Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Chapter 483 - One Without Equal

As powerful as the True Idol was, it was boring to Du Xiu. 

"All you ever do is shoot out lightning and yap on and on! What else is there?! Are you just going to disappoint me like this? Is there anything else you can do?" he shouted. 

His fists were white-hot, as he punched away at the True Idol, tearing and bruising at the skin. He dug his knuckles in with each punch. The others couldn't even do a thing to help, they only watched as Du Xiu just whaled on the True Idol with everything he had. 

"Show me something else! Show me!" he shouted. 

It was then that it began to gather energy to scream and release another wave of lightning but Du Xiu had long prepared. 

"You've already done that several times, is there anything else?"

He grabbed his halberd and struck down at the True Idol's throat, slamming the butt of it in. It choked, unable to scream out and the energy it gathered dispersed. However, Du Xiu wasn't finished yet, he grabbed at the True Idol's throat, making sure that it was going nowhere as he began to slam the butt of his halberd again and again. 

Each strike was quick and powerful, not to mention, Ling Hun's strike had weakened its defenses. 

"You- damned- PLEBIAN!" 

Unable to hold it back, the True Idol suddenly punched out, sending Du Xiu flying back as it stood back up. The commander landed on his feet as he looked at his armor, feeling the dent that the punch had made. But it soon repaired itself, returning to its original shape. 

Du Xiu's face crinkled up as he sucked in a cold breath. 

The spot where the True Idol had struck was the same side where he had been injured previously. And there was no doubt that he had not fully recovered from it but that wasn't enough to stop him. 

"You are going to be the last to perish, human. Everything will be destroyed in front of your eyes."

It pointed at him menacingly, enunciating each word for Du Xiu to hear clearly. 

Suddenly, cannon shots roared out as the place that the True Idol stood erupted. Then the gates of the Cerulean Fortress swung open as the armies flooded out once more. The other commanders and the Thirteen Messengers all came out with them. 

"Ready the formations! We cannot rely on the Nuwa Clan in that state!"

Zi Jing's voice echoed out as he was at the front, his swords floating behind him. Everyone else that could still fight, stood together, readying their weapons. Those that were in charge of formations quickly went to work, building and chanting in the front of the armies. 

And where the True Idol was, the dust began to clear out as it was relatively untouched by the attack. But its injuries from the four individuals were still there. But even they were beginning to heal up. 

"Keep it focused on you, I'm going to prepare something." 

Ling Hun's voice spoke into the other three's minds and Ming Yue was already a step ahead. Staring at the True Idol, she raised her burnt arm and snapped her fingers. And this great being suddenly twisted in pain, screaming out. 

"What is this?! What just happened?!" 

Du Xiu glanced at Ming Yue, seeing her make that movement. 

The young cultivator smiled at this development. 

"It worked", she thought, "I actually didn't think it would work."

Those Wind Needles she had sent out had mostly hit the True Idol's skin, unable to pierce it or do anything in fact. However, some did make it inside its body, entering through the small wounds and digging into its flesh. 

After all, although this was the "true" Idol of Chaos, Kong Zhi was the vessel, and a vessel of flesh was still flesh. With those wind needles, she forced them to go wild, tearing through its body, and its attempts to heal were stopped. 

Taking this chance, both Du Xiu and Gao Ri sprinted forward to strike the True Idol, attacking it while it struggled. They took this opportunity and made the most of it, striking at the same wounds and making them bigger and bigger. 

Lightning spat out, threatening to kill either of them but they were quick and careful, evading them all. 

But this window of time could only last for so long as the Wind Needles lost their power. The next moment, it looked at the two commanders and punched out, sending them both back flying. However, each strike had been imbued with Primordial Lightning and both of them could not endure the attack. Gao Ri especially. 

The Winged Demon Commander, blocked with his wings once more only for them to break from the pressure. If they could barely be used before, they certainly couldn't be used now. In fact, recovery was going to be a long road with the state his wings her in. In this state, he could no longer fight. 

And Du Xiu endured, landing upright though he fell to one knee. He put a hand on where the True Idol had struck, revealing his armor to be cracked now. He needed a moment to recover, just a moment.

But in that one moment, the True Idol turned to Ming Yue, glaring at her. 

Without another word, she backed away, seeing the armies and the formation as it was being made. 

"It looks nearly done, I think."

Most of the flags had been set and a majority of the masters had crossed their legs to chant. Whatever it was, this formation was certainly more dangerous than the previous few.

"I could probably bring it there."

She looked back at the True Idol who pointed at her, shooting lightning from its finger. Her figure vanished as the lightning struck the ground and she reappeared elsewhere. It shot again and again to which Ming Yue only moved further away as if to taunt it. 

And unfortunately, the True Idol wasn't going to let it go so easily. 

"You heretic! You cannot deny your fate!" 

It shouted out before chasing after her. She appeared and vanished, combining the movement of Phantasmal Wind with the speed increase from her armor. With those two, she was practically a ghost, one that not even someone like the True Idol could catch for speed was not its forte. 

"Stop running!" 

Knowing this, it raised both arms up at the clouds, summoning forth Primordial Lightning. It rained down constantly, chasing after her but all she had to do was position herself behind the Idol. Thus, it would be in the way of each of these attacks and this forced the True Idol to cancel it all. 

But it did not give up on chasing after her, sending off one stroke of lightning after another. And she just focused on fleeing. It just followed her until they made it to the formation which began to glow with more and more power. 


As they reached the center, Ming Yue shouted out. Her figure vanished, escaping the formation and leaving the True Idol alone. Before it could chase after her, it heard a rolling thunder above it as the clouds were oddly black. And Ling Hun was nowhere to be seen, for he was within the clouds. 

On that signal, gray lightning struck down!

It was massive and powerful, so much so that it came in the shape of a spear! Hitting the True Idol in its core and forcing it into the ground at the center of the formation. Following that, the formation glowed with an emerald light before shining roots and vines grew out. 

"Emerald Prison!"

All of the formation masters shouted out as the growth erupted and wrapped out the True Idol. Each one of the masters collapsed from exhaustion but there was a smile on their face.. Even if it wanted to, the True Idol would have to use everything to get out of this formation. 

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