Mama's Princess is Daddy's Beloved

Chapter 1239 Do you still want to hear my confession, darling?

Chapter 1239 Do you still want to hear my confession, darling?

Earlier Li Xue had heard the leader saying that Jing Wei Jin had let out a statement of warning in his field stating that any harm shouldn't come her way. And although it seemed simple if looked through the protective stance of the man, she knew there was something more about it. Because even if Jing Wei Jin was very protective of her, he would still never take an intimidating step until it was very necessary.

Staring up at the man, Li Xue waited to hear him. But when he seemed to feign confusion to her words, Li Xue didn't think twice before killing his escaping passage. "I heard you have given a word out warning every other person against putting their hands on me. I just want to know your reason behind it. Care to explain without feigning that not so real confusion."

She said as her eyes fixed more intently on the man, waiting to hear his words. Jing Wei Jin let go of her hand before shrugging his shoulders. "Explain to you what? Do you still want to hear my confession, my darling? I thought my gestures towards you were enough to tell you how much I love and care for you."

He said and Li Xue just pursed her lips before rolling her eyes. "I am being serious, Mr. Jing. Can you also be the same?"

Jing Wei Jin chuckled, "And what made you think that I am not? Definitely, I am serious. I have always been serious. It's just that you never took my emotions seriously. See, how hurt I am but you don't care. You have the concern for that driver but not for me." He said and Li Xue stared at him before shaking her head internally.

Although she knew that there was something the man was hiding, she also knew that no matter what she would do, he won't let it out until he would want to.

"Since there is nothing, you can help me with at the moment, please go back and rest." Li Xue said and then turned back to leave, leaving the man standing there with a complicated expression. Maybe he didn't see her giving up that easily.

Jing Wei Jin stared at the back of Li Xue as she walked away from him. And just as she was about to get away, he halted her to say, "Be careful. It's not like I don't want to warn you against your enemies, darling."

Li Xue paused in her steps as she heard. But she didn't turn to look back. Instead, she just stood there hearing him with her back towards him. Since she had halted in her steps, it was evident that she had heard him. So, Jing Wei Jin further added.

"It's just that I am still in the dark and would need some time to get to know who actually is after your life. So, until then stay careful and safe. I and Feng Shufen could only keep our men around you, at the end of the day, it has to be you who has to be serious enough to stay safe." He said and, in his words, the desperateness could easily be heard.

After today's incident, Li Xue has also understood this one thing. People could only provide you with their care and protection, but at the end of the day, one's safety still depends on their own hands; in their own choices. Only if today, she had not tricked her bodyguards, the situation wouldn't have turned out as serious as it had.

After hearing Jing Wei Jin's words, Li Xue didn't say more. Instead, she walked in the direction of the ward where Du Fan was wheeled earlier. On walking there, Liu Xue looked at Shin You Jun standing there and talking with Shen Bingling.

Thinking of something in her head, she walked toward him asking, "Earlier, did anyone call and reported all this to the family?"

Shin You Jun looked at her before tilting slightly to check behind her and shaking her head. While Shen Bingling just nodded accepting her deeds. "I did that in panic. But I didn't say anything to my father but rather has just asked my bodyguards to reach me soon. If he would have been busy in his office, I am sure he might not have cared to look for me."

Li Xu nodded. "Great! Since no one knows it, you two better not let them hear about it. I don't want them to get worried for me."

"Heh! You are still asking me to keep my mouth shut? No way. I would tell Ma and Pa about it. Today was serious. It's better to inform them. They would look at the threat better than us." Shin You Jun said and for some reason, Li Xue was expecting him to be like this.

Luckily, she had thought of a way for him beforehand. Otherwise, now she would have nothing to stop this prince brother of hers. Nodding to the boy, she agreed to go according to his thoughts. "Fin, since you have thought it through, let's go and tell them. After that, I will also reveal to them the incident that happened in your college." She said and Shin You Jun frowned looking at her.

"Incident? What incident are you talking about? And what happened in my college" He asked, not understanding what the woman was talking about.

Li Xue didn't say everything outwardly, instead, taking her good time she shrugged her shoulders in nonchalance to say, "The bike race. Nothing more. Since it's better to let them know all of it, I would better not hide these things as well. After all, they would not feel good knowing that I raced at your university with one of your classmates. I better brace myself to take their snaps of scolding."

She said, blinking her eyes innocently at him, and for a moment, Shin You Jun was there about to believe in her words as well. But luckily at the right time, he remembered what had actually happened that day.

"You … why are you making it sound like it was me who has forced you to do this? Hasn't it been your plan in the first place?" He asked and Li Xue only shrugged her shoulders denying it.

"How could that be? I was at your college, your classmates and also, it was your bike that we used. How could it be my plan? It wasn't mine." Li Xue said and Shin You Jun only felt himself choking on his breath.

"You are being too crafty. Are you really going to blackmail me into giving up reporting the things to Ma and Pa?"

Li Xue smiled. "I am just suggesting a way to not get them worried. If you want to still reveal it, I could only help you reveal it all at once. That way the blow of things would only come once and the damage could be shared equally."

She said and at her words of ease like that, Shin You Jun only wanted to stomp his foot hard on the ground. He gritted his teeth before clenching his fist to say. "As if I care. Go and tell whatever you want to tell. I would make sure to reveal it all to Ma and Pa as well." He said and then walked off.

Li Xue just pressed her lips and controlled her laughter. Once again, she successfully ruled it. But this was necessary, today's incident was really something serious. And it was only better if not many people knew about it.

Then turning to look at Shen Bingling, she said, "Princess Shen, it's already late. Please go back and rest. We will meet again someday." She said while the princess looked doubtfully in the direction where Shin you Jun had left.

So, do I have to talk about the things or not?" She asked, and Li Xue's brows tugged in confusion at first, but then realizing it, she turned to look in the direction where her brother had left. "Nope, you don't have to. You Jun would not be saying it all. And it's only better if we not let many people worry about it."

"But Li Xue are you sure you would be able to handle it alone? I mean what happened today was serious." Shen Bingling was still feeling the hair on her skin rising, remembering how the bullet almost touched her.

Li Xue's lips curled up bitterly but then shaking her head she said, "I would not be alone. Even though I wouldn't let Ma and Pa know about it, up until now, everything must be reported to my boyfriend. Once he knows about it, I won't be alone. He would be there with me."

She said and once again at her words like that, a curiosity to know Li Xue's boyfriend rose in the heart of Shen Bingling. She looked at Li Xue and asked, "Is he not here?"

Li Xue smiled and then shook her head, "Not yet. He has gone out of the country for some work, but I am sure he will be returning soon. Especially after he would know what happened here today."

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