[Displaying pending notifications!]

[You have defeated a horde of Anathema! This is a consolidation of multiple combat notifications. For a full list, please request more info.]

[Reward: 675 Points]

I felt my eyes widen at the blue boxes that appeared in my vision. Had I really killed that many Anathema? I tried to remember, but the entire fight felt hazy, one desperate action after another. I remembered taking down a lot of them when they were pouring over the burning corpse of the Anathema that had pried the doors open, but had I really taken down that many?

I mulled over the memories for a bit before shaking my head. It may have been hard to believe, but it wasn’t like the System would lie. No, what I should be doing right now was trying to think like a Magical Girl. What would a proper Guardian do after getting a notification like that one?

“Can you show me the notifications for the new Anathema I killed?” I asked after a moment. If I was going to be fighting more Anathema, it felt like it made sense to at least know what I’d faced so far. Besides, there was an itch of curiosity in me. The fight had been… desperate. I wanted to know just what kind of monsters I’d managed to defeat.

[Of course.]

[Defeated (Devouring Bear - Level 7)]

[Reward: 15 Points]

That must have been the headless Anathema with the gaping maw instead of a head. It had been fairly easy for me to defeat, but I had been shooting directly down its throat. If I were to guess, it was probably tougher to take down with a melee weapon.

[Defeated (Flailed Shrieker - Level 16)]

[Reward: 30 Points]

I shuddered as I remembered the sound of the monster that had called out to the rest of the Anathema. Again, it had been relatively easy to take down, but its ability to alert others to its exact location more than made up for its lack of defense. If I ever had to fight those again, taking them out first would have to be a priority.

[Defeated (Blade Reaver - Level 14)]

[Reward: 25 Points]

I was guessing that one was the skinny humanoid with four arms ending in blades. It had been hard to land a hit on its thin frame, and I was willing to bet it was a nightmare to fight in close combat with four different arms flailing around.

[Defeated (Crawling Nightmare - Level 24)]

[Reward: 50 Points]

Surprise flashed through me. That could only have been the Anathema that opened up the door, and it had been an even higher level than the Newborn Arachnomantis. It hadn’t been much of a fight, but it had taken me using every bullet from my Equalizer, five of which had gone straight through its eyes and into its brain. If I was being honest, it was kind of shocking it had taken that much to kill the thing even when I was hitting a vital organ. I could only imagine how terrifying it would have been to fight if it hadn’t been completely fixated on opening the door.

[Defeated (Hulking Mass - Level 12)]

[Reward: 20 Points]

And that must have been the giant Anathema near the very end that blindsided me as I was exiting the hedge maze. I ran a hand across my ribs but didn’t feel even a twinge of discomfort, not even from the spot where the spine had pierced through me. Maybe it shouldn’t be surprising considering my arm was reattached, but it still felt weird to go from injured to waking up completely fine.

[Now, onto the next,] Selene said, keeping me from brooding. [I would suggest waiting for the end before you pull up your status menu.]

Before I could respond, another blue box popped into my vision.

[Congratulations! You’ve leveled up multiple times! You are now level 12!]

[Stat Points Available: 0]

I winced at the last part, wondering how much I had messed up my “build” by funneling points into just Agility and Dexterity. At least I had only earned four levels. I wasn’t sure if I was impressed I had leveled or disappointed by that many levels. I knew I got experience from defeating Anathema, and while I assumed experience functioned like the other video games I’d played, I never really got the details from Selene.

Thankfully, I had an expert sitting right in front of me.

“Selene, how does earning experience work exactly?”

[The main source of experience is defeating Anathema,] Selene happily launched into an explanation. [The higher the Anathema’s level, the more experience you earn. Every time you level up, the experience needed to get to the next level increases. Moreover, there are certain “milestone levels” where the amount of experience required increases by a dramatic amount. Levels ten, twenty-five, fifty, and 250 are considered minor milestones, while every hundredth level is a major one. The only other functional thing you need to know is you get less experience for defeating Anathema lower than your level, but it only really becomes a significant reduction when there is a level difference of fifteen or more. Of course, the reverse is also true.]

I nodded slowly. That information matched up with my new level, then. Thanks to our strategy, most of the Anathema I’d taken out at the shielding station were fairly close to my own. Combined with reaching level ten, it wasn’t surprising I’d only gained four levels. If anything, it made it more impressive.

[Next?] Selene asked, and I nodded.

[Congratulations! For reaching level ten, you have unlocked Classes!]

