Chapter 126

On the stairs leading to the second floor, the aura of magic could be felt. As expected, there was a protective barrier in place for security purposes, since it was the place where all the members of the imperial family gathered. The noise from the first floor, which had transformed into a bustling place of social interaction, gradually subsided.

Tap, tap.

This way.

Ian followed the chamberlain familiarly. Although the structure was slightly different, the more he went inside, the more Ian got a sense of it. At the end of the long, dimly lit corridor stood knights dressed in the uniforms of the Imperial Guard.

By order of His Majesty the Emperor, we have brought Baron Ian Hielo.

They all had an extraordinary aura. They were dignified and firm, exuding the aura of those who lived and died for honor.

It is an honor to meet you, Baron Ian Hielo. I am Beols, the Third Captain of the Imperial Guard. If you dont mind, may I proceed with a body search?

As you wish.

Thank you for your cooperation.

As Ian raised his arms slightly, the captain ran his hands over Ians waist and legs before bowing his head. It was only natural that he should endure this much inconvenience, as he was about to meet the imperial members up close.

You may enter.


The huge door opened as the captain gave his permission. The members of the imperial family, who had been leaning freely on the sofas and chatting quietly, all turned their heads. They must be the collateral relatives, not the direct line.

Oh my. Hes here.

Your Majesty, Baron Ian Hielo has arrived.

He looks even more amazing up close.

Curious eyes rained down on him all at once. Ian smiled and approached the emperor, greeting him in accordance with etiquette. The moment he raised his head, he was able to face the emperor and the other important figures directly.

These people are the center of power in the current Bariel Empire, and they are the clues to the future.

The silver-haired woman, Dilaina, who stood close to the emperor and assisted him. And Mariv and Gale, followed by the young princes, Arsen and Jin.

In the unpredictable imperial palace, it was important to understand them perfectly in order to figure out the way forward.

Jin. Look at that. He must have had a hard time using magic earlier. Hes soaked in sweat, isnt he?

Arsen whispered and snickered to his younger brother, Jin. Jin, however, stared at Ian blankly, with no expression on his face. As Romandro had said, it didnt seem too difficult to tell the two apart. They looked like twins in the mirror, but their personalities were definitely the opposite.

Baron Ian Hielo. I once again bless you. What you have shown today will be an example for the nobles.

The emperor slowly beckoned him closer.

Ian extended his body to him while kneeling, and the emperor personally handed him a glass of wine.

It is the greatest honor of my life. For your majesty, I will do my best in the Ministry of Magic as well.

Thats good to hear.

As the chamberlain seated Ian on the sofa, Mariv took the lead in speaking. Now that I think about it, this is the first time Ive seen the two princes together. Ian took a step back and observed the overall atmosphere.

Baron Ian Hielo has shown his abilities well since his whereabouts in the frontier. Im sure he will be successful in the Ministry of Magic as well. Dont you think so, Gale?

Marivs question was full of laughter. This was because Ians magic was much more powerful than expected. The fact that he had not lost the authority to enter the department to Wesleigh was almost half a success. Gale shrugged his shoulders, pretending not to care.

Why are you asking me? Its up to Wesleigh, the Minister of Magic, to take care of the Ministry of Magic.

He was thoroughly drawing the line. It was a public fact that Gale and Wesleigh were lovers, but the reason no one could bring it up openly was because of this.

What could they say when the person involved pretended not to know?

Baron Ian Hielo. If you enter the Ministry of Magic, where are you thinking of going?

As Dilaina asked slyly, Mariv and Gales eyebrows furrowed at the same time. This was because a topic that allowed them to see each others intentions had been thrown out.

Mariv wanted Ian to go to the Magic Stone Management Department, and Gale was against anything Mariv wanted.

Is it the Magic Support Department?

Gale pondered, looking at Marivs expression. He hadnt expected Ian to be digging into the magic stones, so he assumed that he would naturally put Ian in the support department, which was the central force.

My opinion is my opinion, but I will follow the will of Minister Wesleigh. She is the head of the Ministry of Magic, so I believe she knows the right place for me.

Ian cleverly avoided giving a direct answer and left room for maneuver. Of course, he couldnt predict how Gale would react if he said he was going to the Magic Stone Management Department here.

I see. Thats a wise decision.

Youre overpraising me.

And above all, Ian had no intention of going to the Magic Stone Management Department. If that was the case, he wouldnt have worked so hard in the magic verification ceremony in the first place. Knowing that the next emperor would be one of the twin princes, he decided that he could not be with Mariv until the end.

If I go to the Magic Stone Management Department, I will be away from the center of power. It will be difficult to prepare for the future. Ill go to another department for now, and tell Mariv that it was Gales counter-proposal and call it a bluff. On the other hand, I need to show Gale that I will accept the counter-proposal and that I am going to go a different route than Mariv.

