Loving the Naughty Empress

Chapter 138 - The Politic Marriage

Jin Yu is leaving the bed chamber to get change. He is going into the morgue to find out about the result of the attacker. Zhang and eunuch Wang are getting headache to see his emperor anger. They only can follow his move at the moment and listen to comfort the emperor.

In the morgue, Physician He is finished to perform the autopsy of the two attacker body when he find out about the special poison inside their body. The poison is really lethal from specific area in the border of Dayu Kingdom.

He is marching to the coroner office when they conclude some of the hint regarding the area of the people including of the attack. However, Lin Yue does not like the direction toward the way of his finding. At the moment, his guts told him about someone who has been looking and spying on him continuously.

Lin Yue is a bit confident with his finding, but he did not report the right finding which make Jin Yu gets annoyed. Jin Yu derives the conclusion and comes to understand about the shifting of power in the neighbourhood kingdom. He has to make sure his border to the particular kingdom is tight enough. They are trying to kill the emperor and make the chaos inside the Dayu Kingdom.

"Your highness, how about we are going to the tea house to discuss about this thing?" Lin Yue is reporting to the emperor without any tracing of hesitation. He is well aware about the spy in this morgue who already tail him since the beginning.

Jin Yu is understanding his loyal general goal and follows him to Ni Qing's tea house. He got a sharp pain in his heart to remember this place. The first place, he ever met with Ni Qing. He cannot feel anything at the moment when he still worries about his wife condition. He feels numb due to his wife sickness. He will not allow her to be passed away like her sister. She has to be with him and grow old together.

They are entering the special room designated for Ni Qing, Lin Yue and Ni Sheng, when they are going to discuss the matter of their war strategy or any issue in this country. Mr Zhou manages to stop the spy and put him into the room opposite and far away from them.

Ni Sheng is rushing from his house with the prime minister and Zhao Yu. Mr Zhou and Wang Bo are giving some proof on the table regarding the matter of the attack. They were working perfunctory and beat the clock to find the cue of the attack.

"Your highness, I am apologizing as I have been tailed. If I give you the full report on the finding, then they are going to find out and make another plan…" Lin Yue is bowing to the emperor for mercy.

"It is fine… I can see that someone is tailing you even in the coroner office…. so, tell me about your finding…" Jin Yu is asking him about all the finding regarding this case. Ni Sheng, the prime minister and Zhao Yu are listening inside the room.

As Jin Yu expected after reading the evidence on the table. All this problem stirs up from the Liang Kingdom on the far east of Dayu Kingdom. He is well aware about the crown prince ambition to expand the country while the King and the other prince were not keen on the war. It means there is a shift of power in the Liang Kingdom.

Jin Yu is having a throbbing headache from the personal problem and now, his country can be engaging in war. He does not like war when there are his people who will suffer. He needs to avoid the war at all costs.

"What do you suggest? We can not just barge into the Liang kingdom and send out diplomat to bargain?" Jin Yu is asking the suggestion from the prime minister and everyone in the room.

"The crown prince is the main culprit of this problem. However, he has one weakness…." Zhao Yu is telling the emperor about the story of the forbidden love of the crown prince.

"So, it means that he had his half-sister as his weakness. He wants to seize power to be able to marry his own sister… is he sick in his head?" Jin Yu is telling everyone in the room about the idea to get married with their own sister.

"Kind of like that, your highness," Zhao Yu is answering the emperor who is playing with his jade ring.

"Your highness, yesterday we got the ambassador from the Jin Kingdom and bringing this letter from the King of Jin," Prime Minister is handing out the letter seal with the royal emblem of the Jin Kingdom.

Eunuch Wang is passing the letter from the prime minister to the hand of the emperor who open it up straight away and read the letter before he tossed it to the ground. He got a lot of problem already with the chaos in his minister and his wife still unconscious because of the attack and now the Jin Kingdom wants their princess to marry into Jin Yu harem as his consort.

The prime minister is walking and reaching out the scroll and read the content. He is well aware about the feeling of the emperor about the royal marriage between two countries. However, it will actually solve the problem with the Liang Kingdom.

"Your highness, can I suggest something for this problem?" The prime minister is bowing to the emperor who is massaging his temple for this problem.


"How about you are taking the Liang Kingdom princess as your consort? The King will be delighted to see his problem solves and you have control to the crown prince ambition as his lover already become your consort…" The prime minister is suggesting some idea.

"How about the Jin Kingdom? If I take Liang Kingdom then the Jin Kingdom will have to enter my harem…" Jin Yu is asking him back about their theory of peace to avoid the war.

"You can take all of them…. And you can make noble consort Qing as your empress to control the harem…" The prime minister is giving him the suggestion. That is the most make sense idea for this problem.

"How about after marriage? I am only will consummate my marriage life with Qing and no one else… do you think it will be a problem?" Jin Yu is drinking his tea after he asks the question.

"As long as she is your consort… they cannot tell anything or defy you or empress Qing order… however, you need to deal with the internal problem before we proceed with this plan," the prime minister idea is making sense.

"Great… we will proceed with the decree. Tell the rites office about the appointment of Qing as the empress while I will clean up all the rats inside my palace and court. you can send the ambassador to deal with this marriage politic," Jin Yu is answering them about the most realistic plan from the prime minister.

they are accepting the order from the emperor and partway to their own course. the emperor is going back to the Ni Mansion to check about his wife's condition only to find the room is empty. there is no trace of his wife inside the room and Mo Feng also disappear.

"Zhang.... Wang..." Jin Yu is screaming on top of his lung. He got panic when he can not find his wife.

"Yes, your highness..." They are rushing inside the room and bowing to the emperor.

"Where is my wife? why she is not in the room?" Jin Yu is getting emotional to see the empty bed. his headache is getting more hurting at the moment due to his wife disappearance.

"Let's me find out, your highness," They are answering in unison for the problem. 

Zhang is taking two of their people and go around the area to find the consort. they are also checking into the guard in the capital border to find out about the noble consort disappear.

Eunuch Wang is trying to search for Xiao Nie when he fails to find her. she is also missing and no one sees them out from the mansion. however, Mo Feng can not move easily as he is getting the unconscious Ni QIng with him.

Jin Yu energy got drain straight away when he finds out about his wife dissapereance. EUnuch Wang is already backing empty-handed when the emperor is telling about his headache. Jin Yu asks his loyal eunuch to summon Physician He to check on his headache. He is rushing to do his wish especially with the word of headache.

it has been a while after he met with noble consort QIng that he never complains about his throwing pain in his head, however, the headache is coming back and it is worrying for the emperor condition. Jin Yu is lay back in his bed and closing his eyes to feel the pain.

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