[Number of Classes Available: 10]

[I would recommend waiting to explore your available Classes for now,] Selene interjected immediately after the notification. [Also, while I’m sure you probably understand what a Class is, considering your gaming history, I would like to give you a proper explanation later. I think bringing up your options with the other Guardians and asking for their opinions may also be beneficial.]

Even though I was tempted to take a peek at what I’d unlocked, I inclined my head in agreement. Getting a proper rundown of what a Class did for me seemed like a good idea. Most video games treated a Class more or less the same, but there were plenty of little nuances that differed from game to game. I wasn’t in any rush to choose one now, anyway, so I resisted the urge to call up my Class choices and waited for the next notification to appear.

[Congratulations! For reaching level ten, your Augment (Demonic Eye of the Sable Waif) has been upgraded!]

[As thy power grows, thy second sin reveals itself. To you who hath watched, who hast observed others and wondered what set thou apart, who hath desperately grasped for the normalcy of others, the Envy Sin opens a new eye. O Waif of Sable, let thy sight reveal all aspects to thee who yearns for what thou never may obtain. Witness the truths occulted from the world as only one who lives under the light of the Lonely Moon can.]

[Accept Upgrade?]

Reading the description made a pit form in my stomach just like the last one had as I realized what it was implying. The System acted like it knew everything about me, but it was wrong. Sure, I watched people closely, but it was only to keep myself out of trouble. I didn’t care about being like other people...

I bit down on my lip as a bitter taste entered my mouth. Maybe… maybe I did wish I was normal, but it still wasn’t… I didn’t envy them. I just wished things were different…

I glanced at Selene as knots of anxiety continued to twist tighter in my chest, but she only gave me a shrug of her tails.

[As I said before, the Arcane System has its quirks. Unfortunately, I can’t begin to guess what this upgrade will give you until you have accepted it. Like before, I can only assure you that whatever upgrade to your Augment this may be, it will not be detrimental.]

A small sigh of relief left me as she didn’t comment on the description further. I thought about it for a moment before deciding to just take the plunge and accept.

I gasped as heat flashed through my right eye along with the intense sensation of tiny little needles poking across my iris. I lifted my hand to my face reflexively, but by the time my palm was covering my eye, the heat had already faded. I blinked a few times, gingerly removing my hand.

Nothing in my vision seemed different, but a blue box appeared a moment later.

Demonic Eye of the Sable Waif

Level: MAX

Original Sin: Sloth

[Displays health, mana, Astral Shift duration, Dress durability, status effects, map data, overlays, and visual assist elements when activated. No restrictions. No mana cost. Keyword: Lullaby.]

Second Sin: Envy

Thin eye coverings no longer restrict sight while HUD is active. Active Ability: when activated, display the name and level of any Anathema, magical construct, Magical Guardian, or mana-awakened creature within direct line of sight so long as your right eye is unobstructed. No mana cost. Keyword: Identify.






I read the description a few times. Thin eye coverings… Did that mean I could see through my eyepatch? I’d gotten so used to wearing one, it would be a little weird to suddenly be using both my eyes again. It didn’t seem that useful beyond being a nice little ability, but the activated part seemed interesting. I wasn’t sure how good-

[Oh dear,] Selene interrupted my thoughts with a loud sigh, tails twitching. [Hmm… Mai, I want to let you know right now you should not tell anybody about this ability under any circumstance.]

I tilted my head in confusion, as Selene took a deep breath before continuing.

[There are a few reasons. First, I need you to understand that there are no Skills or spells in the entire System that allow somebody to get a direct level and name of an Anathema, let alone a Magical Girl. The closest thing are skills that give a vague sense of an Anathema’s strength in relation to the user, but those Skills are nebulous at best with their reports. What you have isn’t just a rare ability, it is probably one entirely unique to you. If other Guardians knew you had this ability, it could cause problems.]

“Wait…” I furrowed my brow. “Is it really that powerful?”

[Let me put it this way,] Selene’s tails twisted on themselves. [Fighting Anathema is all about knowing their powers and weaknesses. To that end, Guardian Command has entire divisions devoted to recording information about our adversaries. Many Guardians spend hours studying the bestiaries we have created, but the difficulty comes in identifying Anathema in the heat of battle. Sometimes, the difference between two Anathema types is incredibly minute. For instance, the only visual difference between a Fomorian Hound and a Leach Hound is that the Leach Hound’s tail is smooth and it has six claws. The problem is, Fomorian Hounds only go up to level five, but Leach Hounds can be found at level twenty. Missing such a small detail could lead to an encounter completely different and much more dangerous than initially planned.]