He had to walk a tightrope between the two men, as if he were doing glasswork. He didnt know what the hell was going on, but it was a choice he had to make for now.

Excuse me. Sir Ian.

Just then, Arsen couldnt hold back his burning curiosity and spoke to Ian. As Gale and Mariv glanced back at him, Dilaina unconsciously flinched.

Yes, Your Highness Arsen.

You know me?

Of course, since you are the fourth prince of the imperial palace.

That magic from earlier. Can you show it to me one more time?

He looked like a very innocent child. Although his mother was worried about him and was holding her breath, Arsen seemed unable to come out of his fantasy.

Huh? Just one more time?

Yes. I want to see it up close too.

Your Majesty, would that be okay? Please grant your permission.

The other children of the imperial family also gathered around one by one and added a word. The emperor, who had been sitting quietly like an ornament, nodded his head in permission, and the children soon approached Ian with their eyes shining brightly.

Your Highness Arsen, the same magic from earlier requires the light of the oracle.

Thats okay. Just show me.

Ian glanced at Mariv and Gale, asking for their final permission, and then opened his palm and released his magic.

Ziiing. Ziiing.

Arsen watched his green pupils turn gold. Even the children of the imperial family were children after all. The sound of them gasping in admiration rang out here and there, and the strangely tense atmosphere also subsided a little.

Wow. Thats amazing. Can I touch it?

Your Highness Arsen. Of course you can.

I havent had much to do with the Ministry of Magic yet. Its my first time seeing it here outside of an event, so its really amazing.


Dilaina, who couldnt bear to watch any longer, called out to Arsen. Did the child really not know why he couldnt go to the Ministry of Magic? It was because the head of the department, Wesleigh, was Gales lackey.

Mind your manners. Sir Ian is not a jester, so refrain from any further rudeness.

Arsen let out a short exclamation, as if he had just realized something. But Ian denied it, waving his hand.

No, its not like that. Your Highness. Today is a very happy day for me, and I want to give His Highness a happy memory too.

If not for this excuse, when would he ever be able to see the faces of the twin princes up close? Arsen smiled brightly at Ians words and clung to him.

Thank you for saying that!

He was certainly innocent. He was like a child of the collateral line who grew up completely unaware of the power struggle for the throne. Ian examined Arsens face from forehead to chin, checking for any injuries.

There is no sign.


Just then, the emperor, who had been sitting quietly, let out a rough cough. His breathing became ragged, and Mariv was the first to rush over and gently pat his fathers back.

Your Majesty, are you alright?


Lets take Imperial Father inside first.

Yes, Your Highness Mariv.

The chamberlain, following Marivs orders, supported the emperor, and Dilaina soon followed him. Regardless, Gale remained calm, sitting on the sofa and blowing on his fingertips.

Arsen, come here and stop bothering Sir Ian.

Dilaina, who was going outside, called out to her son. Arsen stomped his feet impatiently, but followed his mother out. However, there was one more name that should have come out of Dilainas mouth.

Your Highness Jin.

Ian called out to Jin, who was sitting quietly in the corner. Silver hair and blue eyes. The childs face showed no emotion.

Jin. Shouldnt you go too?

At Gales soft question, Jin stood up from his chair without saying a word. Not that he particularly wanted to be anywhere.

Your Highness.

Ian called out to Jin cautiously. Ians eyes had returned to green in the meantime.

If youre okay with it, would it be okay for me to show you around? When I came in with the chamberlain, the corridor was a bit dark.

Ian noticed that Jin was the only one who stayed put when the children of the imperial family gathered one by one. He just turned his head this way, as if he didnt feel like he could join in, and didnt move a muscle.

Do as you wish.

Thank you.


As Ian rose from his seat, Gale called out to him. Then he nodded his head as if to tell him to come back. Ian bowed with a smile and soon walked out the door with Jins two attendants.

Ziiing. Ziiing.

Look at this. Its brighter than a lantern.

Ian opened his magic and walked with Jin. Jin pretended to look ahead, but kept glancing sideways. If Arsen was seeing magic for the first time, then Jin must be seeing it for the first time too.

There is no skin sign that Jin could have a scar either.

Ian was trying to be careful to examine his face in detail, but it seemed to come across differently to Jin. He was walking well when he suddenly stopped and turned to Ian.

Sir Ian.

Yes, Your Highness.

Can I touch it?

My magic? Of course you can.

Ian knelt down and met Jins eyes, and soon created an even warmer magic. The childs face was lit up by the warm light that rose up softly.


So this is what Arsen saw earlier.

Jin involuntarily exclaimed and manipulated the magic. A smile appeared on the childs face at the soft touch that passed between his fingers. The attendants were also seeing Jins smile for the first time in a long time.


Ian, who was watching it up close, stopped. He noticed that Jins left cheek dimpled when he smiled, even though he looked exactly like Arsen.

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