"What makes you to be open about your pregnancy now? What changes your mind?" Mo Feng is asking her about the decision to accept her pregnancy and speaking it out on open.

"I think the little bean already got stronger than before as I can feel already his pulse and heartbeat…. Thank to you, Master for the medicine to make the baby stronger…." Ni Qing is telling eloquently to her friend and master.


"Sis, is it true the consort Liang also pregnant with the emperor seed?" Ni Sheng is asking her sister about the real situation about this whole pregnancy thing.

"She is the consort, and no one can sleep with her except the emperor himself… even though there was someone who sleep around in the capital, but this consort come from royal family… what are you implying, brother? You need to cross check and talk the truth," Ni Qing is scolding her brother about this whole pregnancy mix up. obviously, she is well aware about her questionable pregnancy.

"Are you serious about your husband ability to sleep with another woman? He is not someone who can shop around?" NI Sheng is asking her sister for confirmation about his knowledge of the emperor.

"Do you hear any rumour about her?" Ni Qing is asking from her brother who has his ear everywhere in capital.

"I hear some rumour and gossip… do you want to hear it?" Ni Sheng is trying to pique interest from his sister.

"Can we eat first, and we talk over dessert? I make some egg tart…" Ni Qing is getting her chopstick on the table. Lin Yue is putting some food on the plate after Mo Feng is putting the last dishes on the table.

All the dishes' cooks by Mo Feng contains all the vitamin and ingredients compatible for her pregnancy. No one complaint for food on the table as Mo Feng's skill on the cooking is on par with Ni Qing. They all are sitting on the table including Xiao Nie. They are eating together as one whole family. In their belief, no one is higher than the others regardless of their position. They are all the same human being.

The wind blows nicely when Ni Qing is deciding to drink the tea inside her common room. Xiao Nie and Ni Sheng is cleaning up the table before he joins them inside the common room.

"Why are you not in the court room with the emperor?" Mo Feng is sitting down after checking Ni Qing pulse.

"The emperor is having Zhou Yu and Gu Man in the court with the prime minister… why are you wanting us to be with the emperor?" Ni Sheng is looking at master Mo with a curious look. Xiao Nie is coming to the room with the plate of dessert made by Ni Qing.

The fragrant custard egg with the smell of the fresh pastry fills the whole room. Xiao Nie is serving the dessert accompanied with the flower tea.

"Tell me, brother what are you hearing about the pregnant consort liang?" Ni Qing is asking her brother with a curiosity. She is well aware her pregnancy because of her affair with the only man who always linger in her palace, the book merchant.

"She is not pregnant with the emperor seed, right? Did you do something with her pregnancy?" Ni Sheng is shooting his sister with an arrow. Ni Qing is smiling mysteriously to her brother which make everyone in the room understand.

"No Wonder… you push Crown Prince Lian Li Xuan to come out and get our rice back without even make the blood drop… as always the fruit from your brain, Xiao Qing," Lin Yue is telling her about the extraordinary plan.

"The only baby that belong to our emperor is inside your womb?" Ni Sheng is asking his sister for the confirmation before they are laughing to her nodding answer.

"You have to tell the emperor as this baby grow day by day… what is your next excuse when your stomach starts to show up?" Ni Sheng is asking his sister.

"I Do not know to be honest… I am still thinking about the next excuse for my little bean…" Ni Qing is putting a loud breath out after sipping her tea. She is nibling into the dates to make the baby grow healthy.

"I think your stomach start to show up… you have to think faster for the excuse…" Mo Feng is advising them in open.

"Do I pay all my worker to be enjoying their free time in here while I busted my arse to work…" The cold iron voice sounded to the whole room. The emperor is walking into the common room with his yellow dragon robe. everyone is bowing to respect the emperor who take seat in the top of the room. He makes a gesture for them to stand up.

"I am sorry, your highness… we are going to be back to our office…" Ni Sheng is bowing and taking step backward.

"Stop… all of you… I did hear about the rumour, and someone find an excuse for her pregnancy…" Jin Yu is looking sharply into his wife. He was making an excuse to leave the lunch early due to his headache.

Jin Yu keeps thinking about her expression and making a trip to her palace. as soon as he arrives in her palace to find about the chatter of their talk. He can hear perfectly about the rumour regarding the pregnancy of Consort Liang and his wife pregnancy which she hides it from him. He asks Eunuch Wang to summon physician He to empress palace.

"I think, your highness hears something wrong… We just talk about gossip and rumour…" Ni Qing is making an excuse to dismiss the emperor. He knows about her way of thinking, but he needs to make her confess about her pregnancy. In the same time, Physician He is arriving in the empress palace in hurry.

"Check the empress health…" Jin Yu is instructing Physician He to check into his wife condition.

"Excuse me, your highness… Do you have any symptom or any pain?" Physician He is preparing the cushion and the material to check her wrist.

"I do have some symptom to kill someone at the moment because of his annoying behaviour…" Ni Qing is sitting and giving out her wrist to physician He.

"Can someone tell me the punishment to lie to me as the emperor?" Jin Yu is asking with his stern face.

"It is a capital crime and punishable by death, your highness…" Eunuch Wang is answering the question thrown by the emperor.

"What kind of death?" Jin Yu is keeping asking the question with his cold iron voice which make everyone get a goosebump to hear his voice.

"Either it will be cut on the neck or hanging in front of public…" Eunuch Wang keep answering the emperor.

"I am not scared at all… you can punish me and kill me if you want…" Ni Qing is not scare with his blackmail. Jin Yu is looking at her angerly as she regards her life so easily without thinking about his feeling.

