Mama's Princess is Daddy's Beloved

Chapter 1216 Bitter melons could only come from the vines of their kind.

Chapter 1216 Bitter melons could only come from the vines of their kind.

Everyone went silent at the words of Chen Rui. Whispers rose in the air as most of them turned to seek each other's opinions. While Shen Donghai and Shen Bingling sat nonchalantly there, not surprised by the words of the queen, others felt it still hard to believe.

Chen Rui's lips curled up as her expressions got obviously sharp. Looking at each of the people who stood up with their questions, she said again, "You all look surprised. But I remember sending a word of this around our family. Have you all not heard our word?" Her tone seemed that of surprise. But all of them knew that that figure of surprise was just to pull them into the guilt.

The people could no longer hold it. So, they sat back in their seats before turning to each other to discuss. Her Highness's words were too ambiguous and it seemed hard to find clarity in them. But even if they were confused, they didn't dare to speak up again. Especially after hearing the sharp tone of the lady.

What if they ask and end up getting blamed for not knowing the situation? Won't that bring punishments to their account? After all, the couple was still the head of the royals and have not left the throne and power yet.

Li Xue looked at the people when their eyes finally caught the sight of the person; she had been waiting for all this while. Their gazes matched as Li Xue's lips curled on the corners in a smirk.

Su Ce looked at her before he walked down to sit where his family was sitting. For once there was no curl of playfulness in his expression. Instead, there was an expression that showed how exhausted he might have become after trying his best but still not being able to find a way to save himself.

While Li Xue was becoming confident for the latter half of the story that was going to happen today, her eyes caught someone pinching the other to stand up to speak. Her brows tugged together in a frown as leaning a bit toward Shin You Jun, she asked, "Hey, Little young brother, who is that man? The one sitting beside Prince Su there?"

Shin You Jun looked in the direction. His expression didn't look pleased as he said, "That's his father, Old Su. He is cunning as a fox and more unpleasant than his son. I doubt all this scenario is out from his plans as he has been eying for Dad's throne for years now."

He said and in just a few words, Li Xue was about to grasp the gist of the whole story. And she wasn't surprised to know his personality as holding the title of Prince Su was enough to tell her of his personality. After all, bitter melons could only come from the vines of one of their kinds.

Just as Li Xue had a small chat with Shin You Jun, she saw finally a man rising from the crowd to speak on the orders of Old Su.

"Her Highness, we have heard you and His Highness taking this girl as your daughter. But it can't be as serious as punishing our princess with such seriousness. After all, she is one of us and we have the obligation to save our kind." The person said and on his say like that, others seemed to get the confidence to speak again.

But before anyone could speak, Shin Tingming's authoritative voice rang in the hall, holding everyone back to their places. "The Royal Cultural Association Club has been under the authority of the queen. None has the position to question her judgment. But since one decision has started you to distrust your queen's decision, today we would make it clear to all of you in the presence of Shens itself."

He said as his eyes went straight to gaze at the table where Shen Donghai was sitting with his daughter Shen Bingling and other members of the family.

Although Shen Donghai didn't look very much happy, Shen Bingling still stood up to accept her fault with confidence. They decided to do it long back. The company had been saved and now even if her father didn't want it this way, he would have to accept it no matter what.

Shen Bingling stood up and bowed slightly in respect of the royal couple first as she began in her politest tone, "I bow to our king and queen both in respect and an apology. In the past few days, I have been involved in the wrong acts for which I have gotten punished by her Highness as well. I accept my mistakes for I knew what I did was wrong. My actions have caused a threat to Ms. Li Xue's life and that was unacceptable, given she was not just our guest at that time but also the main person on whom our whole cultural project depended."

She said, and in her words of apology, there was both guilt and sincerity. "Although I was also framed in the act by one of my friends. I was still the one who allowed her to do so and use me. So, I am to be blamed. Her Highness did nothing wrong to punish me. Instead, she has been very righteous. She provided me with the concession when she came to know that I was not directly involved in it. I am really grateful for her kindness."

She said before bowing her head once again in gratefulness. And seeing Chen Rui smile and nod at her, she sat back on her seat with permission. When she sat back, Shen Donghai looked at her, his expression all serious. "You really did that?" He asked and shivering at his strictness in voice, Shen Bingling nodded.

"Father, that day I wanted to hurt Li Xue but I never planned something this serious. Someone else has played the game behind me. I am sorry. I wanted to confess this to you before but …"

"Enough! You are only saying it now. Do you know how this stupidity of yours ruined the things I had with His Royal Highness? You cost me a loss from which we won't be able to recover." Shen Donghai grumbled in a low tone.

Shen Bingling shook her head. "No, no, father. Don't say that. Things would turn out well. I will ask Li Xue to help us. Since she could help us proper the things at the company, I am sure she would be able to help in this as well." She said and at her words like that, Shen Donghai narrowed his eyes.

"What did you say? Who helped me with the company?" He asked. His tone came out in both alarm and surprise.

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