Vincent stood outside the hotel, waiting for the person that Evangeline had ordered to picked him up. He knew that Isabella couldn't be exposed to sunlight for long periods of time, so he had to go to the meeting point first.

A sleek white SUV pulled up to the entrance of the hotel, and a man with a bald head and black jacket stepped out.

"Mr. Vincent, I'm here to pick you up" the man addressed him with a respectful tone.

Vincent couldn't help but sense the powerful aura emanating from the man's body. A hunter, he thought to himself, referring to people who possessed Adrenaline Manipulation abilities. But this person was more powerful than the guards he ordered to protect the Wayne Family and Sophia back home.

"Uhm" He simply nodded and got into the car. The bald-headed man followed him in and started the engine. The car hummed to life, and they droved away from the hotel.

"Mr. Vincent, my name is Leonard, and I've been sent here with my team to assist you and Miss Isabella," the man introduced himself before launching into the details of the mission.

According to Leonard, the Ministry of Magica had obtained a rare and powerful artifact capable of sealing almost anything.

Vincent couldn't help but wonder why they needed it. Was it really worth risking a confrontation with another organization? He wasn't well-versed in magic, but just hearing the name "Ministry of Magica" was enough for him to know that they weren't an organization to be taken lightly. And now he was being ordered to steal something from them . This was going to be a difficult task. Fighting a savaged beast and a group of powerful and intelligent individuals are two different things.

He couldn't help but feel uneasy about this mission. Evangeline had specifically told him to keep a low profile, yet here he was, tasked with stealing something very important. It was a risky move, especially considering his greatest weakness was magic.

As he pondered over the situation, Leonard handed him a briefcase. Vincent opened it to find a unique item.

"What is this?" His mind raced with questions as he stared at the mysterious mask inside the briefcase. 

"Mother Evangeline thinks highly of you, Mr. Vincent," Leonard said, as if reading his thoughts. "She believes you have what it takes to complete this mission, and that item will aid you in doing so."

Vincent carefully examined the mask, noting the silver and black materials that formed half of each side, and the unsettling smile that adorned its surface. 

"How does it work?" he asked, intrigued. He knew that Evangeline would not send this thing for no reason.

"It will mask your aura and transform your appearance, making it difficult for anyone to detect you," Leonard explained. "Even if you transform, your eyes will be masked by the item."

"Good" Vincent nodded, impressed by the mask's capabilities. He knew that this mission was going to be dangerous, but with this item in his possession, he felt a glimmer of hope.

" I don't need to hold back with this item " He couldn't deny that the idea of hiding his aura and fully unleashing his werewolf form was tempting, especially when dealing with magicians and witches .




Puerto Rico 5:30 pm

Vincent had been waiting for hours in the makeshift camp they'd set up far away from the cave , keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings , and the area where the S-Rank mutated creature was expected to show itself. 

They chose to keep their distance because they couldn't risk being seen by other organizations, especially now that Evangeline was severely weakened.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ In this moment of vulnerability, they had to proceed with caution until they had the strength to stand against their enemies. But they weren't the only ones hiding . Numerous small-time organizations were also lurking in the area, plotting their next moves in secrecy. Everyone was on high alert, aware of the dangers and benefits of capturing this creature.

Vincent had donned the mask they'd given him, and to his surprise, it was not at all uncomfortable to wear. It seemed to possess some sort of enchantment that made it nearly weightless, and he barely even noticed it was there.

As the sun went down , the coffins finally opened, Vincent couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat as he saw Isabella emerge from her coffin. He took off his mask and walked over to her, feeling a rush of emotion as they shared a warm embrace.

"I've missed you so much," he whispered, looking into her eyes.

"I've missed you too," Isabella replied, blushing slightly.

The other vampires in the group looked with shock expression, unable to believe what they were seeing. Isabella was known for her hatred of men, and yet here she was, wrapped in Vincent's embrace. They couldn't help but wonder what kind of magic he had used to win her over.

Isabella savored the moment, her eyes locked onto Vincent's as they held each other tightly. She didn't care about the judgmental stares of her fellow vampires. All that mattered was that she was with the person she loved the most. The sensation of Vincent's arms around her was enough to make her feel safe and protected. She closed her eyes and relished in the feeling of his warm body against hers.

Vincent noticed the intense desire in her eyes and a mischievous grin spread across his face.

"Shall we go to the tent?" he asked, his voice low and suggestive.

Isabella's heart raced as she nodded in agreement, and the two of them slipped away from the prying eyes of the other vampires. Inside the tent, they gave in to their passion, their bodies entwined in a fiery embrace as they lost themselves in each other.

But Despite the clear chemistry between them, Vincent respected Isabella's boundaries and did not push her to do anything she wasn't ready for. He understood the trauma she had been through and was willing to wait until she felt comfortable enough to take their relationship to the next level. He didn't want to do anything to jeopardize the trust they had built between them.

Puerto Rico 9:30 pm

Vincent's group lay low and patiently observed the activity below. The powerful groups that had arrived before them had set up camp on the beach, seemingly unconcerned about attracting attention.

Isabella's keen eyes spotted their target, and she pointed it out to Vincent. They were too far away to see clearly, so they used a telescope to get a closer look.

Vincent was surprised to see a man in a black robe with red lining, holding a wand and a broomstick. 

"Wands and broomsticks? Are we dealing with wizards now?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Isabella nodded. 

"Wizards wield wands as their primary weapons, and brooms are their preferred mode of transportation," she explained.

Vincent couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity as he looked at the scene below. 

"Why does this remind me of a popular book?" he wondered aloud.

"It's not uncommon for fantasy stories to be inspired by real-life events and individuals. Perhaps the writer drew inspiration from these very wizards," Isabella giggled, hearing him pointed out the similarities .

"Maybe, I will also get a book adaptation in the future ?" he joked , trying to lighten up the atmosphere .

Isabella laughed softly. "Who knows, maybe one day you'll inspire a writer to create a character based on you," she replied, playing along with his joke. 

"The author better have some serious writing skills to capture all of my awesomeness," he quipped, a playful smirk appeared on his face.

"With your charming personality and looks, I'm sure it would be a hit. I can already imagine the cover featuring all of your lovely women," she teased.

"I...." Vincent cleared his throat.,"Let's focus on the mission at hand. We need to figure out how to steal the item without getting noticed by the other organizations." He reached for his binoculars and began scanning the area below.

Isabella let out an amused chuckle at Vincent's sudden shift in the conversation. The awkwardness in the air was so thick you could almost taste it., and it was evident that he was feeling flustered by the direction their banter had taken.

She decided to let him off the hook, for now, and turned her attention back to their mission.

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