Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 356 Sister-In-Law — Feels The Might Of Heavenly Dragon! (1)

On the windswept terrace of the Xiong Household, the night air was a cold, invisible intruder.


Xiong Rui shivered, her skin prickling with goosebumps, as she stole a glance at Zhang Wei. Despite the biting chill, he stood unaffected, his silhouette a stoic contrast against the moonlit sky. 'Does he not feel cold?' she wondered, her breath forming tiny clouds in the air.Please visit website to read fastest update

"I do feel cold," Zhang Wei replied, his voice calm, startling her. His words seemed to dance with the same rhythm as her silent musings.


He pivoted gracefully, a half-smile playing on his lips as her eyes darted away. "I can help you warm up, you know..." His tone was laced with amusement and an unspoken promise, his movements fluid as he effortlessly lifted her, placing her securely between his legs.

"Huh?" Xiong Rui's heart skipped a beat, her mind a whirlpool of confusion and surprise. As his arms enveloped her waist, a comforting fortress against the cold, she involuntarily bit her lip. "I, I don't need you to warm me up," she stammered, her voice a fragile whisper.

Zhang Wei, seemingly unfazed, simply nodded. "Oh," he replied, then added with a suggestive wink, "Then shall we directly move to the climax?"


Xiong Rui's eyes widened at his bold words, a surge of embarrassment washing over her. "What are you talking about?" she asked, her voice rising slightly, the implication of his words not lost on her.

Zhang Wei chuckled softly, his breath warm against her ear. "I'm talking about our conversation, of course. What were you thinking?" he teased, enjoying the flustered reaction he had elicited from her.

Xiong Rui felt a mix of relief and annoyance at his clarification. She wasn't sure whether to be relieved that he wasn't suggesting something more inappropriate or irritated at being played with.

She decided to redirect the conversation. "Let's just talk, okay? No more of your... suggestions," she said, trying to regain some semblance of control over the situation.

Muffled moans escaped her lips, hindered by the intensity of his advances.

Her face flushed with desire, her eyes clouded with a haze of pleasure. Zhang Wei held her tightly, unrelenting in his exploration, violating her innocent mouth with fierce passion.

"Huff... Huff..." As he abruptly left her, Xiong Rui's gaze remained fixed on his face. Her cheeks blushed crimson, and her eyes glistened with a hint of moisture.

She desperately wanted to speak, her quivering lips betraying her struggle, but no words escaped her.

She ultimately chose to stay silent.

Zhang Wei's smirk widened, further intensifying her embarrassment.


His hand still lingered within her, and he cruelly pinched her nipple, causing her to let out a surprised yelp.

'Why is he always so roughe?' her mind raced, leaving her speechless.

Zhang Wei taunted, "Tsk, did you come here all alone without wearing any underwear? Were you expecting me....?" Inwardly, he acknowledged that Xiong Rui often went without bra while at home, based on their previous encounters.

Xiong Rui found herself utterly speechless, overwhelmed with emotions.

Despite her flushed cheeks, an unwavering determination emanated from her as she mustered the courage to ask, "How much money did you give my sister?"

Zhang Wei regarded Xiong Rui with a mixture of surprise and intrigue at her sudden assertiveness. The faint hint of a smirk played at the corners of his mouth. "Brave, aren't you?" he remarked. "But you seem to misunderstand the situation. This isn't about money or transactions. I'm not someone who trades in lives like commodities."

"Mhm," Xiong Rui acknowledged softly, her lips pressed firmly together. A myriad of emotions flickered across her face as she weighed her next words carefully.

With a newfound resolve, she turned to face him fully, her hands finding their way to his chest. She looked up into his eyes, her own brimming with a mixture of determination and vulnerability.

"Take me instead of my sister," she proposed, her voice laced with a pleading tone. "Leave my family out of this. Give me five years, and I'll repay everything. Just... just leave us alone."

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