Mage Adam

Chapter 204: Massive Strike

This monster was a lot stronger than any other one Adam had seen or beaten. Its energy beams were stronger than those of most monsters, and its body was also tougher. Based on what Adam knew about Cthulhu creatures, this one was at least a second level, higher than the rest.

The electric current flowing through the iron sand swords maintained a high-intensity magnetic field. The swords moved in regular patterns along the invisible 'magnetic lines' within the field.

Hundreds of blades intersected at precise angles and paths, cutting the approaching army of monsters to pieces like a giant meat grinder.

To Adam, these monsters were like virus codes, the magnetic field a firewall, and the sword blades were antivirus programs. He turned the bloody slaughter into a display of orderly beauty.

The only creature that could resist was the second-level monster. When the iron sand swords pierced its flesh, its rapidly mutating tissues clamped onto them. The attached electric currents were neutralized by its radiation energy.

The monster fought through the sword formation, making a straight line to Adam. As it leapt towards him, its muscles squeezed the swords out and turned into a giant mouth, spewing a thick energy beam.

Adam raised his magic wand. All the iron sand swords paused, their currents surging like a connected chain of dragons and snakes.

With a slight lift of his arm, the swords rose and spun rapidly around a certain center. The energy on the blades built up but wasn't released yet, creating a deafening buzz.

"Railgun, Massive Strike," Adam commanded.Please visit fr𝐞𝐞wn.𝒸o𝔪 website to read fastest update

With a swift downward motion of his arm, the swords in the sky fell down like a shower.

The currents interconnected, amassing a huge amount of energy with the help of magic. The falling swords, accelerated by the magnetic field, gained immense kinetic energy. Although this new railgun didn't contain the compressed energy of elemental missiles, it was as powerful.

Massive Strike, as the name implied, was another of Adam's map-wiping magical attacks. The army of monsters was torn apart as if made of paper, erased in an instant.

Adam even thought that there might be more transcendent creatures than he had imagined.

Adam released his magic wand and told the devil, now back in his original form, "Try to make a pact with it. If it doesn't work, at least try to understand its language."

The devil approached the monster. Adam didn't have much hope in it; the creatures of Cthulhu had mutated souls, so making a successful pact seemed unlikely. Even if a pact was made, there might be a risk of being corrupted.

Understanding language wasn't too hard for the devil. Devils, when powerful, roamed the void and contacted every race that strongly desired trade. The ability to understand languages was in their genes. Without that, communication and therefore trade would be impossible.

After a while, the devil kicked the struggling monster aside and walked to Adam with a look of disgust. "I can't make a slave pact with it. Its soul is completely twisted," he said, sending a stream of information to Adam's mind through their pact.

"Their language is very simple, without the ability to express complex emotions. It's only good for basic communication."

Adam understood from the devil's information that the monster's earlier words meant "Found an intruder" and "Kill him." The language was simple and straightforward.

"Other useful information?" Adam asked.

"No, there's no way to communicate. I tried asking questions in their language, but all I got back was 'kill you, kill you,'" the devil complained, breathing in the radiation-filled air. "Master, let's go back. This place is too bad, too dangerous."

Adam then exploded the monster's internal energy, carefully destroying every bit of its flesh and blood.

He then transformed the devil back into a magic wand and held it in his hand.

His mage armor completely covered him with a magnetic field, hiding all his energy leaks. He adjusted the frequency of the magnetic field to mimic radiation on the surface. This way, unless seen with their own eyes, first and second-level monsters couldn't detect him just by sensing energy.

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