They are arriving in the palace just before the banquet started. Ni Qing is applying make-up to cover the bruises on her face. she is deciding to wear a veil to cover half of her face because of the bruises. She does not want people to freak out about her wound due to the beating from Consort Yin two days ago.

She is wearing the empress robe which matches the emperor golden robe with the dragon emblem. In Ni Qing robes, there is a golden phoenix emblem in her robe. she is wearing the golden phoenix pin on her head and making her hair into exquisite detail.

"This is for you…" Jin Yu is presenting the tray with the newest jewellery for her to use tonight. it is a set of earrings and necklace with the jade stone as the centrepiece to compliment her wedding ring.

"Husband, this is so expensive… are you sure?" Ni Qing is touching the exquisite jewellery on the tray. Jin Yu is taking the necklaces and put it on her neck. The colour of her neck skin implements the beautiful design of the necklaces.

"I can give you the world if you want and everything you want including my life… I love you, my love," Jin Yu is turning her face to the side and kiss her passionately after sliding her veil which covers her half face.

"Ehmm… Your highness, the time for banquet almost start and the crown prince with all the minister already arrives in the area pf the party," Eunuch Wang is reminding the emperor about his event tonight.

"Let's go or else I am not going to let you out from the bedroom…. You look exquisitely beautiful tonight," Jin Yu is complimenting his wife.

"Remember, I am still recovering from the torture…. Let's go…" Ni Qing is reminding her husband about her condition.

"I know it.. but I will add more to your debt… we need to work hard," Jin Yu is escorting his wife outside their palace. she hears the word from Jin Yu and got the weak knee straight away to think about his condition to say about working hard on their bed.

They are walking toward the area of the banquet when the eunuch is announcing their arrival to the area of the banquets. At the same time, Consort Yin is entering the area with Jin Yu and Ni Qing. Apparently, her name is not on the guest list, and she got stopped by the guard and the government staff to enter the banquet area.

"Excuse me… how dare you to stop me? I am the consort Yin and the princess of Yin Kingdom." Consort Yin is screaming toward the staff of the party who stop her at the entrance.

"I am apologising for the delay, but your name is not in the list of participants. Apparently, members of the harem are not allowed to enter the official banquet without any pass from the empress palace," The events staff is advising the consort entourage regarding her presence in the banquet.

She is making a ruckus at the entrance of the banquet and delays the whole plan as her complaint. The guard and eunuch of the Yin kingdom crown prince is reporting to his ear which makes his face grown darker after listening about his sister behaviour. She is actually cussing the staff and swearing to them. It makes her not really behaving like the princess as it is.

Yin Cheng to his guard to solve the problem even he has to drag her out from the palace. he does not have the energy or space in his head for her problem at the moment. His eunuch is explaining as her title is not as high as the empress. The law in this country forbids a woman to join into the government matter unless permitted by the emperor and empress as the leader in this country.

Jin Yu helps Ni Qing to sits in her seat when she can see the ruckus created by the consort Yin on the entrance.

"Yu, your favourite consort wants to join the banquet…. Should I let her in, and I retreat to my palace?" Ni Qing is telling the emperor who looks unhappy with her teasing.

"It is up to you… she is under your hand…" Jin Yu is sitting down on his seat with his expressionless expression.

"Let her into the banquet. Anyway, there is her brother in here. Maybe she misses her brother," Ni Qing is informing Xiao Nie to let Consort Yin to the banquet. They are making her table next to her brother. Consort Ni is walking into the emperor and empress table to see the maid who got the beating from her sits next to the emperor.

Consort Yin is confused but as she needs to curtsy to the emperor and be in her best behaviour for the emperor to accept her on his bed. She is retreating toward her brother and do the same for her brother before sitting down on the just made table for her. the ministers look at her and make a talk in front of her which make her uncomfortable with their look.

She looks unhappy and making the wrong moves by joining the banquet as it is only male in the banquet unless the empress and the palace maid. The inexpression emperor looks so solemn and opening the banquet. He is making toast toward the crown prince and the minister who is accepting his toast while standing up.

Consort Yin does not have any option rather than following his lead and drink the wine from the wine pot on her table. She is following the protocol when the emperor sits down and all of them follows him in pursuit. This is the first time in Consort Yin life to see the cold aura immerse from the handsome emperor. the old Dayu Kingdom crown prince who is warm changes and metamorphoses into this cold-blooded emperor. she doesn't like this emperor at all. she did not realise almost finishing the whole wine in the pot and ask for a refill while the food start to be served.

Consort Yin has not had the appetite to eat her meal and only take a little nibble while keeping the alcohol down to her throat.

"Yin Cheng, what brings you here?" Jin Yu is asking his best friend from the neighbourhood country.

"I want to get your blessing to pick up my crown princess… can you let one of your citizens become my crown princess?" Yin Cheng is telling his best friend with confidence while eating the food. there is no formal or awkward behaviour between them.

"Who is this beautiful girl that manages to steal your interest, you old dude?" Jin Yu is putting some food on his wife's plate.

"The daughter of the Ni family… we met a few years back and my royal father wants me to get her hand and escort her back to my country," Yin Cheng tells the emperor about the girl which makes Ni Qing choke on the tea. It is really shocking to hear the proposal plan from the crown prince.

"I can give you any other girl from my country but not her…. sorry, my friend," Jin Yu is making a remark from his best friend request.

"Why? What is the reason? So far, she is still not married, and her ex-fiancé is already married to someone else…" Yin Cheng is asking his best friend about his rejection of his intended person.

"She is already taken… you can't take her anymore…" Jin Yu is answering his friend question while serving some tea to Ni Qing. She is smiling to hear her husband objection to her proposal. She is thinking about her husband reaction. There is a sea full of vinegar in the area.

"You are not telling me that she is for yourself!" Yin Cheng is standing up and approaching the emperor amid the performance in the middle of the stage. Apparently, the crown prince was mad due to his sister and drowning his sorrow in the beautiful wine. He is a bit tipsy at the moment from the wine.

"Of course, my friend…." Jin Yu is laughing at a good time to hear his friend. The ministers also have a good time with the dinner banquet tonight. they are enjoying the food, wine and performance.

Consort Yin wants to seek the answer for the girl next to the emperor. However, she can't do it now. She only can bury her anger by drinking more wine into her body. She feels something wrong with her body when she keeps drinking the wine. She got cold sweat bead on her forehead due to something weird inside her body. She feels so hot and wants to open all of her clothes. She tries to stand up and walks out from the banquet with a delirious mind. Ni Qing is watching from her seat toward the entrance of the banquet where Consort Yin walks out from the party. There is a big smile on her face.

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