Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 452 Where is that Quack doctor!

Chapter 452 Where is that Quack doctor!

"Why wait a month, Doctor?" Liu Ling'er's voice quivered slightly, laced with a blend of intrigue and mild impatience. Her eyes sought his with the intensity of a detective on the brink of cracking a case.

"Doctor?" Her voice tinged with unease when he didn't immediately respond.

She had harbored doubts about this doctor, whose youthful face seemed more suited to pop idol posters than the hallowed halls of medicine.

But after witnessing his near-miraculous ministrations, her skepticism had evaporated like morning mist in the sun.

With the gentle air of an artist adding the final brushstroke to a masterpiece, Zhang Wei rested his hands atop her head.

Afterwards, with a surprisingly tender gesture, he stroked her head, which caught her completely off guard

Her surprise was evident, a soft gasp escaping her lips.

Zhang Wei, "The poison lurking within you is like a particularly bad house guest—overstaying its welcome. Healing both your legs at once would provoke it to a tantrum, and we might find your legs... expressing their discontent, quite explosively," he insinuated, the corners of his mouth twitching with the shadow of an omnious possibity.


"W-What!?" Liu Ling'er's mouth dropped open—a portrait of comical shock, as if she'd just discovered her fortune cookie was calorie-free.

In a swift motion, Zhang Wei reached out and gently pinched her mouth closed, his fingers careful yet firm, like someone silencing a sparrow's chirp.


"Don't be too startled just yet. We must wait at least a month before we attempt to heal your left leg. For now, a thorough assessment of your right leg is imperative," Zhang Wei stated, laying out the plan with a tone of certainty.

"Doctor Zhang, you mentioned poison. Who would want to poison me?" Liu Ling'er's words carried a tinge of embarrassment as she felt the patronizing pats on her head.

Being near the cusp of nineteen and treated with such paternalistic care by a man who didn't look much older was disconcerting, igniting a bashful warmth within her.

"Who could poison you?" Zhang Wei echoed her inquiry, slightly taken aback. He didn't have a definitive answer, at least not one he was ready to share.

The truth was, he had an inkling. The nature of the poison, tailored to obstruct meridians, hinted at the involvement of a cultivator.

And with a sect now looming over the Liu family, threatening them for riches in exchange for a cure, it was clear to him that these events were more than mere happenstance.

For a moment, Zhang Wei allowed himself a shred of professional admiration for the cunning strategy at play.

It was an approach he hadn't considered himself—an oversight he found worthy trying once!

Zhang Wei's expertise in the medicinal arts of Li Shan was profound.

He had the capability to unleash a poison that could traverse the globe, leaving him as the sole possessor of the antidote.

Yet such methods of extortion were not his style—too laborious, too slow for his liking.

Liu Ling'er, observing the myriad of expressions that traversed his face, was oblivious to the inner workings of his mind.

Had she known the depth of his thoughts, she might have been more wary.

But as it was, she could only feel a mingling of apprehension when he turned his attention back to her.

"Do you suspect anyone who could poison you, even to the extent of ending your life?" he asked, his question sharp and direct. He had his suspicions about the involvement of the Gu sect, but there had to be a traitor closer to home.

"...Someone who wants to kill me..." The gravity of that realization washed over Liu Ling'er, her complexion turning a shade paler as her world shifted on its axis.

Zhang Wei noted her reaction, her lack of surprise, and he was about to delve deeper when—



His phone interrupted the moment, causing a slight crease of annoyance on his forehead. Was it that defiant girl again?

He half-expected it to be Hu Ning, ready at last to face the consequences he had set for her.

But it wasn't her. As he glanced at the screen, his expression shifted to one of curiosity—it was Zhou Jiajia calling.

Answering the call with an easy smile, Zhang Wei's expression soon shifted to one of confusion. "Returned back to Azlaterra? When?" The news seemed to catch him off guard.

Zhou Jiajia's voice came through with a hint of bewilderment. "I-I have no idea; she just disappeared and only now contacted me."

Zhang Wei fell silent.

Could it be that the woman was so dreaded about her pregnancy that she chose to flee the country?

After wrapping up the call with his 'little idol', a term of endearment for Zhou Jiajia, he hung up, only to meet the gaze of Liu Ling'er, whose smile was tinged with curiosity.

"Doctor Zhang... Your wife, she is pregnant?" Liu Ling'er inquired, her smile broadening. She couldn't exactly leap out the window to give him privacy—not with her legs still recovering—and so she'd overheard.

"Um?" He looked at Liu Ling'er, then casually corrected her assumption. "Not my wife, but yes, you are right—my wife is also pregnant."



The statement seemed to tangle Liu Ling'er's thoughts into knots. "What...!!!" It took a moment for the pieces to fall into place in her mind, and when they did, her eyes widened in astonishment.

Zhang Wei's smile widened, almost enjoying the visible impact of his words on her.



"Doctor Zhang, may I say something?" After a brief awkward silence, Liu Ling'er ventured with hesitation coloring her voice.

"Say," Zhang Wei responded, his tone inviting.

Liu Ling'er mustered her courage. "Although you are quite skilled... You seem to be a bit of a scoundrel at heart."

"..." Zhang Wei was taken aback for a moment, a silence stretching between them as he registered her candid observation.


Right next second, Liu Ling'er let out a yelp, more from surprise than pain, as Zhang Wei's fingers closed around her ears with playful firmness. "Let me give you a proper demonstration of a scoundrel," he smirked, the twinkle in his eye betraying the omnious words.

Her initial shock softened into a reluctant smile, even as she tried to maintain a facade of annoyance. "This... This isn't very doctorly behavior," she protested, though her tone lacked any real disapproval.

Zhang Wei was about to release her, when—


"Where is that quack doctor!"

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