John reached Roselyn as he disagreed with her choice and he didn't want to involve her in such a risky situation.

She couldn't risk overusing her powers just to help a person who had been pursuing them for the whole time.

"I won't let you get harm to help him!" John exclaimed gripping around her wrist and turning her to face him.

"I can't lose you." He said after calming his voice.

"I won't harm her." John's brother interluded, gazing at them both.

John didn't trust him, after all, he did he couldn't believe he was willing to give up just because Roselyn offered to help him. And even if he did, he disliked the idea of him seeing his father after having killed him. Just the thought made him bare his teeth and glower at him driven by jealousy and irritation.

Roselyn sighed and after a brief consideration she spoke, "maybe I can try to link all the three of us together." She dared to say. She didn't know if she would succeed in doing that, she barely learned how to use telepathy. She regretted having proposed such a thing because in case she failed maybe John's brother would be even madder for deceiving him.

"I have never done it before." Roselyn gazed at John's brother to recuse herself and justify in case something happened.

The man nodded, his facial expression wasn't revealing any emotion, his eyes were set on Roselyn waiting for her to proceed.

When ready the Queen gazed at John who was still staring at her with a pleading look on his face, his eyebrows were slightly curved down and his forehead was creased in an unsure doubtful expression. She took his hand before slowly and hesitating taking John's brother's hand too.

As soon as she touched John's brother's skin it seemed like a huge undefined shadow rushed toward her and when it penetrated inside her she felt like falling from a high bridge.

While she fell it felt like her heart jumped in her throat, racing so fast that it felt like it would explode as it pulsed inside her ears. As she kept precipitating her speediness increased, the air was so powerful that it formed goosebumps on her skin and she began to shake for both the coldness and the fear. It seemed so real and like if her precipitation never ended.

Images appeared as she started to vision around her what John's brother had experienced during his life from his point of view. Flashes of scenes occurred in her mind causing her a strong headache for trying to resist the visions. She was scared to experience his past knowing about all the lives he took and the terror he caused. She clenched her fists and screamed in the pain trying to drive those images off but the more she tried to oppose the more those scenes became persistent until it was impossible to resist.

Inaudible voices echoed in Roselyn's mind before her vision completely blurred. When she regained consciousness she was in the middle of the wood and nearly to her stood John's brother. He was younger and seemed more innocent and scared, he was probably three years old and was walking in the middle of the forest jolting at any noise. It seemed he was even scared of his own shadow and the clothes he wore were so baggy and ruined that he seemed to be wearing those for years.

His eyes were red and his skin was slightly pale, he walked sniffing in the wood and taking slow steps trying not to lean all his weight on the dried leaves on the soil to be as quiet as possible.

The child kept walking and walking, just stopping from time to time to shake from the cold or hide when hearing some suspicious noises. Until he suddenly stopped, he kneeled to sniff around just to finally get up, "mother!" he yelled.

A hinted smile on his face. His lips were pale and shaky the more they opened into a toothy smile.

He began to run toward the castle, his legs seemed so fragile for the extreme thinness yet he was running so speedy that in a fraction of a second he reached the castle. He looked up to the enormous big and tall structure just by looking up he felt dizzy. The 4'7 feet tall child was like a midge compared to that 196 feet castle.

The poor kid gathered all the air in his lungs before screaming out loud in all his voice, "moooom!".

The wind began to blow intensified and another scream the little boy gave, "mom!!".

The voice dispersed before reaching the window from where he could smell his mother's fragrance. The young boy's eyes filled with tears gazing at the castle's gate and trying to spot it away.






He kept screaming until his voice broke and he wasn't unable to scream anymore. His saliva was dried and a lump on the bottom of his throat formed.

"I miss you." He murmured, before gazing down the floor as tears ran down his blushed swollen cheeks.

He was so mad and at the same time so sad, he had been walking for two days trying to trace his mother's smell to reach her and when he finally did, a gigantic construction was preventing him to finally run into his mother's arms.

The tears soon dried and anger took the sadness' place in darkening the child's face. His hairy eyebrows knitted down and his pupils widened when they reddened. He was not giving up, not now after all the work he's done.

Right, when he was about to run toward the gate, a noise distracted him from doing so and he unconscious turned around to see where the voice was coming from.

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