Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 1537 - Becoming Mutual Alliance!

Chapter 1537 Becoming Mutual Alliance!

The key was that in the face of such moral abduction, the person involved really did not have a good solution. He could not argue or even speak up.

That was because once he spoke, he would only attract more moral abductions. He An could tell that these people’s goal was to pull Tengda down as much as possible. They wanted to use this moral abduction method to destroy Tengda’s reputation as much as possible.

Previously, many players had thought that Tengda was the ‘light of domestically-produced games’, the future and hope of domestically-produced games. Tengda had relied on this reputation to win hard battles one after another.

However, some people felt that Tengda was nothing special through this slandering. “The light of domestically-produced games” was only a persona. It was not fundamentally different even though it was better than other domestically-produced games companies. That was equivalent to destroying this reputation to the maximum.

Such an example had actually appeared in many fields.

A company did many good things, but as long as they did something wrong, even if they did not do anything wrong, and were misunderstood, misunderstood, and asserted by people with ulterior motives, the storm of public opinion would immediately backfire. Many people would hate it more than some rubbish companies.

This was an inevitable situation that was almost impossible to resolve.

“This is ridiculous, this is too much!”

“Boss Pei is such a sentimental game designer, and Tengda is such a conscientious game company. How can they tolerate you slandering it?”

“Since it’s inconvenient for Tengda to speak, I’ll speak!”

“Do you really think that there’s no one in the domestic games industry? That they can’t deal with small fake reviewers like you?”

He An could not tolerate such things. He immediately logged into Weibo and prepared to correct the trend.

There were some things that Tengda could not say, but a veteran in the gaming circle like him, an industry insider, could represent the attitude of the domestic games industry to a certain extent. These things could still be said.

“Where did these monsters come from? Why are they spouting nonsense when they are completely unrelated to the domestic games industry?”

“You talk about paying attention to the domestic games industry while kidnapping Tengda’s morality. May I ask how many domestically-produced games have you played? What contribution have you made to domestically-produced games?”

“As a games company, the best way to support domestically-produced games is to create more good works. On this point, Tengda has already done very well. Not only are their two direct studios constantly releasing new games of various types, but they also distributed their designs to Slow Movement Studio, Sun Strike Studios, and other companies, constantly providing players with different types of outstanding games.”

“As for whether to invest or not, is that very important? Tengda has the right to decide how to use its own funds. Can’t it keep its own developed game project? Why must it invest in other games companies?”

“What’s more, the producer of ‘Shu Li’ has already said that he doesn’t lack money. Why are there still so many people worrying for him?”

“Please, you people who have nothing to do with the games industry at all, go back and forth. Don’t get involved blindly. The domestic games industry is already the best in history. You don’t have to worry!”

He An was considered a predecessor in the domestic gaming circle. He was more direct and was not used to it at all.

Not long after this Weibo post was published, other game designers and industry insiders expressed their support for Tengda!

Some were more determined. For example, people like Zhou Muyan were close partners with Tengda. Of course, they had to stand up. The other people who did not have a direct cooperation with Tengda also said a few fair words out of their good impression and support of Tengda.

After all, Tengda had changed the entire domestic gaming environment and expanded the user base of standalone games. It was also something that could benefit the producers of standalone games and independent games.

He An had thought that this would be the end. However, after a period of time, the debate did not subside. Instead, it was showing signs of expanding! “What’s happening?” He An was a little puzzled. He took a closer look at Weibo and understood.

Indeed, many people were on Tengda’s side. However, there were also many people taking this opportunity to attack Tengda!

What’s more, this time, it was not just fake reviewers and netizens. Some industry insiders of the game had also stood up to pull strings. These people were probably the bosses of the game channel or some game designers with paywalls and mobile games.

These people did not directly attack Tengda. Obviously, they knew that it was useless to directly criticize it without a clear black spot. However, they could think of ways to pull the side!

“The fact is that someone lent a helping hand to the ‘Shu Li’ project, but Tengda did not. Just saying this matter would indeed disappoint. There’s no problem, right?”

“Senior He is right, but the problem is that Tengda is not just a games company. It also has an investment business. Dream Realization Ventures invested in so many companies every year, covering various industries and many failed companies. Why didn’t Tengda take out money to help domestically-produced standalone games and independent game designers who lack money?”.

“Verbal supporting is far from real money. What’s more, Tengda rarely verbally supporting!”

“That’s right. Tengda obviously has investment money, but it still likes to invest in other companies.” “I think it’s quite ridiculous to godize Tengda. Didn’t Tengda make games to earn money? They were both profitable. Why is Tengda not to question other companies that earn money and get scolded?”

