Loving the Naughty Empress

Chapter 77 - The Trip Planning

In the morning, Jin Yu already holds an emergency meeting with the prime minister and some minister who is supporting the emperor. Lin Yue and Ni Sheng are presenting inside the secret emergency meeting inside the Emperor study.

Jin Yu wants to investigate it in secret so he will be not in the palace. He asks the prime minister to take care for the government issues.

"Your highness, how about you bring Assistant minister Zhou with you? He is familiar with the whole country and mostly the terrain in the southern region. I will be happier ad feel safe if you bring him with you," The prime minister is pleading to the Emperor to bring one of his loyal assistants with the emperor as he is familiar with the government and terrain of the southern region.

"I will be travelling in small group and disguise myself as merchant to the southern region to find some merchandise. Are you sure about me taking one of your loyal assistants? Who is going to support you in this wild jungle when I am in absents?" Jin Yu is asking to his loyal supporter. He is already in his middle ages and dedicating himself to support the right government for the common interest of his country. He was one of Jin Yu's father loyal supporter and he always support the right and not the wrong.

"Yes… I have my son and other minister in the government. I get used to go war inside this court. Do you think I will be easy to defeat?" The old prime minister is laughing to the worry emperor. Jin Yu is taking his wellbeing too well.

"Then Zhou will come with me and also Ni Sheng and general Lin Yue and Consort Qing. We will travel in small group and around the country to the southern region. I have seen the northern region when there was a conflict with the Bai Lan county. They are fine and their citizen are happy and content. I want to see while I will handle the public kitchen in the southern region capital who needs immediate assistant," Jin Yu is telling his plan to his loyal supporters in his study.

"What should I tell the other ministers about your long disappearance?" The prime minister is asking to the emperor as it will be an inevitable thing inside the court.

"I got wicked by my new consort charm and take her to enjoy the lust in my winter solace. Why should I explain about my absence to them? Are they my boss or they are my emperor?" Jin Yu feels annoyed and hopeless with his member of ministers sometime who like to dip their nose in his personal matter.

"Your highness… You can not say like that to the pack of wolf. I will take care of it. I will give you the list of candidates of my choice for the replacement of minister of Justice and the chief of police in the capital. You need to review them, but I already narrow it and mark it for you base on my choice. I hope you will be appointed the person base of my choice as I knew them grow up and know their family well enough. They will not dare to do corruption as their strong believes in confusion. I believe they will not be forsaken for the idealist," The prime minister is informing the emperor about his choice.

"Can you and Lord Ni fix the case of Uncle Chen shop. I believe his competitor is stealing his recipe and punish the competitor for doing such a detestable crime. It will be hard for you to take the information from the stupid duo in the jail, but I believe you will find a way to finish this case with a good result," Jin Yu is passing the case to the prime minister.

"Yes, your highness. I will take care of it. I will also send a letter to some of my good friend to pass you some money on the way as it is not going to be safe to bring a lot of money in the carriages. I will make sure you have enough for your journey to the southern region," The prime minister and the Finance minister are worrying about the emperor long trip this time.

"Prepare a case of tael and money and I will bring it enough for the journey. You do not need to inform so many people as I want this trip to be as discreet as possible. I want to know the reality of my corrupt official. I have Lin Yue and Zhang and I will also bring six other personal guard for the journey. They are the best in the country, so you do not need to be worried," Jin Yu is smiling to the worry minister in front of him.

"I will fill the carriage with the case of money for you. I am diminishing myself to prepare the fund for your trip, your highness," The finance minister is asking permission to the emperor.

"You need to take the fund from the secret royal stash and be discreet. You may go," Jin Yu is nodding his head and the finance minister also understand about his mean. He is going straight away to the finance department building and opening the royal secret stash and he is taking out two full wooden chest boxes to the royal carriage of the emperor which got change into normal merchant carriages. Zhang and Eunuch Li are preparing the carriage for the trip and Eunuch Wang and Xiao Nie is preparing the others carriage for their clothes and needs. Xiao Nie is getting used to prepare his miss need to the barrack, so she works efficiently and pack accordingly. Eunuch Wang is surprised to see Xiao Nie work and follow her footstep.

Jin Yu is walking back to his room to find his wife still sleeping in the bed. He wants to join her into the sleeping realms, but they need to go out before the palace starts to be full of people. Jin Yu is shaking her softly to wake her up.

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