Chapter 899 - He Failed.

Though earlier he knew that his son was just to play a tease game with Li Xue, still what he heard him say was something that brought him to think about Li Xue's concern. Earlier he may not be ready to accept the girl in his life, but now he couldn't be sure of the same, given how every time he feels the tug of adorement towards her.

So thinking in favor of her, Shin Tinming couldn't control asking Feng Shufen out for a word.

"Shufen, in the past I know a lot has happened between us, but amid all that, I still want to ask you a favor. I hope that later in life, you treasure Xue with all your means. No matter whatever comes your way". Shin Tinming said and in his voice, there was a desperate request that was a little shocking to hear, given the authority he holds in general.

But seeing the nonchalant attitude of Feng Shufen towards those words, he didn't seem fazed a bit. It was like he was too casual to those words.

Shin Tinming didn't mind his casualness. Keeping his attitude still softer, he continued, "I know in the family and position you stand, it will be both tough for you as well as her, I still ask you to be supportive of her at every step.. Be with her the same way you are with her today. Always!" He said, finally reaching the full stop of his intent.

Feng Shufen smiled faintly but then leaning slightly close to the front, he asked in a voice that was barely above the whisper. "His Majesty is requesting this to me as what? As the person whose life was saved by my wife? Or …" He paused as his eyes turned sharply meaningfully at him to add, "Or as the father who has just come to know the existence of his daughter?"

He said and his words shocked Shin Tinming to his core. His face paled a bit while his brows furrowed looking at Feng Shufen. Unable to form any thought or words to say he remained silent just looking at him.

"…" Feng Shufen as well didn't hurry, rather remained like that looking at him, allowing him to take all the time he needed. It has not been hard for him to guess that the identity of Li Xue has already been revealed in the palace. Though internally everyone seemed to be hiding it from one another, almost everyone knows the truth.

"Shufen, does she know as well?" After a while, that one question only came. While asking about it, Shin Tinming looked haggard, like he had lost half of his life's energy in just a few minutes. He could not dare to think what would happen if anyone came to know about it, especially Li Xue and Chen Rui.

Feng Shufen stared at him like that and could not help but give a slight smirk before turning to go. But before he could even take a step ahead, he was held back by the man with some urgency.

"Shufen, tell me. Does she know in as well?" Shin Tinming asked again. His tone, a bit scared of hearing the truth but at the same time desperate enough to know it as well.

Tilting his head slightly to look back at His Majesty over his shoulders, Feng Shufen barely revealed, "She is not interested in the person who never came for her when she needed him the most. When she got tortured both mentally and physically." He said and then without wasting any minute, he left.

Shin Tinming has no words to say. He remained there standing, bracing himself for the mistakes he did without even realizing in his life. All his life he cared to give justice to everyone, yet today, he came to understand he has been unjust to not just himself but also the closed people around him. He failed. Even though the failure was something that didn't strike him directly, still it left the effects from which he would never be able to recover.


Soon after some time, Li Xue and Feng Shufen were on their way back to Little Carnations. Little Li Wei was already asleep comfortably on the lap of Li Xue. Since she has missed her afternoon nap today, an early sleep for the night was bound to come to her.

Du Fan was driving ahead, dwelling with his own confusion. But his confusion was not something that would be changing for some time. Because no matter from wherever he starts studying things, he couldn't find the answer that could reason out everything.

Everything was silent and Li Xue could clearly hear the sound of WeiWei breathing on her lap. Her hands were habitually patting on her back, keeping her in her warm embrace. Though the silence was soothing, the questions going inside her were making her a bit restless to know everything.

Not able to take it any longer, she turned to look at Feng Shufen, keeping a check on her slight movements so that the little one didn't wake up. He has as well kept his head back on the seat for rest while his eyes were closed. Though he looked like he was sleeping, Li Xue knew he was just resting and not actually sleeping.

"Mr. Beelzebub, what are you hiding from me?" She asked and at her sudden askance, Feng Shufen opened his eyes to? look at her. His eyes were staring at her with an expression of blankness, like he wasn't able to understand what she was talking about.


"Don't feign innocence like that. I could clearly feel and see that there was a secret talk going on between you, His Majesty, and Ma. What was all that about? What are you hiding from me?" Li Xue asked and her question to Feng Shufen gave some hope to Du Fan that he might be getting some hints about his confusion as well.

Feng Shufen's expression changed. He twisted on the seat a bit as he looked at Li Xue to ask. His expression was nonchalant on the surface but chaotic inside. "What do you want to hear?" He asked and Li Xue squinted her eyes at him.

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