"What?" John asked gazing at Roselyn.

All of a sudden her vision blurred and darkened and when she woke up she was inside Abigail's mind. 

Abigail appeared in front of her and it was like they were in a parallel universe floating in a black room. 

As soon as Abigail saw Roselyn she dropped her jaw and backward of few steps as if she was scared to death. "R-R-Roselyn…" she stuttered gazing at her with a disappointed scared gaze on her face. 

"You did all this, you killed those people… you have powers…" Abigail said and when Roselyn tried to take a step forward her she began to shake and stepped back of few meters. 

Roselyn understood that the images she viewed earlier weren't only visions but were also what Abigail was dreaming and seeing.

"I can explain…" Roselyn murmured, but Abigail's eyes filled with tears and her face became paler as she kept gestured with her hand to stay away from her.

Sharon appeared in front of Abigail, but Abigail couldn't see her as she was keeping looking at Roselyn. 

Sharon smirked at Roselyn, "John may have killed me but I can still harass Abigail and humans in their dreams. And when I show them all that you and John did to me and thousands of other people it will be over for you both." 

Roselyn wanted to scream at her and insult her with all the words that filled her mind but she managed to control herself, since Abigail couldn't see Sharon she would have thought her insults were for her.

"Abigail, I can explain..." Roselyn said when her eyes filled with tears. 

"What you can explain? I don't even know who you are anymore, you let John kill Sharon and you killed so many people..." Abigail's voice was broken and miserable. She couldn't even look at Roselyn in her eyes.

Roselyn's heart sank heavily inside her chest, and a lump in her throat impeded her to swallow down the sadness, she felt like she could burst into tears. 

"Sharon is not showing you how things went but just what she wants you to show... Please Abi, " Roselyn took few steps toward her and stretched for her arm but Abigail didn't let her sister touch her but she clenched her teeth instead and screamed, "don't touch me!" 

Tears fell down Abigail's face and when she met Roselyn's eyes Rose could see all the fury and hate she was feeling at that moment. 

Sharon laughed, "I am stronger than you." she whispered in between the laughs.

Roselyn felt her blood boil through her veins and a grump in her stomach for the nervousness she was in, she could feel all her nerves spreading anger through her brains and her fingertips began to be tingling. She never felt so angry before.

'I am so done with you Sharon.' Roselyn linked with Sharon who as soon as she heard Roselyn's voice in her head grimaced shook and in surprise. 

Roselyn focused, if Sharon could link and make Abigail live what happened she could do it too, and she was willing to show Abigail what Sharon did as well so that she could have a balanced version of events that had occurred. 

She gazed at Abigail and she focused on her mind trying to split the visions Sharon was showing her and link with her.

Roselyn kept focusing, she planned to link with her, and once they linked telepathically relive what she experienced so that Abigail could see it too.

It took her many tentatives and efforts but then she finally linked with Abigail. Roselyn could experience all her negative feelings and the anger she felt in her regard.

Roselyn managed to force herself to ignore her sister's anger and work her mind to remember what truly happened and at the same time keep the link with Abigail.

It was like Abigail's mind was a huge letter mail and it kept receiving so many letters that it was so hard to select what to show to Abigail and to balance everything. Roselyn understood why Sharon took so many years of practice to become that powerful because it was so hard to infiltrate and settle inside a person's mind.

She saw so many memories fluttering inside Abigail's mind even some memories she didn't even remember about her childhood. Roselyn closed her eyes and focused to remember herself what she wanted to show Abigail, coming back from when William died and then when Sharon brought him back to life, just to use him as a threat to force Roselyn to leave John.

When Roselyn began to visualize all the events that happened Abigail's face drastically changed and she kept knitting her eyebrows and assuming shocked confused facial expressions.

Roselyn felt so tired and felt a strong headache she usually got when overworking her powers too much.

"Noooo," Roselyn heard Sharon's scream and when she opened her eyes Abigail wasn't squirming in her bed anymore and she slowly opened her eyes. 

She gazed at Roselyn in disbelief, Lord Victor ran toward her and hugged her. "You're fine," he whispered. 

Abigail tried to get up from the bed but Victor didn't let her so Roselyn reached her in a steady slow walk.

"I am sorry you had to find out like that…" Roselyn said Abigail lowered her gaze for few instants before gazing at Rose. 

She was still trying to digest what she saw and clarifying her ideas, putting pieces together even if the direction has mind was taking and the thought it was processing wasn't the easiest thing to digest and overcome. Seeing what her sisters were capable to do was shocking and she wondered if she had knew them at all for those years. 

"Can you forgive me for the things I have done Abigail? Can you try to understand me and why I have done what I did?" Roselyn asked trying to force a supportive smile on my face 

Abigail forced a smile on her face too and cleared her voice before replying to Roselyn.

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