Loving the Naughty Empress

Chapter 74 - His Cold Interrogation

Jin Yu is changing into his official dragon robe and small gold head crown to show his position as the emperor if this country. Ni Qing is changing into her official consort dress with exquisite hair pin pair with the emperor crown on her head. She follows the cold demeanour Jin Yu to the interrogation building connected to the central jail and the central court building. He sits on the table on the top of the area to oversee the whole area.

Eunuch Wang is standing on his left while Ni Qing is standing on his right. Jin Yu asked Zhang to call the Prime Minister to witness the whole event today as he is the head of the government administration. He needs to see one of his subordinates will go down in the history of Jin Yu's reign as corrupt official and it gives Jin Yu ammunition to start his plan and strategy for the corrupt official.

Lin Yue and Ni Sheng are dragging the minister of Justice and the head of police precinct to the suspect seat and bound to the chair. The two persecutors are on standby on each of their side and preparing for all their equipment. They got stripped from their robe and outer clothes. They left only with their white inner outfit and change into the stray clothes to prove their position as the suspect and not someone important. 

Eunuch Wang is preparing all Jin Yu needed on the table and placing his dragon seal on the table with all sorts of wooden plaquette for the needs of interrogation. He evens summons the historian from the palace and eunuch to write down all the interrogation and court for this corruption. However, Jin Yu can use this as his ammunition to launch his strategy to shackle down the corrupt minister on his government. 

"I told you to be careful and not doing it in open…. And you are attacking the emperor and throwing his consort to the jail with the general and one of his strategist advisors. Yet, you are talking bullshit in front of him…" Minister Chu is venting to his stupid nephew who is looking scared on his suspect chair. He is well aware about the persecutor ability with their torturing ability.

"Uncle… I am scared…. What should we do?" the head police are asking his uncle about the possibility to be out from this whole scenario.

"Do you think that I have another scenario or way out in front of the devil guy in the golden robe? I hope one of us can be released from this punishment and take care of our family," the minister Chu is hoping his nephew last bit of his brain cell will work out or else, it will be the doom of their family line. His nephew practically confronts the devil who just need to flick his finger and annihilate their whole family. He also needs to think to face his uncle which is scarier than the emperor at the moment in his mind.

"The emperor Jin is going to start the interrogation today. Please listen carefully and work your way into the whole incident about today event," Eunuch Wang is opening the whole interrogation event for his master.

"Tell me everything about my consort in the jail…" Jin Yu is looking sharply at them.

"I really do not know anything about the whole incident in the police office, your highness. I just find out when Head Eunuch Wang is inviting me to the police office," Minister Chu is answering honestly as he understands about the way Jin Yu's character in the court. He is dealing with him on his daily morning court in the palace.

"I am only back from some outpost tasks, and my staff reported about the break in. I am apologizing if I am offending your highness," The head of police officer is begging to the emperor about this incident. He is trying to push the blame to his subordinate to escape his bad fate. Minister Chu is shocked to hear his stupid nephew answer. Jin Yu is hating people who shift the blame to someone else and he will make their life worse than death. He can smell lies thousand miles away.

Jin Yu is smiling cunningly before dropping one of the tortures plaquette to the ground when the torturer knows their task. They are tying the suspect feet together with their hardest cord and make sure their feet go closer together. And they have their assistant in place with long sturdy wood stick in their hand. They place two wooden stick in the small area in between their inner thigh like a x symbol. They are pressing it pressing to their inner thigh which making it excruciating pain in their nerves die on the pressure from the stick and power of the persecutor. There is a long and painful scream comes out from their mouth.

Jin Yu is standing in front of Ni Qing to barricade her view into the greasy torture show and closing her ear with his two hand. He still angry to her and at the same time, he did not want her to see this bloody scene. However, if he let her to rest at home alone, he will lose her again. He wants to chain her feet into some sort of block inside their palace.

"I will talk… pleasseeeeee…. Stop this crazy torture… I will tell you… we got hire for money as a side job from some wine merchant to chase out their customer and throw their employee in the jail… just punish us," head of police is opening his mouth as he cannot stand with this kind of torture. It is worse than death itself. Jin Yu is smiling cunningly to get their confession so easily.

"Your highness… I really do not know about this corruption thing happens in the police branch. If I know it then I will not allow this to be happening. I will break the chain of this stuff happen in the police office," Minister Chu is pleading to the emperor who is going to sit back on his desk.

"What happen if the people are asking for your help to fight the injustice?" Jin Yu is asking them. There must be more than just this in reality. He cannot believe their story, and this is only the surface.

"I just did it one time with Uncle Chen shop and this will be the first time and the last time, your highness," minister Chu's nephew is telling the emperor.

"I did not ask about how many times you have been doing it! I was asking you about the people or our people if they go to the police office because of injustice like Uncle Chen?" Jin Yu is making his voice colder this time and send a shiver to everyone in this interrogation room. However, Ni Qing loves to see her husband in action and using his authority to fight the injustice.

"We will help them obviously, your highness," He answers the emperor with firm tone while he holds the pain on his thigh.

"Lin Yue bring some citizen from lower income class to come to this interrogation so I can cross check his word and bring the witness from Uncle Chen shop when the attack happening," Jin Yu is instructing to the general and he bow to accept the task. The head of police face turns pale straight away as soon as the emperor want to cross check from the people in the market. He will be doomed as his staff taking security money from every vendor in the market and beat them if they do not want to give them the money. They also beat and become hire thug in uniform for noble and rich family if they need to give someone lesson. They will charge bases on the damage on the victim.

It does not take a long time for Lin Yue to come back with few people from the market which mostly almost aged people and some people from Uncle Chen places. Ni Qing knows the person really well as he has work with Uncle Chen really long time. However, there is one person who young enough to work with Uncle Chen comes with Lin Yue. Ni Qing never seen this guy in Uncle Chen shop. It must be someone planted by the culprit. Ni Qing is going into Jin Yu and whisper something in his ear when he did not give any reaction toward Ni Qing's information. 

"Please give your respect to our emperor," Eunuch Wang is informing the citizen who is bowing to the ground as their respect to the emperor. Jin Yu is accepting their respect bow and ask them to stand up. 

"Can you tell us in here the reality to deal with the police officer, so I can impose the correct people to help and protect you from the injustice…? Also, if you have any information that you need to tell me about the corrupt government… do not scares as I will protect you as my loyal citizen," Jin Yu is telling them with his convincing tone as he needs to make them believe at him. they are look likes getting rain after a long drought season.

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