"Thank you." Roselyn thanked him while she stared at John from upside down. Even if the jacket was so loose she loved how it suited her. She could smell his fragrance and oddly enough she felt safe under that long thick fabric.

"It looks splendid on you!" He exclamed before smiling amused, Roselyn spread her arms and admirred how the jacket si expanded over her thin arms.

They both giggled before Roselyn finally stepped over the door and walked toward the yard. She had never been in that side of the house, she didn't even know if now she was allowed to visit that side too. Probably yes considering that they are married and they've slept together.

As she walked the jacket brushed against her legs and the ornaments jiggled at each step.

All the maids turned around when they heard the echo and the noises coming from the hall. When they saw Roselyn wearing King John's jacket they dropped their jaw and widened their eyes. The maids bowed down in front of who was now the Queen of Scotland before Roselyn smiled at them.

"Your heighness" few of them greeted simultaneously she walked past them and opened the door of her room.

She could spot their puzzlement in the clear facial expression, and from their shaky voice. Probably wondering why she was wearing John's jacket. When she budged the door, unlike the usual days no maid dared to follow her in her room, they waited patiently for her to give them their orders.

Was that how it felt being a Queen? She wondered. Would they finally pay respect and listen to her now?

"D-d-do you need anything, milady?" One of them asked in a barely hearable voice. When Roselyn turned around they all traveled their gaze to the floor as they lowered their head.

Roselyn wondered who spoke since they seemed so scared to even look at her in her eyes.

'Why would they be scared of me all of a sudden?' Roselyn thought to herself maybe the power was what scared them too much, she became the Queen and surely enough that was a title that scared and imposed power.

"Thanks for asking, If I need anything I'll let you know." Roselyn replied gazing all of them since she couldn't identify the one who spoke.

She closed the door of her room and removed John's jacket to change her nightgown with a normal puffy purple dress.

When she opened the door to leave she found few maids chatting whispering but as soon as the door budged and Roselyn appeared silence fell.

The lady headed toward the dining room and like a flock all the maids followed her silently when she reached the room, John was already there. He looked at her with a smirk on his face.

"The dress looks beautiful on you. But you looked better without."

Roselyn's cheeks blushed intensely and the maids sincronically widened their eyes and gazed at each other perplexed. Jokes like that were forbidden during especially from Royals.

They sat on the two opposite sides of the table while the maids served food to them.

"How did you sleepy?" John asked with a glimpse of mischievous in his voice.

Roselyn bit her tongue not to smirk when she envisioned the scenes of last night, a shiver ran through her spine. She had to blink few times to bring herself back to reality.

"I slept very well thank you." Roselyn replied before clearing her voice. The maids' gazes kept darting forth and back from their opposite sides of the table.

"Me too, although I didn't sleep much." John confessed and the maids eyes widened even more. Was he really teasing her in front of all his servants guards and maids?

Roselyn decided to go along with his provocation, after all what did she have to lose now? She was the Queen and no one could take that status out of her.

"Why so?" Roselyn leaned on slightly as she hinted a grin on her face.

The maids proceeded on serving the food and pouring wine on John's glass pretending to ignore their unappropriated conversation.

"I had a visit." He replied, tilting his head while he bit his lower lips as his eyes' pupils widened.

Roselyn couldn't refrain from smile as she tried to stop herself from reaching him on the chair and sat on him as she did last night. Her cheeks heated, why was she having all those fantasies out of nowhere. What did he do to her?

'Why are you blushing?' She heard John's voice inside his head but no words escaped from his mouth. He was linking with her.

Roselyn shook her head, and tried to change the subject before the conversation would lead too far.

"Those biscuits are very good." She commented but John didn't let the matter drop and stood up from his chair.

Roselyn stared at him as he reached her side of the bed, her heartbeat accelerated. The maids who couldn't ignore the embarrassing situation didn't know what to do and limited themselves to breath as quiet as they could while they managed to keep their gaze set on the floor.

When John reached Roselyn he looked at her for few seconds silently before saying in a smooth voice, "a very pleasuring visit." He remarked.

He really didn't care about all the people staring and hearing them didn't he? Roselyn's eyes traveled around the room.

"I am glad," Roselyn replied whispering before she took a bite of another biscuit.

"Yes. Especially the part when..." He started but Roselyn started to cough. John suffocated a laugh, it was very funny to see her embarrassed.

"You don't remember, my Queen?" John asked raising his voice.

Roselyn stood up, but it was too late now. John reached for her arm and turned her around crashing her against the table. She held a breath as he pushed his body against hers.

The glasses and food on the table trembled before it poured on the table.

"Shall I make you remember?" King John breathed out each word trapping her against the table.. All the maids and servants in the room quickly turned around and walked outside hastily disappearing in few seconds.

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