Jin Yu is not feeling to eat his lunch as usual. He got the same food everyday and it did not give him any appetite. However, he did not know that the cook is his own wife who resurrected from the death.

Eunuch Wang is bringing in the lunch table in front of the irritation emperor. He is really not in the mood of eating after he got the news of the corpse of one lady on the cliff with a man who already unknown of their body figure found out by Xi Kai.

Jin Yu is really upset when he hears about the news to think about the idea of his wife death. It makes him become sensitive. Consort Yin is barging into the emperor chamber while he is going to eat and bring her own cuisine for the emperor.

Lately, Eunuch Wang is already having headache due to her behaviour. No one can control this mischievous consort who think no one can stop her to be with the emperor. Jin Yu is really feeling irritated at the moment, and he wants to be alone. Consort Yin even reprimand Eunuch Wang for bringing the food for the emperor and send it back to the kitchen while she brings her own food into the emperor chamber. Eunuch Wang cannot say anything to her as he got reprimand by the consort and her royal maid.

"Your Highness, I am cooking you the chicken charcoal our country best cuisine. I have asked my royal father to send me the cook from the palace to be able to create this cuisine for you…. Let's eat this food together," The Yin Consort is telling the emperor while she is curtsying in front of the emperor.

"I do not hungry… can you leave?" The emperor is telling her nicely with his cold face.

"Your highness… why do you not want to eat? This food is really nice…" Consort Yin still persuades the emperor without analysing the situation. She does not care about the emperor feeling at this moment and keep her blabbering in front of the angry emperor.

"I said… get out…" Jin Yu batted his eyes at her.

"Your highness…." Consort Yin still forcing herself to him when he actually flipped the table in front of him with the food in anger. it makes her startled and the food fall down to the floor. Eunuch Wang and all other palace staff is kneeling in the floor to see their emperor in the anger.

"I said Get out…" Jin Yu is raising his voice and smashed his teacup on his side table just on the side of the consort who still not bowing in front of the angry emperor. everyone else is retreating when Consort Yin still staying on the chamber. 

Ni Qing can hear the angry emperor inside his chamber. She actually just going to peak into her husband to hear his anger mood and it make her heart twisting in pain. She was finding out when her cooking for her husband gets send back to the kitchen. That is her reason to come to the emperor chamber to check his reason not to eat his food regularly.

She cannot hold herself and approaching Eunuch Wang and Eunuch Li in front of the door.

"What Happened?" Ni Qing is asking toward the eunuch.

"Empress Qing…. Where were you?" Eunuch Wang is bowing to the emperor.

"Empress…?" Ni Qing is looking at the eunuch with amusement. If she was not wrong her tittle is only noble consort and now, she becomes an empress.

"Yes… The emperor appointed you as an empress before you went missing…" Eunuch Wang is explaining to her.

"Why the emperor is angry inside the room? And why he is not eating his lunch?" Ni Qing is asking the eunuch with curiosity when Xiao Nie is having some food tray on her hand.

"He is feeling down after Xi Kai inform him about they found the body of couple on the cliff…" Eunuch Wang is telling her everything. Ni Qing is taking charge of the food trays and opening the door into his chamber.

She can see the brave new consort from the Yin Kingdom stand in front of him without moving while Jin Yu is holding his head.

"Your highness, your time for lunch now…" Ni Qing is informing her arrival to both of them.

"Who dare you to barge into the emperor room without any announcement and disturb our romantic time together," Consort Yin is starting to lecture the maid woman who tries to barge into the emperor chamber.

"I am not sorry… why should I?" Ni Qing is putting the food tray into the nearby table and walking toward the emperor who still closing his eyes.

Ni Qing is walking to the emperor and lifting his face before kissing his thin lips. Jin Yu is opening his eyes in surprised to see his familiar wife face in front of him. she is kissing him.

Consort Yi is pulling the maid body from in front of the emperor to stop her from kissing the emperor. Consort Yin is feeling so angry as if he even never kisses the emperor. She slaps her as soon as she turns her body in front of her.

Jin Yu is getting back to the reality after the small smooch from his wife after he hears the loud slap on her face. Ni Qing can feel the slap is not really hard, but she throws her body to the floor in front of the emperor.

This is an old play and Ni Qing already get used to this kind of play in her won house with Ni Shi. She is on the floor and pretend to be weak in front of the emperor who turn his expression into full of rage.

He cannot understand the apple of his heart get hit in front of his eyes. he can't accept it, but he also can't afford to attack the new consort if he wants to avoid the war.

"Wang…. Get consort Yin back to her palace and leave me alone wi

"Wang…. Get consort Yin back to her palace and leave me alone with the empress…" Jin Yu is telling his loyal maid to take her out from his chamber. Jin Yu is approaching her on the floor and help her to standing up.

"You need a lot of explaining to me… Am I invisible for you?" Jin Yu is holding her arm and stare at her into the eyes.

"I was poisoned while saving you from the assassination. Master Mo has to bring me to the rejuvenation fountain on Li Jiang to cure and detox the poison… he left the letter to on the table," Ni Qing is explaining to the emperor.

"I do not find any letter inside the room…" Jin Yu is telling her about the truth.

"Well… it can be lost in translation… but believes me… there was a letter by master Mo feng as Xiao Nie left it on the table," Ni Qing is wrapping his neck with her arm.

"How are you now?" Jin Yu is asking her.

"I am good… how can I descent into the empress without I even know about it?" NI Qing is asking her husband while she is inhaling his scent.

"I already make you as empress as soon as we are back to the palace. It just was not appropriate with the death of your mother," Jin Yu is carrying her bridal style on his arm and carry her into their bed chamber.

"You change the furniture and everything?" Ni Qing is asking him about the change into all the furniture inside his bed chamber.

"Do you want to use the left over from all the love making activities of Chu Yi and that physician inside this room. I even want to knock down this entire building and rebuild it when I do not have enough power to knock this historical building," Jin Yu is putting her into the bed.

"Can we talk and cuddle first," Ni Qing is putting both of her arm toward Jin Yu who is joining her into their bed.

"What do you want to ask?" Jin Yu is grabbing her body on the bed.

"Do you miss me?" Ni Qing is putting her body inside his arm and cuddle inside his body.

"I feel like a hollow can without you on my side. I feel irritate after hearing about the body found and suspect as you… and you dare to ask me about missing you?" Jin Yu is bitting top of her nose.

"I really miss you and it is gross… why do you like to bite me….?" Ni Qing is complaining like a princess toward him.

"I like and love everything about you… if you miss me why do you not contact or sending me letter to tell me about your position?" Jin Yu is asking him about her decision and reason for not contacting her. Jin Yu is really mad to think about her dissapeareance.

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