I leaned back on the sofa as comprehension washed through me. So far, Selene had been able to tell me about everything I was facing, but she had said her database was limited. It also didn’t help that there wasn’t always time for Selene to inform me what Anathema I was fighting. But with this addition to my Augment, I wouldn’t have to worry about misidentifying what I was fighting, I would always be able to tell just how strong the thing I faced was.

What was the old adage? Knowledge is power? It certainly fit with why I was always keeping my eye on other people…

“I think I understand why it’s good,” I said slowly, “but why would it cause problems with other Guardians?”

[Three reasons. First, Guardians are very private about their exact level, stats, and Skills. If other Guardians found out you could discover their exact level, it would almost certainly make them uncomfortable.]

“Why?” I asked. “I mean, why not tell people your level?”

[Hmm. Let me ask you this: Would you be comfortable telling complete strangers your level and exact stats? Letting them know exactly how fast and strong you were? Would you be fine with giving them numbers that directly measure your every capability and letting them compare themselves to you? Would you be alright if other Guardians judged your worth based on numbers alone? Or, even worse, would you be okay with your exact stats leaking to the internet for a bunch of armchair, non-Guardian, System theorists to critique you over?]

“Oh…” I said, feeling stupid as I began fidgeting at the thought. “Umm… Not really?”

[Exactly,] Selene let out a sigh. [It’s simply human nature to compare things, and the Arcane System makes it all too easy to begin assigning worth from those comparisons. It doesn’t help that your level is, in a way, a measure of how much you have contributed to the protection of humanity. Some Guardians have taken to using level as a measure of importance, leading to elitism and sometimes bullying. To prevent this, Guardians have decided to adopt a policy of only revealing their general level. The only exception to this rule is when you team up with other Guardians, but even then, only an accurate summarization of your abilities is expected. Keeping exact levels hidden just helps prevent any unhealthy comparisons or judgements.]

I nodded along, seeing all too easily what she was saying. People were always turning everything into a competition, and I assumed Guardians were no exception. It probably didn’t help that the System was so game-like, making it easier for people to directly compare how “good” somebody was to another.

[So,] Selene continued, [you can see why Guardians would feel uncomfortable if they knew you could ascertain their exact level, especially with the rumors about Dark Magical Girls. That leads into the second reason, actually. If I’m reading this ability correctly, you should be able to use your identify ability on a normal person, and if they are a Guardian, it would tell you their codename and level.]

My eyes widened, and Selene nodded.

[I see you understand the implications. If other Guardians knew you could discover them while they were outside their Astral Shift, their opinion could possibly go from just uncomfortable to outright hostile. Unmasking a Guardian is a big deal, and your ability would allow you to do it at will. Because of this, it is absolutely imperative we keep the full grasp of this ability hidden.]

I swallowed, giving Selene a serious nod. People were already suspicious of Dark Magical Girls, and if they knew one could discover them when they weren’t transformed, it was just asking for trouble. I knew all too well the value of privacy, and the idea of somebody walking around who could just take it all away on a whim was terrifying.

[The final reason is pretty simple. As a Dark, it is best if you keep as many of your capabilities as hidden as possible. If you ever had to fight other Guardians, whether it be in a friendly duel or otherwise, keeping your exact powers hidden is key. It’s part of the reason I cautioned you so early on about trusting other Guardians. You haven’t had much of a choice up to this point, but from now on, I would still highly recommend exercising caution for any new Guardians you meet.]

I shivered, the thought of fighting other people making my stomach turn. The Anathema were one thing, and I could easily justify fighting horrific monsters, but people? I… I wasn’t good with dealing with people as it was. The idea of actually fighting somebody, let alone another Magical Girl…

[Apologies for bringing the mood down,] Selene’s soothing voice interrupted my spiraling thoughts. [I may be focusing on the negatives too much. I suppose I should be saying congratulations on receiving yet another powerful, unique boost to your capabilities. You continue to impress me, and I can only wonder in anticipation what your Augment will unlock at higher levels.]

Blushing, I turned away slightly from Selene. I wasn’t sure why she would be impressed by me. It wasn’t like I had done anything, it was just the System arbitrarily deciding to give me the upgrade. I was just getting lucky, that’s all.

