriously while looking at the mayors letter. To hear such words from his mouth, not Berics.

I think youve been influenced by Beric.

Hmm? No, isnt that right? If Minister Wesleigh finds out, what could be more dangerous than that? Putting Hasha aside, we cant even guarantee the safety of us who know the secret. Shes a woman who massacred an entire village.

Saying it out loud seemed to bring a sense of reality. Romandros complexion gradually turned pale, and soon he shouted again with a scream.

Aaaah! Right! Were in a dangerous situation right now! Oh no! Should I inform His Highness Mariv?

Calm down, Sir Romandro. If we move hastily, we might reveal our hand instead. First, we need to confirm whether the mayors report has entered the Imperial Palace. If it hasnt arrived yet, we can intercept it midway, and if it has already gone up, we need to see what the content is.

In other words, it meant it was time for Romandro to act. Since each department was sharing matters in the general meeting, he could easily find out with just a little inquiry.

Whats next?

Romandro asked, rubbing his sweaty palms on his outer garment. Whats next was Ians part, wasnt it?

Since I joined the Ministry of Magic, I will also gather information.

Even if necromancy research was a public matter, there must be a clear difference between what was known externally and what was known within the Ministry of Magic. And above all

Why they conducted research on casting necromancy on the living as a secret.

Wesleighs role in the Imperial Palace seemed clear. The leading horse that goes at the forefront of Gales rebellion. However, in the history Ian remembered, there was no case of undead being used in the rebellion.

Then, perhaps this matter is something Wesleigh is personally carrying out. Theres also a possibility that Gale doesnt know. The key will surely come out from this gap.

Secret, in other words, the reason it became a secret.

And if unraveled again, that would be the weakness.

Wesleighs weakness

Ian muttered unconsciously while pondering deeply. Romandro, who had regained his composure, wiped his cold sweat and reflexively replied.

Minister Wesleighs weakness? Thats a bit of a blunder.

What? What do you mean by that?

If youre talking about her weakness, its His Highness Gale, but the idea of His Highness Gale being a weakness itself doesnt make sense. Hes the second highest in the Empire. Well, thats what I mean.

Ian quietly mulled over his words.

Everything Wesleigh does is for Gale

But if Gale doesnt know about the necromancy incident, that would be for Wesleighs sake.

No way.

An absurd hypothesis came to Ians mind. Making the living into undead and keeping them under oneself? Then could it be, targeting Gale?

Unless shes crazy, theres no way

In a way, Minister Wesleigh is the one whos crazy. They say love makes you crazy for a reason, right?


Romandro muttered to himself and kept reading the mayors letter. As Ian looked at him with a surprised expression, Romandro was rather flustered and blinked.

Did, did I say something wrong?

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