Mama's Princess is Daddy's Beloved

Chapter 1189 Danger could lure me as well.

Chapter 1189 Danger could lure me as well.

Feng Shufen has always have been suspicious of his mother's death. Although he never had anything concrete in his hands, he never brought himself to believe that his mother was gone.

The house she was living in was set on fire and the police confirmed there was no life inside the place, and whatever was there had burnt into ashes. Still somewhere he felt that things weren't as they were showing on the surface.

And that suspicion in his heart was the reason why behind the curtains he had always kept people looking for evidence of his mother's existence. Although it took him years to get hints on that thing, finally he got something. How could he miss it when it was finally there after that long time?

So, when he got to know that his mother was truly there, he couldn't keep himself back in the county and travelled out to find her himself. He would have let someone else do it as well, but knowing his mother from the past, he doubted that if someone reaches, she might disappear once again so he decided to do it by himself.

Li Xue heard him and her brows jutted with slight confusion. Giving a swift quirk to her pair, she asked, trying to confirm the knowledge she had. "Your mother? Sorry, but wasn't she already …" She said but purposefully didn't complete her, knowing that even if she didn't say it, the meaning must have already been delivered.

"She wasn't there in the fire. I doubted it back then. But since the police have their facts and I lacked evidence; I had no way to prove it. I had only kept my people looking for her for years. And it was just on the day, I received some information about her." He informed and Li Xue was momentarily surprised at the revelations of the things.

Although Shufen never mentioned it, Li Xue knew how much the man cherished his mother. Of course, after knowing that she was there in the world, she was not surprised to see him flying to a different country. Rather she was happy for him.

To every child, she knew the essence a mother held. And it was not just because she was a mother herself, but because she was also a daughter. In the past, she might not have agreed to believe in the value of a mother in a child's life. But after having Chen Rui in hers, she came to understand that one feeling very well.

"So did you find her?" Li Xue asked. She was happy for him and wanted to hear the positivity in his reply. But when she didn't hear anything coming for a good moment of time, she understood what it could be. So, to comfort him, she said, "It's okay if you weren't able to find her this time. Since you know she is somewhere around the globe, sooner or later you will find her. I know you won't give up that easily."

She said and heard the man hum on the other side of the call. Although there were no words included with that hum of his, that small sound was still full of positiveness that told her that he was determined and wouldn't be giving up easily.

"So, are you coming back tomorrow or the day after that?" Li Xue asked. Even though she has remained busy with her own stuff all these days, she wouldn't lie and say that she didn't miss him even in her busy schedule. Because she did. She did miss him a lot and now there was a desperate urge in her heart to see him as soon as possible.

Feng Shufen heard hope in her voice and felt guilty. "It might take a few more days for me to return. She might not be here anymore but there is still information we can find about her here. So, it might take a few days more." He said and the emotion in his words was very transparent.

Li Xue could look through it. She didn't know when exactly their relationship developed this greatly. But now, it was a lot easier and smoother to read his expression even when he wasn't standing in front of her.

Smiling, she hummed with understanding. "Oh, I see. It's fine. Take your time. Till the time you return, you will meet a different me. I might not be just Li Xue at that time but would have ascended the throne of the princess of Chiboa."

Li Xue said swiftly changing the topic so that the man doesn't get time to think of his guilt that wasn't actually his guilt to begin from.

"Has the date for the royal meet got decided?" Feng Shufen asked and Li Xue hummed to him.

"Finally, it had gotten decided. It's tomorrow." She said before adding more, "Preparations according to the plans have already been made, let's see how it goes."

What they had planned was really something serious. Even the slightest mistake could turn into a disaster. So, she just hoped that things would go smoothly and not raise anyone's suspicion.

"You have worked on the things for so many days. No one would be able to fail you in your goal." Feng Shufen said and at his confidence in her, Li Xue couldn't prevent herself from chuckling.

"Mr. Beelzebub, aren't you too confident in me? Did you forget that you said it yourself that the royal people aren't that easy and it might be dangerous for me if I get caught by them?" She said clearly remembering his words.

"I have got your back. Even if dangerous, I would not let anyone bring you harm." Feng Shufen said and his tone was very confident. And Li Xue knew the secret behind his confidence. From the day he has gone out of the country, she saw the changes in the arrangement of the people around her.

Even though the increase in their count wasn't visible to her eyes, she knew people have both changed and have increased around her.

"I am sure of that. But have you ever thought that the danger could lure me as well? What would happen if I walked towards it on my own? At that time, you won't be around to save me and your people won't have the power to keep me in." She said and felt darkness enveloping the silence that suddenly got over the call.

She wanted to take back her words. But she knew it was already too late to do that for it was always tough to collect the spilled milk, no matter what. She was thinking of a way to mend her mistake, but before her brain could even work to its fullest, the beep of disconnection dropped her heart.

What does that mean? He disconnected the call simply. Was this some kind of warning he had given to her? Li Xue blinked, pulling back her phone to check. And the call was really disconnected.

His emotions and feelings have gotten easy to comprehend. But how should she deal with his warnings? It was still hard to read as it was before.

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