Roselyn's eyes filled with tears, "please don't…" she begged with a low broken voice.

"You are the one who dared to date him when you knew I loved him, it's time to leave him to me," Sharon commented tilting her head and folding her arms.

Roselyn felt her heartbeat accelerating and her breath fatigued, a grip tightened her chest for the anxiety that she was in. She was cornered, there was no way out, no decision to take, the only thing she could do was listen to her sister's request.

She couldn't oppose. How could she provoke the pain of someone she loved so deeply? and she knew she would have that regret fixed in his mind for the rest of her life. If she to decide what to provide, her happiness or to John's happiness. She had no doubts in picking John's happiness instead of hers. Roselyn took a long deep and nodded quietly.

"You won, Sharon." Roselyn raised her hands into the air in surrender before wiping off the tears that fell down her face as soon as she pronounced her sentence.

The most joyful proud smile appeared on Sharon's face. "Well done sister, anyway don't be that sad. We both know he would get tired of you sooner or later and leave you with heartbreak. Indeed, you should thank me for having spare you with such a-"

Roselyn driven by anger unconsciously slapped her sister so powerful that Sharon stopped her speech and went to wide her eyes in shook.

"You're the one here heartbroken and desperate so much to force a relationship with someone. You're the one who never had a chance with him and you knew it otherwise you wouldn't have been here willing to take an innocent life just to fill the empty ego of yours." Roselyn spat in all the fury she was in, her voice peaked and trembled but it was full of resentment and anger. She had never hated someone that much before.

Sharon looked at Roselyn with a tensed and furious facial expression, she was so angry that the veins in her neck bloated and her face turned of an intense red, she clenched her teeth to murmur, "go away now before I kill you."

"I hate you so much." Roselyn spat clenching her fists.

"I hate you more," Sharon replied watching Roselyn turn around and hastily walking away because she knew that if remained more in that place she would either get too much emotional or too crafty with her sister for how angry she was.

Roselyn ran toward the exit and burst into tears for both anger and sadness. She knew she was into the fray and knowing she would lose John forever made her so furious that she felt blood boiling in her veins.

Roselyn gasped, covering her face while tears wettened her hands and bloated her eyes. She hiccuped as she was inwardly cursing her sister.


Sharon went to free William before waking him up and helping him to walk outside the room he was imprisoned in. When William saw John he began to cry with tears of joy.

Sharon stretched her hand toward John and his brother and closed her eyes, she focused and light-soaked them and slowly woke them up from their trace. They blinked a few times as if they just woke up from a deep sleep, to clear their visions.

When John recognized Sharon he widened his eyes in disbelief what was she doing there?

But before he could ask her anything King William rushed toward him and hugged him so intensely that pushed him on the floor. John's eyes filled in tears, the most cheerful smile curved his lips like if he was on cloud nine.

"Dad!" John exclaimed in a broken voice filled with happiness. "I can't believe you're alive!"

They remained embraced for few minutes until King William's gaze traveled toward his other son. His heart skipped a beat staring into his murder's eyes. He departed from John's hug and freeze staring at him.

His first son looked down the floor before clearing his voice and stare back at his father.

"I am sorry…" he confessed, his eyes were filled with sadness. And he couldn't believe that seeing his father alive was something that would make him feel so relieved despite the way he had been treated in the past.

"I was furious because my mother abandoned me and blamed me for your unrequited love, I grow up by myself without anyone and when I saw you giving the love and affection to John instead of me I felt so wretched and my heart broke into a thousand of pieces."

William nodded to his first son, "I understand you, son. I am sorry, I can't imagine how hard it must have been growing alone and feeling rejected by both Karen and me." He offered him a supportive smile, which his son soon returned.

"What are you doing here Sharon?" John asked, his eyes darted in a desperate search for Roselyn, and not finding her he groaned.

"Where is Rose? What did you do to her?" He asked again in a more fidget voice like if he was almost losing his temper.

Sharon frowned her eyebrows, "Roselyn? Oh.." her eyebrows curved down slightly in a sad expression. "She escaped."

John shook his head and made a grimace before sighing, "she would never do that."

"She saved me, John," William said pointing his finger at Sharon who stood in a proud posture.

"You did? You're the banshee who saved him?" John asked not believing what he just heard.

"I am," she said. "It took me a lot of energy."

"Thank you, Sharon," John said, hinting a smile.

Sharon walked toward him and wrapped her arms around John hugging him. A grin appeared on her face, knowing her plan was about to begin.


Here it was! The end of volume 2! I made something really exciting and shocking to happen but I know I have very smart readers who can easily predict what happens! So I wouldn't be surprised if some of you already knew who the banshee was ? Anyway I hope you will keep following the story and support me <3 lots of love


The chapters from 80th chapter on will be locked, which means that the next chapters and all the second volume won't be free anymore.

To unlock them you can use fast passes or coins. I want to thank each one of you who have reached the end of the first volume! I know it may end in a drastically way but I had always loved stories who ended with a suspenseful and tragical ending.. So I wanted to reproduce the same ending for my story. If you want to know more you can read the second volume, lots of new things will happen and I can't wait to read your opinions about it! <3

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