[Now then,] Selene’s tails swished excitedly. [If you would like to continue going through your notifications, we’ve arrived at your quest rewards! A quick explanation: The Arcane System sometimes awards tasks called “quests” for Guardians to complete. These tasks can range from taking down an Usurpation Zone to helping a child find their lost dog. Any task that helps to protect or restore hope to humanity is eligible to be a quest, however, know that the System does not make everything into a quest. There is much debate as to how the System decides what should and shouldn’t be one, but that is a topic for another time. What you need to know now is that quests are always given an estimated difficulty which represents the System’s estimation of the danger or complexity of the task at the time the quest is offered. This difficulty level is not concrete, as circumstances can always change. The System can’t read what might happen in the future, after all.]

“Would my um… Would the Death Wish still have been one if the System knew the other Magical Girls were coming?”

[Almost certainly,] Selene nodded. [Just consider how difficult it was to survive long enough to start the shielding station. There is also the fact that your rescue attempt was only possible because of your actions, but we’ll get to that later. For now, the only other thing to cover about quests is rewards. You only receive points for completing a quest, and the amount you receive depends on various factors such as your current level and danger encountered. Please note that just because a quest is higher in difficulty, it does not always guarantee a higher reward. For instance, finding a runaway dog may be classified as very hard for Guardians without searching Skills or magic, but the reward would still be relatively small as it isn’t a hyper-critical mission. Also, complications during the quest may be cause for additional rewards or even new quests to form called “sub-quests.” Any questions?]

I shook my head. It all seemed fairly standard in terms of what a quest was in a video game except for only getting points and no experience.

[Very well, then. Let’s take a look at the quests you accomplished.]

[Quest Completed! - Shelter Escort]

[Description: Escort Brian to the shelter on the third floor of the mall. Bonus points may be awarded based on Anathema activity as well as difficulties encountered and overcome.]

[Difficulty: Medium]

[Reward: 100 Points]

That must have been my first official quest, issued right after I became a Guardian. One hundred points for escorting Brian was a fairly generous reward, especially because Selene had been able to scout out a clear route for me. I was surprised the difficulty wasn’t lower, actually, but maybe it had to do with me not having my Astral Shift?

[Quest Completed! - Shelter Escort: Part Two]

[Description: Escort Brian to the shelter on the first floor of the mall. Bonus points may be awarded based on Anathema activity as well as difficulties encountered and overcome.]

[Bonus objective completed for defeating the Anathema guarding the first floor shelter.]

[Difficulty: Hard]

[Reward: 300 Points]

I felt a little taken aback at the reward. Sure, I’d had to take on a bunch of Anathema with just my gun, but even still, that was nearly half the points I’d received for all the Anathema I’d taken out during the shielding station fight.

[Quest Completed! - Restart The Mana Generator]

[Description: Restart the mana generator within the mall to restore shield functionality and save the civilians in shelter three. Bonus points may be awarded depending on the number of civilians saved.]

[Difficulty: Medium]

[Reward: 250 Points]

[Sub Quest Completed! - Restart The Mana Generator: The Arachnomantis]

[Description: Defeat the Arachnomantis guarding the room holding the mana generator.]

[Difficulty: Very Hard]

[Reward: 200 Points]

I looked over the two notifications, noting how the sub quest was listed as being very hard difficulty but still gave less points than escorting Brian to the shelter and restarting the generator. Maybe the System put more value on saving people’s lives than just defeating Anathema? It would make sense considering Magical Girls existed to bring hope to people in the first place.

[Quest Completed! - Death Wish: The Shield Generator]

[Description: Restart the mana generator on the Grand Arcadia Mall’s top floor, saving the citizens within the third floor shelter. This is a Death Wish quest. Send your final requests to your Familiar or Guardian Command as well as any messages for your loved ones. They will be cared for, and your sacrifice will not be forgotten.]

[Difficulty: Death Wish]

[452 bonus points earned for the number of civilians saved in the shelter.]

[Note: Some of your Death Wish requests may be modified. Please refer to your Familiar for details.]

[Total Reward: 1,452 Points]

I stared at the point reward, my mind reeling. Selene seemed to notice my shock, a gentle, mirthful chuckle resounding through my head.

[Yes, it is quite the reward indeed. At your level, Death Wish quests grant 1,000 points, and the bonus for saving civilians is a nice boost. To be honest, you should earn even more points for the task, but various factors such as the slow maturation of your Soul Gem restrict how much you can earn. It is also important to remember most of the reward from a Death Wish is supposed to be from the requests you make due to the low chance of survival.]

