Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 435 Falls over Big Brother’s Legs! Begs for Mercy!

435 Falls over Big Brother's Legs! Begs for Mercy!


"Why do you keep falling over my legs?"

"I've told you, mercy won't be granted until next month."

"..haaa.... haaa..." Mo Yuxin, her breath ragged and her skin flushed, collapsed naked, clutching his legs for support.

Meanwhile, Zhang Wei perched on the chair, his presence looming over her, his smile dripping with malice as if he enjoyed her weakness.

"How about this: you dance for me, and I'll cut our agreement to just one day?" Zhang Wei unexpectedly proposed, his eyes glinting with anticipation.


Before Mo Yuxin could utter a sound, he silenced her with a single gesture, pressing a finger to her trembling lips. "Shh! I'll still compensate you in full," he murmured, his tone laced with a dangerous promise.

"??" Clarity slowly dawned in Mo Yuxin's eyes. "Y-You would?" she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper, filled with a mix of disbelief and desperate hope.

"Yes, I would, but do you even know that dance type?" Zhang Wei asked, his voice laced with a conspiratorial tone that sent shivers down Mo Yuxin's spine.

"Somehow, seeing this girl like this was pleasing," he mused to himself, enjoying the moment.

"Which type?" Mo Yuxin inquired, her voice a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

Having already been taken advantage of, she resigned herself to the inevitable, willing to endure a few steps of humiliation.

She glanced up at Zhang Wei with a glimmer of hope, but as his lips moved, the words that spilled out left her utterly stunned.

"Show me—the dance of your life!" he announced.


Silence filled the room.

Mo Yuxin couldn't help but inhale a cold breath, her expression shattering like glass.



As Lisa leisurely strolled down the hallway, her attention consumed by her phone, a foreign voice pierced the air, causing her brows to furrow in curiosity.

"You are...?" Lisa's inquired, her eyes narrowing as they settled on a woman clad in a denim jacket, struggling to contain her generous curves—the twin mountains suffocated within the barriers of clothes, struggling to catch a glimpse of the outside world.

"Shi Jingjing?" The name rolled off Lisa's tongue, triggered by a faint memory of Zhang Wei's mention of an impending visitor.

Though she hadn't anticipated someone of such allure, Lisa couldn't suppress a pang of envy, wondering what cosmic favor had bestowed upon Shi Jingjing such enviable assets.

"Uh, yes, that's me!" Shi Jingjing blurted out, her words rushed and jittery, oblivious to the scrutiny radiating from Lisa's gaze.

Her nerves tingled as she took in the grandeur of the surroundings, feeling somewhat dwarfed by the opulence.

"Oh," Lisa nodded in acknowledgment, stepping forward with an outstretched hand. "I'm Lisa, the chairman's aide."

Shi Jingjing grasped Lisa's hand, her palm clammy with nervousness, her eyes darting around the lavish surroundings. "Chairman's aide? But Senior Brother Zhang asked me to meet you?"

Confusion etched Shi Jingjing's features as she struggled to comprehend why she was being ushered directly to the chairman.

All she had sought was a meeting with the senior who had once saved her life from the clutches of Wang Haoran's henchmen.

Observing Shi Jingjing's appearance, Lisa's tone carried a hint of hesitancy as she broached the subject with care, her gaze flickering with uncertainty. "Umm... Did your senior not tell you anything else?"

"Huh?...No." Shi Jingjing found herself at a loss for words, With a slow, almost reluctant shake of her head, she admitted her ignorance, a shadow of unease creeping into her heart.

The grandeur of the skyscraper they had entered loomed over Shi Jingjing, its opulence weighing down on her spirit.

Each step she took felt heavier than the last, a testament to her unease and the unpreparedness that stared down at her.

"The Chairman... Is your senior brother," Lisa finally disclosed, her face betraying no emotion, as if she were merely stating the fact of the sky being blue.



Shi Jingjing's reaction was instantaneous!

It was as if she had been doused in icy water, the cold reality of the situation setting in.

"Senior brother is the chairman!?" she echoed, her voice a mixture of astonishment and surpise.

The pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together, yet the image they formed was one she had not anticipated.

Meanwhile, Zhang Wei, preoccupied with his own good 'deeds', spared a moment to reflect on the peculiar turn of events that had led Shi Jingjing into his life.

Their connection, initially sparked by a chance encounter and maintained through WeChat, had been one of casual acquaintance.

Until now, he had shrouded his true identity in mystery, choosing to reveal nothing substantial about himself.

It was only upon her request for assistance that he had summoned her here, setting the stage for today's meeting.

Shi Jingjing, who had harbored assumptions of Zhang Wei's affluence, found herself reeling from the truth.

This was no mere wealth; it was a realm far beyond her wildest imaginations!

It was a world where women threw themselves in Zhang Wei's path, eager to be trampled upon by him!

And all for what?

Compensation, of course!

They would stop at nothing but to hug to the brother's thigh!

As the information began to settle in, Shi Jingjing found herself momentarily adrift in a sea of confusion, her mind trying to navigate the vast ocean of implications.

With a flick of confusion, she attempted to anchor herself back to reality. "Ah? Sorry but I didn't get it, you mean senior brother Zhang Wei owns this whole place?" Her tone was laced with skepticism, as if she was asking whether Zhang Wei also moonlighted as a superhero.

Lisa's face took on a seriousness that could rival a judge in a courtroom, yet the twinkle in her eye betrayed a hint of amusement.

Observing Shi Jingjing was akin to watching a kitten wander into a lion's den, utterly oblivious.

With a nod that carried the weight of confirmation, Lisa couldn't suppress a chuckle, "Yes, unless there's a secret society of Zhang Weis we don't know about," she teased, before quickly adding, "Sorry, it's not possible for another one to exist." Her amusement was evident, yet there was an underlying seriousness to her clarification.


"Hm? Why?" Shi Jingjing's curiosity was piqued, her gaze fixed on Lisa as if the latter had just suggested Zhang Wei was the secret inventor of flying cars.

Lisa's expression momentarily stiffened, as if she had accidentally disclosed the existence of said brother's might.

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