Ni Qing is looking at the chaos in the restaurant getting frustrates with the two-man standing there. She walks toward them and smack their head from behind with her bare-hand one by one. She is speechless to see their useless reputation getting stumble by mere corrupt police and yet, they are getting their head muddled.

"Who are you?" One of the police officers is snapping at them in the middle of the room.

"Why? How can you not know them? One of the is minister and the other one is notorious general in this country," Ni Qing is refuting his word to tell him about their position. She is the emperor consort and yet no one know about their little adventure this time.

"If you all are the important person in this world then it means that My wife is the empress of this country…" The guards are laughing out loud to their face. In the end, they are getting lead to go to the police station.

Lin Yue and Ni Sheng want to take out their identification to prove their tittle in this capital city, but Ni Qing hold their hand and sign them to put it back. They are only keeping the staff and three of them and put them into the jail. They are in the jail mixed with many of the filthy burly man when Ni Qing is beknown by one of them.

"You again… what makes you to get thrown in here? Miss Lu, we meet again," Brother Tao is greeting and eloping her with his arm. Ni Qing tries to refresh her memories to remember the guy in front of him is brother Tao, the closest man to Brother Huo.

"Are you here alone? What makes you thrown to here?" Ni Qing is getting closer to this guy which make Lin Yue and Ni Sheng confused.

"Brother Huo and the others are in the corner there… let's go and sit with us," He point his index finger toward the corner of the room and found the familiar place and his pack in the corner.

"Brother Huo, what makes you stay in this filthy place….? If I know you come, then I will put you with the best women in the capital," Ni Qing is smiling with her best attitude and coming closer to brother Huo.

"We escape from Bai Lan and we get caught when we are going to sneak inside the border of the capital when we got caught. Brother Huo can not contact his brother in the capital which make us end up in here," Brother Tao keep blabbering his mouth and make brother Huo angry until he throws his shoes to brother Tao head.

"Brother Huo… Your emotion still does not change at all… you will die from bursting of your blood vessel if you keep angry every minute. Are we not brother and sister now?" Ni Qing is taking sit next to brother Huo.

"Who is your brother?" Brother Huo is looking at her ashamed attitude. He knows well in his heart when he deals with this girl, it means bad luck will lurk to his future. He wants to go far away from this wicked lady.

"You pledge with me and drink my pee in the cave to bound the relation as brother and sister… do not tell me you forget the pledge of us to exchange our urine instead of our blood as it is too precious," Ni Qing ashamedly telling him which make his face become pale straight away and want to vomit.

Ni Sheng and Lin Yue are shock to hear her shame word come out from her mouth as if it is normal think to do. In reality, they did exchange the pee in the bowl, but Ni Qing throw the content in her bowl and give the bowl to brother Huo who already drunk and drink it as their pledge. In the end, he was vomited all his stomach content due on her pee. He was not aware that he was drinking her pee and drink it under the influence of alcohol. In the morning, one of his subordinate report to him about the pee incident and it makes him vomit and wash his face like thousand time. He went into shock for few days after and hear about the defeat of Yu Tian and his army.

"miss… do not mention about that incident if you do not want to make brother Huo mad," bother Tao is whispering to her ear.

"What do you want this time? Do not tell me to bid something disgrace again!" brother Huo is feeling an onset headache in his head and churning in his stomach.

"Nothing… I can not believe to meet up with you, my brother in here… I will not ask you to drink the bucket of latrine in there… do not worry about it," Ni Qing keeps teasing him which make him to vomit straight away and sits in the back to rest his head.

Everyone is pitying their brother Huo who got defeated by this mere crazy lady. No one in his group dares to provoke this lady if they do not want to cross with bad luck.

"Be careful… do not offend her or you will haunt with a bad luck like brother Huo," one of the disciples of brother Huo is giving out his advice. It is something he learn from reality. After they meet her, and brother Huo somehow provoke her by gamble with her. Their fate turns 180 degrees from good to the bad luck. They got chase out from Bai Lan city due to wrong accusation from one of their clients who do not wish to pay for their service. They are getting kick out from the country and they are seeking refugee from one of their motherlands and end up in this jail as the safest route to smuggle people to the capital. They got caught by nicks of time because one of the guards want to take a leak and saw the group of people smuggles their way into the capital.

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