“I…” I stuttered, trying to refocus myself. “Um, what does it mean that some of my requests may be modified?”

[Ah, yes,] Selene shifted around, her tails curling downward. [Well, about your request to make Lily a Magical Girl candidate. Usually, that request is allowed because one Magical Girl is expected to die, so a replacement is reasonable. With your survival…]

“Oh…” I replied as Selene trailed off, my heart falling. It was more than a little disappointing, but I guess it made sense. “So she’ll just get training to be a Magical Soldier, then?”

[She’ll be looked after and given all the opportunities she could ask for,] Selene responded. [It may be a bit hard to properly convey everything she will receive due to privacy concerns, but I can promise you that the spirit of your wish for her will be more than fulfilled. You will also be receiving some fairly surprising rewards yourself.]

“Me?” I furrowed my brow. “Don’t the points already cover that?”

[Yes, but not entirely. Surviving a Death Wish is very rare, Mai, and yours had more than just a few irregularities around it. We’ll get to that soon, but for now you have a few more System rewards to claim. Before that, there is one more quest you completed.]

[Grand Quest Completed! - Defense of Arcadia]

[Description: Arcadia is under attack from an unprecedented number of Usurpation Zones. All Guardians are hereby requested to contact Guardian Command for orders. A battle plan has been drawn up and is in effect. Any Guardian cooperating with this plan will receive a point reward based on their contribution to the effort. Deviation or disobedience may result in penalties to your point reward or outright quest cancellation. Go forth, Guardians, and know that you defend one of the seven bastions of humanity. It must not fall.]

[Difficulty: Very Hard]

[For participating in a critical event (Death Wish), 500 bonus points have been awarded.]

[Total Reward: 1,000 Points]

[New Point Total: 3,977]

I blinked a few times, staring at my point total before the blue text box winked out of my vision. Almost four thousand points… The most something had cost me was the Kinetic Handguns Vault at one hundred points. What was I even supposed to spend that many points on?

[It’s quite a large amount of points,] Selene said, seemingly reading my mind, [and I have plenty of suggestions for possible purchases, but there are still a few more notifications. These next two are Achievements, which are awarded for doing something truly remarkable. Naturally, they provide impressive and unique rewards as well. Take a look.]

[Achievement Unlocked - Broken Wings]

[Description: In fighting the Anathema, you received multiple horrific, nearly fatal injuries to protect the lives of others and continued to fight on regardless. While being a Magical Girl is often portrayed as fantastical, there is very real danger that goes with it. You have discovered this much earlier than most through no fault of your own. Deprived of the very power that makes you a Magical Girl, how else could things have turned out? Though this will hardly make up for the trauma you endured, take this award and know your particular circumstances will NEVER happen to another.]

[Please keep the details of how to acquire this Achievement to yourself.]

[Reward: +10 Vitality]

“That’s…” I trailed off as I looked at the reward.

[A permanent upgrade to your Vitality, yes,] Selene said smugly. [Achievements give very, very powerful rewards but are also extremely hard to get.]

Saying it was powerful seemed like an understatement. Sure, ten points didn’t seem like a lot, but that was an entire level’s worth of stats added to my Vitality. That was a huge boost to the stat considering I would be splitting my stat points between six different categories each level. Gaining a permanent level’s worth of stat points was no small thing.

“Why does it say to keep the details secret?” I asked, still marveling at the reward.

[This particular Achievement can only be acquired by having a Guardian selflessly risking their life and getting injured. The key part is that the Guardian isn’t trying to get hurt, they simply receive the injury while doing their duty. If Guardians knew you could get an Achievement by getting hurt, some might try to game the System. Ironically, this would only prevent them from receiving the reward. As such, it is best to keep the details on how to acquire this Achievement secret.]

Nodding, I squinted at the message again, an edge of unease settling into me as I read the last half.

“Why does the message sound like it’s coming from somebody? And what does the last part mean?”

[The System was designed to have a more personable tone,] Selene shrugged her tails. [The idea is that Guardians won’t feel as uncomfortable if it sounds like a friendly guide. The Zenith can also access the System to send personalized alerts, quests, and other notifications, so it might actually be a personal message. As for what the last part means… I’ll discuss that with you later. Right now, you still have one more Achievement to accept.]

There was a giddiness to Selene’s voice, but before I could ask, another blue box popped into my view.

