Chapter 948 - The Devil Supreme.

The next morning, Li Xue was still tucked under the blanket when her lashes flickered to regain the consciousness. The memories from the last night flashed to her unconscious vision on their own. Though the happening were still a bit blurry to her, the fragments of their talks were still clear to her ears.

Her lips slightly curled up in a smile as slowly, she opened her eyes to look at the side; all sure that the view of the start of the morning may not disappoint her. But her brows tugged in a frown when it got the view of no one beside her.

Keeping her brows tugged, she twisted a little to look around but her movements halted because of the sudden pain she felt in her lower region. "Ahh!" she winced but soon recovered from it.

That pain was the surety of one thing. Last night was no lie. Things definitely had happened and she was … Suddenly her thoughts paused as she realized something major that she was missing amid.

Wasn't she drugged last night? Then, could it that she has taken things wrongly and … Almost ready to break into frets, Li Xue looked around but nothing in the room gave her the hints. Everything there just looked perfectly clean as someone has come to tidy it up.

Almost there, Li Xue was about to believe herself doing the wrongs under the effect of the drug. But at the right moment, the door of the room was heard getting unlocked and her eyes caught the sight of Feng Shufen entering inside. Her heart that has accelerated moments ago calmed just at the sight of him.

"So, it was really you." She sighed with some relief and at her words, Feng Shufen briefly raised his brows.

"Were you expecting someone else?" He asked with a bit of a stern face.

Li Xue smiled and shook her head. "Nope, I was just confirming the things." She then looked around to ask, "The room seems clean. Seems like I didn't make much mess last night".

Feng Shufen's eyes as well turned around to look before returning to look at the bed to say. "The things happened on the bed." He said with a straight face and given his straight expressions; it took some time for Li Xue to comprehend it.

And when she did, her face flushed red as her cheeks felt hot. She could no longer bear to look at the man, so avoiding his eyes she looked away only to caught with her own reflection in a distant mirror. And the sight was enough to tell her the stories from the last night.

Not just her flushed expression but the marks on her neck were also the evidence of the night from which she could no longer run away.

"How are you feeling now?" She heard the man ask and his question instantly gave her the urge to dig a hole in the floor to hide herself.

Does he still need to ask that? Wasn't it already obvious looking at her?

Nodding, she responded, "Mhm. I am alright" Then looking she added, "But yesterday, I got to realize that I didn't give you the name of Beelzebub without any reason. You deserve to be called that."

Feng Shufen frowned but just when he was ready to apologize, Li Xue smiled, remembering something. And remembering it, she could no longer hold her laughter.

"What happened?" Not understanding her such laughter, the man asked and Li Xue just shook her head to say.

"Nothing, I just remembered something from the last night. They say not even my angels can come to help me out and they were right about it. But what they didn't know is that I am living with the Devil Supreme. Why would I need angels to come to my rescue when I have you?" She said and laughed on her own.

And looking at her, laughing like that, Feng Shufen enjoyed the sight. Then reaching out near her, he tugged a strand behind her ears to say, "I am sorry, I got there late. If only I would have been there on time, then …"

It wasn't tough for Li Xue to guess his next words, so interrupting him at the right time, she said immediately, "Then I might not have gotten drugged and we wouldn't have gotten the chance to see our passion on the bed." She said and only once her words were out, did she realize what actually she has said.

But it was already too late. Feng Shufen's expression already changed as his gaze became heated at Li Xue. But just when Li Xue was expecting him to say something that could send tingles down her spine, the man looked away to avoid her face.

She was confused. Wasn't this something that looked out of the script? Was she too bad yesterday? That seems believable since it was her first time and she was working on the instincts that the drug gave her.

Li Xue tried to look at the man to see the man's expressions, however, Feng Shufen has turned his back at her and it was tough for her to look at him. But still reaching out to hold the hands of the man, she asked, "What happened?"

Feng Shufen shook his head. "It's nothing. Go and put on your dress. I have kept it prepared for you there." He said, gesturing for her to look at a distant table where there was a new set of a casual outfit.

Not quite understanding she was reached out to hold his hand to finally ask but before she could the man turned around to say on his own, "Since the beast inside me has already tasted the blood now, I may not be able to control it for longer. After yesterday night I am sure you would need some time to get adapted to my strength. So go and change first, before I lose it." He said and his words made Li Xue's thoughts freeze for the moment.

When she recovered, she could only say 'oh' before looking away.

Feng Shufen looked at her like that and felt more urge to prove her thoughts wrong once again. He couldn't believe the lessons last night were not good enough otherwise how could she still dare to doubt herself. All this while he has not failed to look at her changing expressions in the distant mirror. And from her expressions, it wasn't hard to guess her thoughts.

"You should go first and change. We need to go somewhere from here." He said, breaking the ice that has formed suddenly between them. And Li Xue nodded to him before getting up from the bed wrapped in the blanket.

Not even for once, she dared to turn back to look at the man, even though she could feel the man's gaze on her back. Reaching out to take her clothes, she at once reached the door of the washroom. But before getting inside, she asked, "By the way, where are we going from here?"

"To the Civil Marriage Bureau." Feng Shufen nonchalantly said.

And nodding to him without much expression, Li Xue responded with an 'oh' again before getting in the washroom and closing the door after. Of course, after last night of their extreme activity, she was not ready for a morning round of it.. She wouldn't dare to tease the Devil inside him, or else she wouldn't be able to handle his beast later.

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