Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 173 - Limit The Damage

"Rose…" John murmured and Roselyn's face suddenly darkened hearing John's tone of voice. Ethan handed her the paper and Roselyn covered her mouth with her hand shocked

"Someone found out about our agreement?" Roselyn asked and John suddenly turned around to kick powerfully the wall in front of him for the anger.

"Yes… David did. And stuck it in the playbill of the village. So I guess it's a matter of few minutes before everyone knows about it." Ethan said gazing at the couple with a sorry gaze.

"There's nothing we can do." John sighed before giving another powerful kick to the wall probably to release anger. 

"We have to limit the damage. Admit the truth that it began as an agreement but then we truly fell in love." Roselyn suggested and both John and Ethan nodded.

"I don't think people will believe us nor will they forgive us." John spat. He covered his head with both his hands and scoffed.

His fists were clenched and if his body could speak it would express all the fury he was immersed in. 

"It couldn't happen at a worse time, right now that we found out my father is alive. He will think I am a disappointment." John said as his eyes filled with anger and his voice cracked.

John massaged his forehead, he couldn't believe that was happening. How could he fix that? What will his father think? He was so concerned and if only he knew how to bring back the time he would.

"How did he found it?" John asked but after few seconds Roselyn widened her eyes and her cheeks blushed when she remembered she was the guilty one for having hidden the papers in her room and not having brought those with her.

"I think…. I think it's my fault" she murmured and John turned around to gaze at her in disbelief.

"He must have gone in my room. I forgot I hid it in the drawer of my bedside table… I'm- "

John intervened, "what?" His voice slightly aloud making Roselyn want to dig her own grave.

"I forgot, I didn't imagine him to check my room and it all happened so fast…" Roselyn tried to explain herself but John took a while before his facial expression relaxed.

"It's not your fault," John said with a calmer tone of voice and Roselyn took a breath of relief as she smiled genuinely. For a second she thought he would blame her for that and just the thought made her heart almost sink in her breath and a lump form in her throat.

John took a long breath and pulled his hair back, "I have to go to talk to my dad now and tell him the truth before he heard it from someone else." John said glancing at both Roselyn and Ethan.

Roselyn wanted to tell him that she could accompany him or help him to explain but at the same time, she felt it wasn't her business and she preferred to let him do it alone. 

Roselyn nodded and John hinted a smile before he left leaving Roselyn in the wonder and in the preoccupation John may be mad at her. Involuntary it was her fault so she had her reasons to feel guilty. But deep down she hoped that John could forgive her.

She inwardly prayed for William to understand their reasons and why they decided to do the agreement even if considering what the old maid always said she highly doubted he would.

Ethan walked toward her to offer a supportive smile, "he loves you, he's not mad at you." He reassured her as if he could read Roselyn's puzzlement through her gaze.

Roselyn didn't reply but took a long resigned breath as she stroke her hair behind her ear.

"I hope he does." She sighed, "but when it's about your father he rarely stays undergrounded." Roselyn said. It was the first time John didn't involve her in such an important matter but she was trying to be positive and think that after all maybe it wasn't her business and he was too shaken to think clearly.


"Dad…" John walked inside the castle quietly searching for his father by peeping through the door of each room.

When he finally reached the kitchen he found his father sat on the chair where John usually was sat and he was reading the contract. His gaze was fixed on it and he didn't seem willing to flinch around even if he probably heard the footsteps.

John's facial muscles tensed when he understood he already knew and he had to roll his gaze up to the ceiling not to explode into tears.

"I-I am sorry." That's all John managed to say when he approached his father and placed a hand over his shoulder.

"Dad…" he tried to call another time, his voice was creaked and John never sounded that miserable before.

William after skimming through the entire contract and reading word by word all the pages he finally turned around to meet John's broken gaze.

William opened his mouth probably going to ask something but then he shut it again after few instants like if he regretted what he was going to say.

He shook his head and took a long deep breath filling his lungs of air he breathed out, "son…I can't believe you have done such a thing." 

John lifted his hand which was covering his father's shoulder to move over the chair's back.

"I know… I didn't want a wife back then. I was just seeking to avenge you." John admitted in all his fault and honesty.

Receiving no answer from his father but only a disappointed gaze if he couldn't believe his son was capable to stage something like that and deceive everyone.

"But then it turned out to be a miracle and the best decision made as it lead me to Roselyn and I met an amazing woman who I deeply love," John confessed but William's gaze still seemed blank like if the words he heard didn't stir him.. He wasn't probably fully buying what John said and was still shocked and destabilized from what he found out.

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