Chapter 991 - Love Rivals.

Li Xue raised her brows. "An unsaid promise! What's that, Mr. Driver?" She asked and Du Fan immediately scratched the back of his head.

"Madam, that was just a slip of tongue. There is nothing." He immediately thought to defend himself but he knew this excuse wouldn't satisfy the lady. And as he expected, Li Xue didn't intend to remove her gaze from him. Instead, her eyes squinted at him as if reading his thoughts even without him telling about it on his own.

"Mr. Driver, why do I feel like even after you promise your sincerity to me, you are still on the side of your Master. If you would be like that, I wouldn't want to torture you more. So later when I would meet him, I will ask him to take you back. That would be nice, wouldn't it?"

She said with a sympathetic smile and Du Fan frantically shook his head. "No, no, Madam, I have been sincere to your side more. It's just that my information may not be too right since I am no longer following Young Master around."

"Information? I just asked you about that unsaid promise, but seeing you adding more I can see there are more things into it. Interesting!" She said and Du Fan felt like he was more getting entangled into things. The more he felt denying, the more he was giving the things out to the lady.

Not knowing how more to escape, he finally thought to give up and reveal everything. His features turned defeated as Li Xue gave him another opportunity.

"Mr. Driver, so give me the details of the unsaid promise first and then later also about the information you were talking. Don't worry, I would always remember that what you said might not be cent percent authentic as you no longer follow your Young Master around." She said and even if it sounded good, Du Fan could no longer be sure of it.

But anyway, he didn't have any other choice as well. Showing his sincerity to the lady seemed the only way, so nodding to her, he revealed, "Madam, don't take me wrong, but before you appeared, Young Master has always been more into silence. Even to know his orders we had to read his gestures and gazes. So from there, I got into the habit of reading his expressions. I might not have excelled the skill, but this has been something that has come with my experience."

"When earlier he turned to face the road at the front, I have seen his determined eyes in the mirror and there was an unsaid promise for you in it. Piecing his words along with that expression only meant one thing." He said and his words sounded like a girl confessing his understanding and feeling for his crush.

If Li Xue wouldn't have known the driver from before, she might have thought that there could be some deep feeling for his master in his heart. But knowing his faithfulness towards Shufen, she could understand from where this depth of their relationship was coming. It was right when he said that it took years to get built up.

"And what's that one thing?" She said, already getting all engrossed in his words.

Du Fan hesitated at first and then revealed later. "A promise to deal with your rivals on your behalf."

Li Xue paused for a moment as her eyes grew a little suspicious at his chosen words. "My rivals? Exactly who?"

Was the driver talking about Wen Sying? But wasn't she already dealt with?

"Madam, from rivals I mean your love rivals." Before Du Fan has not found it appropriate to mention it as 'love rivals', so had chosen just to say it as 'rivals'. But when heard the lady asking with more clarity, he could only be direct.

"Love rivals? As in the relationship of me and your Young Master?" Li Xue asked, confirming what she has heard. "Have I got any?"

Du Fan shook his head. "No, Madam. It's not from the side of Young Master. He has only you in his life and even before you, there was no one." He said trying his best to defend Shufen's stance; feeling panicked that his wrong choice of words might cause differences in the couple's relationship. "It's just that the family is too complicated where everyday new plans get planned against him and his wishes."

Li Xue heard him well. Even on the mention of the love rivals, she never got the thought to blame Feng Shufen. Might be because her trust in him has exceeded that level. She might get jealous over him. But wasn't the taste of vinegar already too common in the lover relationships? Especially when you know that you are possessive of your partner.

"So, do you mean his family is setting him up with someone?" She asked to confirm the thoughts she was having in her mind. Though she had not given much thought, still now hearing the driver mention it, she couldn't fail to remember what Chen Rui had earlier said about the complications in the Feng family. So it was indeed true.

Du Fan's facial features turned serious as well. "Though I couldn't be too sure about it Madam, there is an air in between the relatives to pair up Young Master with some maiden of profitable family."

"But didn't they already been informed about me in his life?" Li Xue was curious to know how far his family and the relatives know about her.

Du Fan nodded. "Yes, Madam. They know about you and young little miss. But still focusing more on their profits, they are trying their best to ignore the facts. They are all weaving their plots against you and Young Master. But Young Master is always coming to a step ahead of them. And also, the Old Master of the family is not giving any heed to their proposals. So, they are falling weak. But …"

Before he could continue to complete his say, Li Xue helped in out, almost understanding the scenario.. "But you doubt that this might not continue for long."

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