Mage Adam

Chapter 174: Snow Worm

"Has the snowstorm stopped yet?" Worry filled the underground hideout, where five travelers were close together. Caesar, with a unique beauty that made it tricky to tell if he was a man or a woman, asked this again and again.

Everyone turned to look at Rice, waiting for his answer. Once, nobody really liked Rice because he seemed so distant. But now, this half-man-half-dragon guy, a dragonkin, was their best chance to survive.

Before they came to these frozen lands for their mission, they never thought it would be this dangerous. If Rice hadn't used his special ice powers to make this safe place at the last minute, the best thing they could hope for was to freeze in the scary snowstorm, with their bodies still whole.

Rice looked very tired; keeping the cave safe took a lot of his energy. "No, it's still going on," he said, sounding a bit annoyed. He really didn't want to keep answering the same question. But he also didn't want his friends to be too scared, so he kept telling them about the storm, even if sometimes he didn't tell the whole truth. "But I think it will stop soon. I can feel the wild ice magic getting weaker."

The others felt a bit better hearing this. They weren't stupid; they could see that Rice was getting weaker and weaker. If he gave up, they knew they would all be in big trouble. There wouldn't be anything left of them.

Caesar, feeling his big bow on his back, whispered, "When the snowstorm is over, we should go away from here. We are all getting too tired, and there's nothing to eat or drink here."

The other three nodded, showing they agreed.

Rice, a bit angry, felt picking these friends in a rush was a bad idea. They just made things harder for him. "You can do what you want, but I'm staying here."

Caesar tried to change his mind, "Rice, you are really strong, but you can't beat the big Snow Worm by yourself. Why don't you come with us, rest, and then come back?"

Rice didn't listen and just focused on the cave. Caesar wanted to say more, but the others told him to stop.

Then, after a short quiet moment, the snowstorm suddenly stopped. Rice, looking serious, took his hands off the cave walls, saying, "It's finished; you can now..."

But before he could finish talking, the ground started shaking a lot. Caesar quickly got ready with his bow and arrow. A magic arrow appeared, waiting to be shot. He shouted, "Something really big is coming from under the ice! Oh no, it's the Snow Worm!"

On the frozen fields, after hearing Adam's caution, Kambi looked as if he was about to face a tough opponent. He surrounded himself with the last of his plant power. To stay alive in the harsh cold of the ice plain, a being had to be super strong. Kambi didn't think he could count on Adam to keep him safe.


Suddenly, Adam felt the ground shake. The Snow Worm was moving under the ice and coming straight for him.

"Rice, it's okay. I can't go on." Caesar had lost his bow and arrow. Ice covered a lot of his body, making it hard to move his legs. He could only move because Rice was pulling him.

Rice didn't say anything. He was trying hard to walk in the big snowstorm the Snow Worm made.

"Go on without me. Be safe. If you can, please look after my little sister in Lep City." Caesar tried to sit up using his arms.

"Be quiet." Rice put his hand over Caesar's mouth and kept pulling him. He jumped high to get away from a bright light the Snow Worm sent out.

Walking right behind Adam, Kambi thought Adam was asking him, so he quickly said, "That's what the Snow Worm leaves behind after eating. People call it the 'Ice Elemental Crystal', but 'energy stone' works too."

In the world of mages, they could change different kinds of energy stones into what they wanted. But it looked like the world of dragons didn't have that skill.

Adam thought he might know why energy stones weren't so special in the mage world. Maybe creatures that make energy stones are everywhere in all the planes. So, after winning a battle in one plane, he could get a lot of these energy stones to pick up.

While he was thinking, the Snow Worm had already eaten three of the travelers. The two left were running as fast as they could to a safer place. The Snow Worm could make big snowstorms with its power. Anyone too weaker than the worm wouldn't even be able to run or fly away. They would just be the worm's next snack.

Suddenly, Adam felt the ground shake. The Snow Worm was moving under the ice and coming straight for him.

"Rice, it's okay. I can't go on." Caesar had lost his bow and arrow. Ice covered a lot of his body, making it hard to move his legs. He could only move because Rice was pulling him.

Rice didn't say anything. He was trying hard to walk in the big snowstorm the Snow Worm made.

"Go on without me. Be safe. If you can, please look after my little sister in Lep City." Caesar tried to sit up using his arms.

"Be quiet." Rice put his hand over Caesar's mouth and kept pulling him. He jumped high to get away from a bright light the Snow Worm sent out."

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