"Hello there, Celestial Standout."

As Vaan and Elara walked into the classroom on the 4th day of their Academy, a voice stopped them.

It was a voice Elara was familiar with, as for Vaan, although he did feel like he remembered it, he couldn't recall where he had heard it before.

The two turned around and Vaan finally recalled where he heard this voice before.

She was Vilaya Haze, a 3rd Circle Mage they had met in their first class, and since unlike Vaan, Elara had also attended the Academy on the 3rd Day, she seemed even more familiar with this woman.


Elara greeted.

She seemed to have gotten quite close to the woman.

Vaan narrowed his eyes.

For Elara to open up to a woman in just one day…

It was suspicious.

No, he wasn't a controlling freak who didn't want Elara to make her own friends or something like that.

What he was worried about was that Elara was too innocent and pure-hearted.

With her talent, even without her having any connection with him or the Vesta House, there would be people who would want to take advantage of her.

Yes, Vaan wanted Elara to make good friends and create good memories during the time they were here in the Academy, however, she needed to be careful in the process and those friendships needed to be formed as naturally as possible.

As for this new 'friend' they have met, Vaan found it a little too natural. From Elara's expression, it felt as if rather than meeting someone she met just 2 days ago, she was meeting a long-time friend,

For their friendship to get this strong, it was suspicious. Not to mention Vilaya was the woman who approached them first on their first day in the Academy. 

"Hello, Elara. How have you been?" oblivious to his thoughts, Vilaya simply greeted Elara back as she patted her head with a bright smile on her face.

"I am good, how about you?" Elara replied.

"I am fine as well," Vilaya replied, then, she turned towards Vaan, and,

"What about you, Celestial Standout? You finally decided to grace us plebs with your presence, eh? I thought you might be busy with something else today, something that would then be all over the SIC Articles by the evening."

"Celestial Standout?"

"Hmm? You don't know? This is the new title people came up with, just for you." Vilaya informed.

"New Title?" Vaan couldn't help but frown.

"Mhm, just like how students who get a Star because of their excellence the moment they enter the Academy are called Star Students, we came up with another title just for you. After all, merely calling you a Star Student when you won 5 Excellence Stars on just your 3rd day in the Academy wouldn't really be fair, would it?

So a brand new title for a brand new achievement that has never been achieved before."

Vilaya spoke.

She sounded quite proud of herself when she spoke about this matter. Even going as far as placing her hands on either side of her waist and puffing her chest up.

Elara couldn't help but chuckle when she saw her acting like that.

Vaan on the other hand, seemed surprised by how free the students of the Academy were. Not that he minds, after all, the more hype he creates around him, the better it would be for the Vesta Family.

This wasn't the topic he wanted to talk about.

Especially the part where he got beaten up.

He was man enough to admit his defeat, however, that still didn't mean he wanted to go around and announce it to the rest of the world.

The less people knew about it, the better.

"Hey, did you hear about Isabel?"

Just when Vaan was thinking about that woman, someone spoke her name.

In an instant, both his and Elara's attention was piqued as they turned towards the student talking about Isabel.

"Isabel? From the Swords Division?"

"Yes, that one."

"Oi, do you have a death wish or something?" The other student narrowed his eyes.

"What do you mean?" the first student frowned.

"Call her Lady Isabel, show some respect.

Do you even know how many people are willing to follow her around for the rest of their lives? She is practically the queen of their hearts. If these people ever heard you call her by her first name, they would all come at you like a bunch of madmen, finding any way to challenge you and beat you up."

"What…?" The student was shocked.

"But isn't it this the Magic Division? Who here woul-"

"What are you talking about? More than half of her fanatics are from the Magic Division."

The student revealed and the other one widened his eyes in disbelief.

"Is that true…?"

"Do I have any reason to lie to you?"

Vaan and Elara glanced at each other.

They didn't know that they met a celebrity.

"Anyways, what were about to say about Lady Isabel?"

The student questioned.

"She openly announced that she is no longer interested in being the Headmaster's Personal Student because she has found a teacher who is better suited for her."


This time, the one who was shocked was Vaan, and unable to contain his shock, he shouted out loud, attracted the students' attention,

Vaan however, completely ignored the students glaring at him and turned towards the student who revealed the news.

"She announced that? When?"


The student was taken back, however, soon, he understood what Vaan was talking about and answered,

"The Article was released at 2 A.M."

'She released it the moment she returned…'

Vaan had no clue why this woman was working so fast.

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