Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Chapter 415 - Attack From The Marshes

Hearing their words, Ming Yue checked their surroundings before looking at Xiao Yin. 

"Look around, tell me if you see something strange."

The Star Owl chirped before turning to fly off but there was nothing to be found. Xiao Yin returned to her with nothing to report. 

And the group set off once more, moving deeper into unknown territory. All they heard or saw were insects, buzzing about and zipping around. It was simply too eerie, causing everyone to be on edge.

How was it that they had yet to see a single animal the entire time? Not even a glimpse of one? 

It was more than strange, something was wrong. 

They walked through the marshes, carefully trying to fight where they could step. It was difficult enough to try and discern it but to do so in armor and with the slippery ground was easier said than done. And then, someone finally slipped up. 

"Oh shi-"

Standing on a loose stone, one of them felt their feet slide on the wet grass as they stumbled forward, nearly falling into the waters. Everyone went to grab him but Ming Yue was the quickest. 

Putting her hand forward, she summoned a gust of wind, pushing back at the soldier and giving him time to stabilize his footing. Catching himself, he quickly walked back, looking at the others with gratefulness. 

"Don't slip again, you idiot."

"If you die, how are we gonna answer to the commander?"

With some quick banter, that dangerous moment was buried quickly under a bit of laughter. 

"I can't help it! There was a pebble in the way and the ground, it's so slippery! Look at it, is this even dirt?" 

Taking out his sword, the one soldier stabbed into the ground only to be shocked that he could not pierce it. 


The others looked at him skeptically. 

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Was there something in that dried meat? Are you dizzy?" 

But he shook his head and pointed to the ground trying to stab it once more. 

"Look at this, it's not even dirt!" 

Everyone looked down with Ya Lang kneeling to investigate it. He took off the moss and grass sticking to the surface with his hand, clearing a small spot for everyone to see. 

"It isn't but what is it?"

Feeling it, Ya Lng couldn't make heads or tails as to what this was. 

"It's rough and bumpy, like stone but..."

Pressing down, he made a small dent that flattened out as he let go. Then the captain stood up and took out one of his axes. It had a small handle fit for one hand but an axeblade large enough to behead someone. Raising it above his head, he swung it down with all his might beneath him, cracking it open but no one was expecting what came next. 

Blood sprayed out, covering everyone around the wound. Murky green blood that reeked of metal and trash, covering their armor. 

Everyone backed away, trying to wipe it off before feeling the ground tremor. 

Then came a low growling as the waters around them trembled even more. 

"Quick, prepare yourselves!"

Ya Lang shouted as he held his ax tightly and the others brandished their weapons. They formed a circle, facing outwards so that all directions were covered. 

The growling continued, it was very deep and loud, echoing through the ear. It was just shy of deafening, a noise resembling that of an avalanche. And then it stopped followed by silence and peace. 

But none of them were letting down their guard. 

"Keep your eyes open, watch the swamps!" Ya Lang warned. 

If there was nothing coming to them by land, then it came by water. The growling had surely attracted something. 

And then Xiao Yin flew down, whistling as the owl returned to Ming Yue's side. 

"They're coming."

After telling everyone else, she readied for battle. On one hand, was the Pearlstone Dagger while the other hand was clad in wind, the Zephyr Claws, a combination she was familiar with. Without Drifting Sky, she had to rely on other methods to fight but it was only a minor inconvenience. 

As she waited and watched her surroundings, she saw the water ripple gently as several strange stones crept up on them. 


Everyone else caught each other's gaze, knowing that they had all noticed this. 

These stones were long and flat but there was something unmistakable about them, there were eyes. Small, beady yellow eyes with pitch-black pupils, watching them. 

Everyone in the group watched those things like a hawk and waited, hesitating to strike. After all, they didn't even know what they were dealing with. 

"What sort of creatures are these?" one of them whispered. 

"I don't know but I'm guessing they came after we attacked their leader."

"We? You mean the captain attacked it."

"Well, we wouldn't be in this situation if it weren't for you slipping up."


They all began to whisper among each other, arguing as to whose fault it was before a quick glare from Ya Lang shut them up. 

"Shut it, you lot, we were bound to run into something. Cracking jokes at a time like this? Do you want some personal training when we get back?!"

They all shook their heads. 

"No sir."

"Save it for later, it's time to hunt."

These creatures slowly came, silently wading through the waters. With each second, the distance shortened until these beasts were only a few meters away. 

And without a moment's notice, these creatures revealed themselves, leaping out of the waters with their mouths gaping open. 

As for their appearance, it was terrifying, to say the least. 

They were lizards, large and grotesque.* Their skin was gray and rough, almost like stone but their mouths said otherwise. The pink flesh coupled with rows of sharp fangs were a sight to behold. Their legs were short and stubby but there were claws, black ones that curved down. Their tails were long but fat. 

If they stood still, one would think they were statues. 

Despite their long and chubby bodies, they were quick, charging towards the soldiers. Worse than that, over half a dozen of them came, snapping their jaws at the men and women. 

"None of you better die!"

As the captain shouted these next few words, he stood his ground wielding both axes. Meeting the beast before him, he felt a tremendous weight pushing him back as the fangs clashed with his weapons. 

"Ngh, don't even think this is enough!"

He pushed the beast back with a great shout before charging forward and jumping on top of the lizard, hacking away at its flesh. Try as he might, it was more difficult than he thought. 

"This hide! What sort of creature is this?! It's like stone!" he exclaimed. 

But Ya Lang was determined. 

"It might be stone but I'll chip away. It is not indestructible!"

Raising both of his axes, a strong gale formed around him before coalescing within his weapons. His two axes began to howl as he brought them down upon the beast. 

"Four Winds: The Impending East!"

Attacking together, the two axes fell upon this poor creature, releasing a burst of wind that caused the hide to break and split apart. 

The lizard roared in pain as the attack bit deep into its flesh. But it wasn't dead just yet and the others, they were long from defeat. Just like him, his soldiers all found trouble piercing their bodies. 

If that wasn't bad enough, they were quick and their size was more than intimidating. If they weren't careful, they'd be eaten in two bites. It was fortunate for them that they outnumbered these creatures. 

And such beasts proved to be a difficult match for Ming Yue herself, although it was only just difficult for her. 

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