Chapter 659

Even after Reiko returned, Reinhard remained excited for a while.

“Jin, you’re amazing after all! Imagine living on Penglai Island and leaving everything behind!”

“…Rei, Miss Berche would cry.”

The Shark gradually returned to Tatsumi Bay.

“Have you calmed down now?”

“Oh, yes.”

By the time the Shark docked at the pier, Reinhard’s excitement had finally subsided.

Jin firmly secured the Shark and turned to Reinhard.

“I think we can develop personal flying armor-like devices once we accumulate more control data for the ‘Force Generator.'”

“I see! I’m looking forward to that!”

Jin tried to distract Reinhard, but it backfired.

“Flying armor? People flying through the air? Fantastic! I can’t wait for that day!”

Until they returned to the research institute, Reinhard remained in a state of constant excitement.

“The discussion for this development project…?”


Back at the research institute, at what felt like lunchtime for Jin and the others, Reinhard’s excitement had calmed down.

“For me, it was quite informative. Jin, using ordinary materials to create something like that is impressive!”

“I agree… I didn’t expect the ‘Force Generator,’ though.”

Reinhard and Elsa both appraised the Shark that Jin had created.

“Seeing that, I’m confident that His Majesty’s plans for this project will succeed. I can’t lose to Eckhardt Tecless, a merchant living in the southern part of the Celroa Kingdom!”

Reinhard was eager to compete against Eckhardt Tecless, who was constructing a 40-meter-class ship.

“If we use the ‘Goliath’ for the construction, it will significantly reduce the construction period. I’m looking forward to it!”

Jin shared Reinhard’s excitement.

“We’ll have to work out the specifics of the ship type there. Do we have everything we need?”

When Jin asked them, Elsa answered.

“Since it’s a national project, I think you only need to bring personal items. If necessary, you can buy what you lack there.”

“That’s right. Besides, we have a small warp gate on the airship, so we can return anytime.”

“Jin, you’re like that…”

Reinhard marveled in an odd way.

The next day, which was November 23rd, the early morning saw Jin’s airship depart from Loizardt. On board were Jin, Elsa, Reinhard, Reiko, Edgar, and the steward.

Slightly overweight in terms of weight, they reduced it with gravity magic, and the airship headed straight for the town of Simos.

With a light north wind, they arrived in Simos shortly after 10 AM.

It seemed that a message had been sent by pigeon yesterday. A large sign in the lakeside square read “Airship Landing Zone,” so there was no need to search for a landing point.

“Welcome, Lord Reinhard, Lord Jin, and Lady Elsa.”

The one who welcomed them was the mayor of Simos, who appeared to be in his mid-30s, energetic and slightly skinny, tall, with brown hair and gray eyes, giving off a vibrant impression.

“And Lady Reiko, and… is he Master Edgar?”

The mayor seemed to have a firm grasp of the information about their group. Right next to the square, a hot air balloon was anchored.

“I am Varial Toa. We were informed of your arrival yesterday, so we’ve been waiting for you.”

Because Baron Reinhard was the highest-ranking among the three and had been assigned the task by the Empress herself, he served as the representative.

“It seems that you are Mr. Jin Nidou. Your reputation precedes you. The young lady here is Lady Elsa Randle. And Miss Reiko, despite being an automata, also holds the title of squire. Nice to meet you.”

Jin’s airship was securely anchored, and they placed a temporary covering over it.

They left the steward in charge and followed the mayor’s guidance, walking to their destination. It was a short walk, but it appeared that the working area was right next to them.

“This way.”

Just a three-minute walk from where the airship was anchored. There was a new building by the inlet facing Lake Wass, and one of them was the management building.

It seemed like the project had been well prepared in advance, as the mayor explained that they had started construction in July, which meant the project had been in progress since shortly after the Technological Exposition.

“Ah, Lord Jin Nidou, welcome. I’m sorry I couldn’t come to meet you. Lord Reinhard, thank you for coming. Miss Elsa, or should I say Miss Elsa? And also, Lord Reiko, you have come.”

The current project’s site director, Christoph Bard von Tarnate, served as the Vice Minister of the Shoal Empire’s Ministry of Magic and Technology.

He had acted as a witness at Reinhard’s wedding and served as the master of ceremonies during the Technology Exposition, so Jin was familiar with him.

“No need to apologize for not being able to go to the meeting, I didn’t mention the time.”

“Even if you say that, it’s still embarrassing.”

Christoph scratched his head.

“So, what’s this?”

Jin asked Christoph as he looked at the plans he had spread on the table.

“These are ship plans. I’ve been studying them for a while because they look pretty good.”

“May we take a look?”

“Please, go ahead. But before that, now that the core team is complete, I’d like to have everyone introduce themselves.”

“Huh? I thought one or two more people might be added.”

“Exactly. We finalized the last member this morning.”

With that, a meeting was arranged to take place in a conference space further inside.

“Everyone, thank you for gathering. Our goal is to create an unprecedented giant ship. This will bring a significant revolution to our Shoal Empire’s industry and transportation.”

After the introduction, Christoph took a short pause, looked around at the seven people who were seated, and began the self-introductions.

“I am the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Magic and Technology, Christoph Bard von Tarnate, and I serve as the site manager. Now, let me introduce the people who have gathered here. First, we have the Magicraft Meister, Jin Nido, participating as a consultant.”

The other five people, apart from Reinhard and Elsa, murmured in excitement. The title of Magicraft Meister had apparently reached them.