[Achievement Unlocked - Seraph’s Halo]

[Description: You took on a Death Wish, succeeded, and survived. More impressively, you did so without utilizing your Astral Shift and only one arm. Fate, politics, and misfortune conspired against you, and yet you strode into the darkness anyway, fully ready to be the light necessary to save hundreds of people even if it meant sacrificing yourself. People may have failed you and forced you to fight without your Astral Shift, but you did not fail them. For these reasons, you have been awarded the Seraph’s Halo, one of the highest awards a Magical Girl can receive. Thank you for your service.]

[Reward: +5 Strength, +5 Dexterity, +5 Vitality, +5 Agility, +5 Willpower, +5 Spirit]

[Note: This stat bonus will upgrade at certain milestone levels.]

I stared at the text box, something in my brain short-circuiting as I looked at the reward. It was three whole levels worth of stat points, and the description of the achievement…

[Congratulations, Mai,] Selene said, her voice warm. [Very few Guardians can claim the Seraph's Halo. It is more than just an Achievement, it is an award given only to the bravest and best Magical Guardians, something you have managed to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt.]

My face felt hot, and I looked down as shame flooded through me. I didn’t know how to tell Selene that this was a mistake. I’d already been rewarded for doing the Death Wish, and this… I didn’t deserve it. All I’d been trying to do was save Lily and keep people alive. I was the only one who could, so it wasn’t like there’d been any real decision to make. It was just… I just did what made the most sense. It had nothing to do with bravery or anything like that.

An awkward silence passed between us for a moment before Selene gave a slow, almost understanding nod.

[And your final notification,] Selene continued, as if nothing had happened. [A bit anticlimactic to end with this, but still exciting in its own way.]

[New daily, weekly, and monthly quests are available!]

I latched onto that last notification, grateful to have something else to think about. I was curious what those quests might be, but before I could inquire, my status menu opened up in front of my vision.


Name: Mai Kuroki

Alias: None

Level: 12

Points: 3,997

Health: 83%

Mana: 350/350 (30/Min)


Origin: Dark

Aspect: Loneliness

Class: None [10 Available!]

Signature: Unawakened


Strength: 15

Dexterity: 70

Vitality: 25

Agility: 70

Willpower: 35

Spirit: 6




Demonic Eye of the Sable Waif [MAX]




First Aid Vault (Common) є̶̘͇̀́г̷͇͖̥̏͐г̸̝͖̩̠̑๏̶͈͇̌̌̀̉г̷̩̪͔̐̓̄̍:̵̪̦̥̒ ̵̖̠̆͛̄̇ย̸̝̰̣̈͒̀͝ภ̶̟͙̋͆ค̴̡̋๒̷̮̔ɭ̵̮̇́͆́͜є̷̞̆́ ̶̨̖̞̀̑͋Շ̶̮̊͒̾๏̵̗̞̣̈́́̂ͅ ̶̜̰̻̊ค̴̰͙̉̄͘ς̶͚̗̀̐̀ς̶̥̹̈́̂̈є̶̨̲̤̍̎ร̵̮̔̆̄̚ร̵̢̩͎̽ Kinetic Handguns (Common) Modern Terran Clothing (Common)

I stared at the stats section, shaking my head. It was hard to believe how far I’d come, only starting with ten in most of them except Willpower and Spirit.

My eyes drifted further down to my Grimoire section and the mangled text there. With everything happening, I’d forgotten that Selene had told me she would explain what was going on with that.

“Selene? My Grimoire, the one I’m supposed to have because I’m a Dark…”

[Ah yes,] Selene nodded. [I believe the error text stems from the fact you haven’t awakened your Signature magic yet. As I said before, your unique Augment, Signature, and Grimoire are linked due to your Origin being Dark. Therefore, I believe your Grimoire is most likely locked due to the fact you have yet to awaken your Signature magic. Unfortunately, that process can be a bit tricky and is best done at Guardian Command with the proper tools to identify the various facets of your personal magic, so we won’t be able to access it right this moment. I do believe we should make doing so a priority, however. Knowing what your Signature and unique Grimoire is will give us a good idea of what the most optimal paths might be for your combat style.]

Nodding along, I mentally put that near the top of my list of things to do. It helped me feel a little better, to have a goal in mind now that everything was over. Maybe it was wrong, but the idea of unlocking new things like I was in a video game excited me. For some reason, it just made things seem so much clearer knowing what I needed to do to “progress.”

Before I could ask Selene any more questions about unlocking my Signature or what it might be, there was a gentle knock on the door.

“Hello?” a calm voice asked, the sound muffled by the door. “This is Magical Girl Everglaive. May I come in?”

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