"Your highness… congratulation for the good news… The empress is pregnant seven weeks now…" Physician He is kneeling down on the floor to Kong towing the emperor.

"Should I check again the record whether this is my seed?" Jin Yu is making a sarcasm remark automatically after hearing about the truth. NI Qing is really angry to hear his comment about her pregnancy.

Ni Qing is standing up and walk out from the common room and slam shut her bed chamber to vent her anger. She did not care about her husband and anyone else because of the word come out from her husband mouth seem like a sword piercing her heart.

How dare he question her loyalty and imply about sleeping around with other man until she gets pregnant!

Ni Qing is laying down on her bed and closing the drape to cover her bed. Anyway, she is kind of tired and needs some nap. It won't take a long time for her to dose off to the realm of dream.

She is waking up with her tired face and already dark outside. The room is look so haggard and it seem not inside the palace. she is putting her shoes on and walking outside the room.

She is in the empty house which look abandon from the moonlight. This place looks familiar to Ni Qing when out of sudden her stomach feels sharp pain. She can see someone look at her.

"Look she is already wake up… let's take out the baby as Crown Princess Liang instruction to us and sell her to the brothel…" The men is telling to each other while she hold her big stomach.

What are they saying about the crown princess Liang? He is already married and someone else claim as his crown princess. Ni Qing is stepping back to realise about her safety. She is looking around to familiarise the terrain before she tries to run away. However, she needs to hide and thinking that she ran away.

Her plan did not work when they caught and bring her to the empty room. There is a pregnant lady sit inside the room.

"Thank you for your idea, bitch…. I manage to become the Liang Crown princess and pay my revenges using the hand of my dear husband as long as he is satisfied with my service on bed. I have to say my gratitude to you because of you I can become the crown princess and bear him a son…" Yin Fang is showing smug face toward Ni Qing.

"What happen to the crown princess?" Ni Qing tries to hide the cramps in her stomach.

"oh… I do not know… I just serve the crown prince on the bed after all the training from the brothel from you… and BAMM… he kicked out his wife and choose me as his legal wife…." Yin Fang is clasping her hand to make effect of her story telling.

"Do you forget my position as the empress of Dayu Kingdom? My husband is going to get you and annihilate you…" Ni Qing is telling Yin Fang to scare her and take her out from any idea to hurt Ni Qing. At least, she can buy a little bit time for her safety and her baby.

"I am helping my husband to kill your useless husband already… Do you think if we do not kill and remove the person in front of you then we manage to lay hand into you?" Yin Fang is laughing loudly and giving sign her subordinate to hold me and dragging me out.

"Get them to move out the uterus… and she is good to go…" Yin Fang is telling them while they are holding her hand to drag her body to the intended place. Ni Qing tries to struggle and make herself free.

"No… Leave me alone…. Yu… Jin Yu… Your highness, please help me…" scream her on the sleep while she is moving around her body. There is a tears wheel out from her eyes.

"Qing… I am here… what do you want me to help you with?" Jin Yu is getting her body to wake her up. Ni Qing is opening her eyes and launching her body toward her husband.  she can't believe her husband is passed away on her dream.

"I dream about you get killed by Liang Li Xuan… and I lend him the greatest evil villain consort Yin," Ni Qing is sobbing inside the emperor embrace. He is pulling her tighter and caressed her back.

"Do not worry… let me as your husband to protect you and our son…. You are not doing anything behind my back anymore…" Jin Yu is giving her a stern warning regarding all her cowboy moves.

"I just want to help you as my husband…" Ni Qing is holding his body tighter and burying her face inside his chest.

"I am an emperor and I get use to deal with the whole country problem including problematic and complicated thing in life. I want you to rely on me… tell me about everything so I can start to fix everything," Jin Yu is demanding toward explanation from her. He can't get angry toward her and pamper her more and more. She is giving him a baby and descendant to continue his line.

"I am sending Yin Fang to get impregnate by Liang Li Xuan. I try to make the crown prince busy because we can take back all of our rice from the cave in the border without making any blood to be spilled…" Ni Qing is telling her idea of making the whole strategies to help her husband out of guilty. She is using him for the whole charade to protect the little bean.

"And then…." Jin Yu is pressing her for more explanation. He has been in misery for something he believes did not happen.

"I am sorry that I am changing the record in for your visit… The real record only when you beast makes me pregnant seven weeks ago," NI Qing is telling the truth about everything to her husband.

"It means Yun Xin baby's does not belong to me… do you know it from the beginning?" Jin Yu is asking curiosity to Ni Qing after moved her into his laps.

"Hmmmm… not telling you…" Ni Qing is smiling toward her husband. she is already arranging them to elope after the whole crisis with the crown prince has been conquer.

"Are you serious? I am her husband and the accused one for her pregnancy even though I never ever lay finger to her…." Jin Yu is demanding for her answer regarding this problem.

"I Love you…" Ni Qing is putting her arm into his neck and gives him a peck on his lips.

"Only a small peck and can you have repeated again…" Jin Yu is demanding an answer of her action of confessing her love to him. Jin Yu does not waste his time and kissed her lips until she is gasping for air. he is tracing his kiss into the bottom of her neck and the valley of her shoulder. However, NI Qing is pushing him away.

"What happens? DO you know that I miss you so much?" Jin Yu is looking at her with amusement about her action.

"I am pregnant, and it is still in the early stages…. I do not want you to hurt the baby… Our baby," NI Qing is looking at her husband with her puppy eyes.

"I am not going to hurt our son… I just want to kiss you and hold you…" Jin Yu is teasing his wife about his action. he always loves to tease his wife continuously.

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