“Next to him is Miss Elsa Randle, who is both a Magic Engineer and a state-appointed healing mage, Reichsaltsdot. She can attend to injuries that occur during work.”

The introduced Elsa bowed her head slightly without saying a word.

“Next to Lord Reinhard Randle, who is on Jin Nido’s other side. Oh, I forgot to mention earlier, but during your involvement in this project, let’s try not to be too attached to titles like nobles or aristocrats. Being too particular about it might hinder communication.”

Saying so, Christoph smiled. Jin felt relieved that it would be a relaxed atmosphere.

“…On the other side of Lord Reinhard Randle is Xeneroz Fort. He’s a local Magic Engineer and Magicraft Meister.”

Xeneroz had blond hair, gray eyes, and a robust figure. On the other hand, Claire Altman, who was introduced next, had red hair and brown eyes, and her petite appearance could make one think she was still a child, but she was over twenty.

“On my other side is Rodrigo. He is a shipwright from the Elias Kingdom. And the one next to him is Cobalt, a shipwright from our Simos town.”

So, the eight of them, including Christoph, would be the initial members. Of course, they would hire additional workers.

Rodrigo was taller than Reinhard and looked even skinnier than him. Jin felt like he had seen his golden hair and blue eyes somewhere before.

The other Cobalt was silver-haired with green eyes and had a sturdy build.

“Now that we’re all here…”

Christoph adjusted his seating position a bit.

“As I mentioned earlier, until we complete this project, I will serve as the site manager. The basic working hours will be from 8 AM to 5 PM. There might be extensions depending on the progress. During the working hours, please try not to be too particular about noble titles and such. But I do expect you to maintain basic etiquette. That’s all.”

Christoph put on an expression fitting for a manager, then spread the plans he had been looking at earlier on the conference table.

“Now, I would like to get to the discussion right away. Here is the conceptual design for the new ship. I was looking at it earlier, and it seems quite promising. I would like to hear everyone’s opinions.”

Jin peered at the drawings and was surprised.

“This is… a catamaran?”

Rodrigo spoke up, “Jin, was it? Do you know what a catamaran is?”

The other five people, apart from Reinhard and Elsa, were agitated. The term “Magicraft Meister” seemed to have reached them.

“Who’s next to you is Miss Elsa Randle, who is a Magic Engineer and a state-appointed healer, Reichsaltsdot. She can tend to injuries sustained during work.”

The introduced Elsa simply nodded her head slightly.

“And next to Lord Reinhard Randle is Xeneroz Fort. He’s a local Magic Engineer and Magicraft Meister.”

Xeneroz had blond hair, gray eyes, and a robust figure, and he was quite young. Claire, the girl next to him, had red hair, brown eyes, and appeared petite enough to be mistaken for a child, although she was over twenty.

“On the other side of Lord Reinhard Randle is Xeneroz Fort, a local Magic Engineer and Magicraft Meister.”

Xeneroz had blond hair, gray eyes, and a sturdy build. Claire Altman, who was introduced next, had red hair, brown eyes, and appeared petite enough to be mistaken for a child, although she was over twenty.

“Next to me on this side is Rodrigo. He’s a shipwright from the Elias Kingdom. And the one next to him is Cobalt, a shipwright from our Simos town.”

So, the eight of them, including Christoph, would be the initial members. Of course, they would hire additional workers.

Rodrigo was taller than Reinhard and looked even skinnier than him. Jin felt like he had seen his golden hair and blue eyes somewhere before.

The other Cobalt was silver-haired with green eyes and had a sturdy build.

“Now that we’re all here…”

Christoph adjusted his seating position.

“As I mentioned earlier, until we complete this project, I will serve as the site manager. The basic working hours will be from 8 AM to 5 PM. There might be extensions depending on the progress. During the working hours, please try not to be too particular about noble titles and such. But I do expect you to maintain basic etiquette. That’s all.”

Christoph put on an expression fitting for a manager, then spread the plans he had been looking at earlier on the conference table.

“Now, I would like to get to the discussion right away. Here is the conceptual design for the new ship. I was looking at it earlier, and it seems quite promising. I would like to hear everyone’s opinions.”

Jin peered at the drawings and was surprised.

“This is… a catamaran?”

“That’s right, Jin, right? Do you know what a catamaran is?”

Rodrigo asked. He looked puzzled.

“Yes, I’ve seen one in Portrock in the Elias Kingdom. Right, Reinhard?”

“Yeah. I thought it was quite a practical design.”

Upon hearing that, Rodrigo’s face brightened.

“Is that so? This design offers excellent stability and is perfect for ocean travel, I think. What do you think?”

“It makes sense. However, considering the size…”

“What do you mean?”

Rodrigo asked. Jin continued to explain.

“There are auxiliary float ships similar to catamarans. If waves hit only those floats, what do you think would happen?”

“Hmm? Ah, I see. There would be significant force exerted on the arms connecting the floats to the main hull.”

Rodrigo appeared to understand. He quickly arrived at an answer.

“For smaller boats, catamarans might be effective…”

Jin recalled Marsha’s catamaran from the competition.

“However, when it’s on a larger scale…”

“Go on.”

“It might get heavier to ensure sufficient strength to withstand the forces, especially if it’s primarily constructed of wood.”

This experience of building the Shark on Penglai Island was coming in handy here.

“We also need to consider how it aligns with the propulsion system.”

Rodrigo nodded in agreement.

“Right, that’s a good point. Christoph, could you please explain further?”


Christoph took out another set of blueprints.

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