“Let’s not talk about the ‘Shu Li’ project. Dawn Games platform is such a good platform. It should be compatible with Tengda’s values, right? However, has Tengda expressed anything? It’s true that Boss Pei is the top game designer in the country. However, to say that Tengda is a white lotus company that comes out of the mud but not contaminated would be too much.”

“I also think that there’s no need to raise Tengda to the top. The sooner we recognize that Tengda is just an ordinary company, the sooner we can admit that it is indeed better than other games companies in the country, but there’s no fundamental difference.”

“To be honest, I think some small local channels have tried their best to support domestically-produced games. Even though only small mobile games companies obtained the resources, these companies are also the cornerstone of domestically-produced games!”

There were many similar arguments. He An could tell that he had come prepared! If the fake reviewers were only trying to gain popularity previously, the attitude of these industry insiders was the real backup plan.

These were industry insiders. How could they not understand Tengda’s contribution to the entire domestic games industry?

Of course, they understood!

As insiders of the game industry, they knew much more than people from other industries and ordinary gamers.

However, they hated Tengda to the core precisely because they understood it!

To a certain extent, Tengda was destroying their jobs and cutting off their path to wealth.

What was the state of the domestic games industry before Tengda appeared? There might be official platforms and some outstanding standalone game designers but these small channels still had a lot of say. Most of the popular games in the market were games with paywalls. It was not that there were no high-quality standalone games, but they were relatively few. What’s more, they did not break out of the circle and form such a huge influence


However, everything changed with the appearance of Tengda Games.

That was because Tengda Games’ outstanding standalone games were too popular and broke out of the circle. Thus, gamers became more and more demanding of domestically-produced game manufacturers. The overall taste of gamers was gradually increasing

For those companies that only knew how to play games with paywalls, the good days of lying down and earning money were gone.

This was especially so for those large channels and traditional games with paywalls. More and more players used Tengda as a benchmark and made requests to them.

He did not make much money, but he was scolded more.

What was even more infuriating was that not only did Tengda Games do well in standalone games, but they also did better in games with paywalls!

Ghost General’s competitor, the game with paywalls, had been subverted. Ocean Stronghold had obviously sold the Red Kilin for 888 yuan, but it was still praised as conscientious. There were also games like GOG and Bullet Hole 2, which were fair competitions and looked like they were charging huge sums of money, completely squeezing the survival of these companies.

How could they not feel terrible?

What they hated the most was Tengda’s reputation.

Why was it that everyone was a gaming company that was making money? If we made money, we would be scolded. If you made money, not only would you be scolded, but you would also gain both fame and fortune?

Players would even use you as a benchmark to scold us?

As the saying went, butts determined brains. They knew that Tengda’s appearance made them unable to lie down comfortably and earn money like before. They knew that they were not on the same page as Tengda after all. They were natural enemies. That was why they chose to stand on the side of the Tengda Alliance at this time.

Being scolded? That did not matter. Wasn’t it common to be scolded?

However, if he could really take this opportunity to slander Tengda, it would be worth it!

Tengda had too few flaws. Thus, they could only grasp these not considered flaws and find an opportunity to attack.

That was because once they started arguing, there would not be an absolute winner. Even if many companies supported Tengda, this would definitely cause some people to feel disgusted. After all, there was no perfect company in the world.

When people saw a company with a perfect image, they would think of all ways to find problems with it. When they really found problems or were exposed by others, they would clap and laugh: See, didn’t I say that it was an act?

It would be even easier for companies with imperfect images. They had to defame them, even if they were not. In any case, the results were similar.

He An could not help but frown slightly, feeling that the situation was not as simple as he thought.

At first, he thought that a certain company had only bought some fake reviewers and was casually leading the way. Soon, it would calm down.

However, from the looks of it now, that was not the case at all!

This was an organized and premeditated attack. What’s more, the power behind it was quite strong!

It was originally a very ordinary thing. The game ‘Shu Li’ had only released a promotional video. However, now that it had developed until now, it had inexplicably become a clear division in the game industry!

More and more people began to express their stance. Even if some people wanted to protect themselves and did not express their stance, they would be forced to express their stance by players because of the popularity. The domestic games companies seemed to only have two choices left: support Tengda or oppose Tengda!

He An could not help but frown slightly, feeling that the situation had become a little tricky.

Everyone knew that the reputation of these companies could not compare to Tengda’s. However, the problem was that as long as this debate continued, Tengda’s reputation in the game industry would continue to weaken.

It was just like a clean person fighting a dirty person. Even if he won in the end, he would inevitably get himself dirty!

“Benefit, turn people into ghosts.”

He An shook his head, frustrated.

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