Loving the Naughty Empress

Chapter 144 - Consort Yin Torture

in the morning, Ni Qing is waking up with aches all over her body. The emperor turns into a beast and takes out his desire for the last seven months. No, it was wrong. Ni Qing remembers last night was the payment of one month with the interest of her disappearance.  She opens her eyes to find no one on the bed except herself.

"Nie…. " Ni Qing is calling her loyal assistant for helping her to change her clothes. Jin Yu was tearing her maid outfit on the floor. She left with nakedness, and she needs to clean up herself.

However, it was Consort Yin with her maid who comes inside the emperor chamber with the food basket in the maid's hand. She is fuming mad to see her clothes on the floor while she is naked on the emperor bed with the blanket covers her body.

She is looking really beautiful, and her silky hair makes her beautiful face more exquisite. She is only looking at consort Yin without thinking of bowing.

"You… insolent wench… how can you not bowing and give respect to the consort Yin?" the maid is telling her to bow toward consort Yin.

"ohhhh…." Ni Qing is trying to stand in front of the bed and bowing in front of the consort. She is trying to show the bite marks by the emperor on her shoulder and neck to Consort Yi. Her act to make her angry get successful which showing really clearly in her facial expression.

She cannot hold her anger and drag Ni Qing outside with the only cover with the blanket before told her to get canned thirty times. Eunuch Li is in the emperor chamber to deliver the tonic as instructed by the emperor to witness the empress got drag with only a blanket covering her naked body. Xiao Nie is following her madame in shock when she got a kick in the stomach from Consort Yin's maid.

Eunuch Li's handshakes and tremble make the tonic soup fall down on the floor. He is running back to eunuch Wang to report the incident. As Consort Yin is dragging her with her maid. The maid even kicks her from the back and makes her fall down on the floor.

She gets drag into the area of the general household department and throws her on the floor in front of the office building when the head general palace maid is coming out. She is familiar with Ni Qing face when she wins the competition cooking for the emperor yesterday.

"What can I help you, Consort Yin?" The head palace maid is asking her after bowing to consort Yin.

"Please punish her with thirty cane and put her into some hard labour department… she dares to seduce the emperor with her body and sleeping in the emperor chamber. This is not acceptable with the position of the emperor as the son of the dragon," Consort Yin is telling the head palace maid about the accusation.

"Are you sure, your highness?" the palace maid is asking the royal consort about confirmation.

"Yes… why should I lie to you? I want you to implement the hard punishment to make the other maid not doing the same lowly trick toward the emperor…." Consort Yin is giving them a lecture about her request.

"But your highness. If she is already service and warming the emperor bed, it means her position is higher than mine. She will be the emperor concubine and I am not able to punish her." The palace maid is justifying her decision before she takes the wrong moves.

"I am consort Yin… my position is higher than her or you…. I ask you to punish her…" Consort Yin still fume angry from her condition to be able to seduce her lover the whole night.

"Can I wear clothes at least if you want to punish me?" Ni Qing is asking for the clothes. She is feeling cold with the wind around and sitting on the ground with a naked body.

"DO you want me to hang you naked to show your shameless?" Consort Yin is kicking her body to inflict more pain into her naked body.

"Why do you need to kick me?" Ni Qing is screaming at her opponent. This time, she cannot tolerate her anymore. She is going to stand up when there is a loud crisp sound on her cheek, and it is not only one. She got hits on both faces until her nose starts to bleeding because of the hit.

"I want you to kick her or make her hurt and punish her with the cane for thirty times… is there any chair to see this drama in front of her," consort Yin is asking her maid to find the wooden stool.

Ni Qing is curling up on the ground with the foetus position on the ground while the group of palace maids are kicking her from all directions. Ni Qing only can brace herself and covering her body with her hand due to the kick.

"Where is my tea…?" Consort Yin is asking for refreshment while looking at the ungrateful wench on the floor get hit on her naked body. Ni Qing does not care about her naked body while she is covering her head with her arms.

"kick her harder…. I will give you reward if can inflict the most pain toward her body." Consort Yin is making the bounty for Ni Qing body. No one is aware the girl on the ground naked is the empress of the dayu Kingdom.

Ni Qing is screaming in agony as her body start to feel the pain. She keeps covering her head and putting her knee up for her abdomen. No one dares to do something like this toward her. this is the first humiliation she ever receives. She is looking around to remember their face and she will make sure to pay them tenfold.

In the Mo Mansion, Mo Feng is busy catching up with all the business reports and entities of his family. He has left the family business long enough. However, he is quite intelligent to deal with the matter when he deals with the work.

Even with his title as the God of poison, Mo Feng is ruthlessly deal with the matter in the company with his cold hand. He can't wait for all of the people who want to latch into his family fortune. He has to protect his late father and mother inheritance. He is taking his family business really serious when he already dips his nose into the family business.

Mo Feng is working in his study when accidentally his inkstone crack and fall down on the floor. He is in trance to see the incident in front of his eyes about the inkstone. His heart is in pain out of a sudden and he knows something is happening to Ni Qing.

In the courtroom, Eunuch Li is whispering everything toward Eunuch Wang who got a tremble in his hand after hearing the report from his assistant.

"Did you not deliver the tonic soup as instructed by your highness the emperor?" Eunuch Wang is asking his assistant about the beginning.

"I did when I saw Consort Yin actually slap and kick empress Qing… what should we do? I do not think she will be holding any longer…" Eunuch Li is reporting to eunuch Wang about the whole problem.

"We have to report it to the emperor… do you think that he will not be angry? We are actually barging into the court like this?" Eunuch Lin is asking his direct boss about their decision.

"I will whisper it to his ear, and we will bear the consequences. This is regarding empress Qing and if something happens to her under our nose then he will be mad," Eunuch Wang is convincing his subordinate before he is approaching the emperor on his throne.

Eunuch Wang is whispering to the ear of the emperor about all the incidents as if he witnesses the whole incident. The emperor expression grows darker by the minute Eunuch Wang finished the whole report.

"Meeting end here… we will continue tomorrow morning," Jin Yu is standing up and walk out from the courtroom in rush. He will not let her to get hurt again when she manages to come back from death.

"Where is she?" Jin Yu is asking with his stern voice.

"The general household department, your highness…" Eunuch Li is following the angry emperor. He is escorting the emperor toward the household department. The entourage of the emperor follows him with the scare to see the incident in front of their eyes.

As soon as they are standing under the entrance to the office of the household office when he can see with his own eyes, her naked wife on the ground get a kick and hit by the maid while this mischievous consort Yin sits on top in front of the office building while drinking tea and eat the desert.

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