Mama's Princess is Daddy's Beloved

Chapter 1053 - Flame Of Curiosity.

Chapter 1053 - Flame Of Curiosity.

"Sister Xue, that means other than Princess Shen there was someone else who wanted to harm you?" Xiao Meng asked, tugging her brows with some confusion.

Li Xue looked at her shoes for more time and didn't say anything for a moment. Then pondering some time more, she nodded, "I am getting surer of that. But can't say until I finally catch the one." She said before giving the shoe back to the girl to keep it in its place.

"But Sister Xue, wouldn't that mean that you are still in danger? What if the real culprit comes again to harm you?" Worried knowing about something like this, Xiao Meng turned to look back at Li Xue. "Should we tell Her Highness about this? She might be able to help us."

Li Xue shook her head, rejecting the very moment. "No, MengMeng. You can't do that. Don't let anyone know about this. Her Highness has already gotten a lot worried and letting her know this will further escalate it. So don't."

"But Sister Xue …"

"MengMeng, I will be fine." Li Xue tried to ease the girl. But right at the moment, a voice from the door interrupted her.

"Yes, MengMeng. Your Sister Xue would be fine. She has got the superpowers to fight every evil." Su Ce said as slowly with his hands tucked inside the pocket, he came inside with a smile over his lips. "Right, Princess?"

Li Xue looked at him and her brows got slightly raised at his choice of words. Something in his tone felt really weird. "Prince Su, you are slightly exaggerating it."

She said; to which the man further tugged the corner of his lips. "Am I? Maybe I thought I was underestimating your skills instead. After all, you always sound so fearless. Capable of handling your own matters without anyone's help." He said, locking his gaze meaningfully with her.

Li Xue didn't look away. Staring straight in his eyes, she didn't let go of the opportunity to combat his words with confidence. "It's nothing like that Prince Su. I just don't like to trouble people around. You know lying low sometimes could also be the best defense. I just try to work on that theory like this." She said and Su Ce couldn't hold his chuckle of amusement for longer.

Looking away, he shook his head before bringing his gaze back at the girl. "I can truly agree to that one thing, Princess. The way you live is truly low profile. Otherwise, if it had been any other girl, surely, they wouldn't have hesitated for once to show off the world what treasure they hold beneath." He said and his words held a lot of meaning that may not have appeared on the surface but was well delivered to the understanding of Li Xue.

Li Xue looked at the man. For some time, her expression didn't change even a bit, but then slowly and slowly her lips pulled up in a smile. Though that smile didn't hold any interest of her, it was still there to let the person know that she has well understood what he meant. "Is that so?"

Su Ce understood her smile and at once raised his hands in surrender. "No, no, Princess. You might have guessed me wrong. I never intend to dig your profile but recently the way you have driven me curious, I wasn't able to hold my patience."

Li Xue's smile turned more flamboyant. "Of course, I have heard the Prince of East City isn't a patient person, to begin with. But what I didn't know was that I could ever be a topic that could flame your curiosity?"

"There you have underestimated yourself? How could I not be curious of you? You have yet to enter the royal family, …." He paused as his eyes went to stare at a pair of shoes at the corner to continue, "But your troubles have already begun. People are already there waiting to play with your life. Isn't that more than enough to make me curious?"

Li Xue's brows tugged into a frown as she turned to look at the shoes with a thought before turning again to look at the man. "You are making me curious instead, Prince Su. You have known this all the while yet compelled Her Highness to suspend Princess Shen earlier. What exactly were your intentions?" She asked. Her expressions were no longer playful as before, rather a lot serious.

This man wasn't simple but cunning, she knew. But it was only now, she was feeling like she failed to guess his level of cunningness before.

Su Ce laughed. "My intention? Hasn't it been clear all the time?" He said as he turned to look at Xiao Meng briefly before turning back at Li Xue. "Of course, one of my intentions was to protect you, Princess."

He said and from his words, Li Xue didn't get the right feeling. Instead, she felt, that she was almost there guessing his actual motive but right at the moment, the string of the clue was snatched away from her.

What was this man up to? And what did he mean by 'one of his intentions'? Was there more?

In the whole of the conversation between Li Xue and Su Ce, Xiao Meng didn't understand even a word. Though the language wasn't alien to her, the content surely was. So, she neither dared to understand it nor she dared to ask. She just let Li Xue think of it on her won.

But her easiness suddenly jolted when she realized that it was almost time to go back. She remembered the person waiting for them outside and couldn't help but turn to Li Xue to ask.

"Sister Xue, Mr. Du must be waiting for us outside. Should I call him to inform everything? Amid the rush, I have almost forgotten to tell him about your state?"

She asked and it was then Li Xue also realized the important factor she was still missing. She was snapped out from the thoughts. How did she even forget that her injury was not the only thing she had on today's list to deal with. After the injury, there was a driver, his boss, and a super baby boss to deal with at home. How was she going to face and handle them like this?

Will it be simple to explain?? She shook her head, realizing the difficulty that was there to come.

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