Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Chapter 95 A Place To Belong To (Remake)

The slave trader's tent wasn't far, Zick and the others reached there within a minute.

The tent was huge, It was mostly filled with instruments. Many slave traders entered it with a customer who have decided to buy a slave.

Zick could clearly see all the magic defence around this tent. From it, he could tell that It was impossible for anyone below master rank to destroy it.

''We don't have the permission to carry the item used to pass the ownership of a slave to other with us. This item is regulated very strictly because of a certain incident that occured in the past." The slave trader didn't say anything about this incident.

There were many customer around the tent, clearly there were many more entrance to the slave market other then the one Zick entered from.

The slave trader and Zick entered the tent without anymore delay. They arrived in front of a counter like place, the slave traders walked in front of it and talked to the person incharge.

The slave trader leading Zick walked to the counter and passed on a black badge to the person with many scars on his face. After finishing verifying his identity, he started talking with him.

"A trainee premium slave and two regular slaves." The slave trader directly stated his need coldly, totally different from how he treated Zick.

"Hmph." Taking out two vials from his space ring, the scar faced person passed it on to the slave trader. One vial had a red liquid and the other one had purple, both of it shined unnaturally.

It seems the people of slave market didn't get together in a good way, a competative atmosphere was created among the people here.

Zick didn't even bother looking at them. He and the other three slave stood in front of the entrance.

Zick stared at Varine intently. "What's your name?"

"Varine, maste-"

"Call me 'sir Zick' from now on." Zick cut her words off. It would be annoying if the fact he had slaves was found out. Even if by chance someone found out, He had already considered many ways to deal with it, this problem could actually be easily solved using his Melvix family's heir status, but it was still better to keep it hidden.

The only thing that will take damage would be his reputation, but this didn't bother Zick much like it used to before. He was now stronger and after accepting his broken side, he wanted to live in a more unrestrained manner too.

'I really like this feeling of freedom....' Zick started liking seeing new things and being free, this put him in a very good mood for a while. He smiled, but no one was able to see it because of his white mask.

Zick brought his focus back to Varine, this was an important moment.

"Yes, sir Zick." Varine spoke blankly as always.

"Then listen closely to me." Zick stared directly at Varine's eyes with his blue eyes.

The gravity of his voice made Varine concentrate on him.

"I will be your owner from this day on, I won't harm you as long as you follow my order faithfully." Zick spoke slowly in a firm voice, though it still sounded indifferent to others.

Zick actually didn't want to kill Varine if he was given a choice, after all he didn't have any animosity with her. He just found killing her to be the easiest method, but he wouldn't hesitate if his plan failed.

Zick didn't care what Varine did, as long as she didn't do anything that harmed him in any way and followed his orders.

Zick knew about Varine's desire through the novel, in the novel 'The hero of Velveric fights a demon lord' Aeiron became the person she wanted to protect.

There were many reason for this, Aeiron had saved Varine from the merchant's grasp, then removed the slave seal and even treated her nicely.

But Zick would never remove the slave seal, that would go against his aim.

Varine expression changed for the first time in a long time. A confused look appeared on her face.

The Sincerity in Zick's voice was clearly transmitted to Varine.

She was also smart, and after thinking, She was confused as to why Zick offered such a thing. With the slave seal she would never be able disobey him, he could do anything he wanted with her.

Zick could **** her, torture her, use her for experimentation, use her as a toy and many more thing. No one would stop him.

"So?" Zick waited for her response. He could also feel the slave trader heading towards them.

".....Yes sir." Varine could only answer back like this.

Varine's expression returned to normal. She didn't have the right to ask him the reason, Her mind trained by the premium slave trainer didn't allowed it too. It was better as long as she wasn't used as an experiment subject order or any other shady thing, after all she still didn't want to die even though she was like this.

Not only her but many other slaves felt the same way too, deep within them they all want to live. It is normal for humans to seek life and freedom.

Varine was still doubtful at what would happen to her, Zick said he would not harm her if she followed his order. But she had no idea what he would make her do at all. Or he might just go back on his word and kill her.

Zick didn't say anything else, The Varine he knew was a smart kid who caught up on thing fast. He had to move carefully if he needed to gain het trust, he wasn't in a rush right at the moment too.

'I have to gain her trust slowly.....I can't rush it, if I mess up and let Varine discover my scheme, I will have no choice but to look for another talented person that I can control in the second continent after discarding Varine.' Zick looked towards the slave trader while lost in thought.

"Hahaha! sorry for making you wait sir." The slave trader arrived in front of Zick. He wanted to go to a quite place, but was stopped by Zick's and was ordered to do the process of passing on the slave ownership here immediately.

"Okay, it's totally 1200 platinum coins sir." The slave trader didn't bring up the topic of money till now as way of showing his trust in the customer. But of course he didn't trust them in the slightest internally.

Zick sent the stated prize through the space ring. The process of changing ownership of a slave was very simple.

The slave trader put one drop of the red liquid from the vial upon the slave seal on Varine's back Neck and placed his hand upon her shoulder. The slave seal was in a round shape with many letters in it of unknown origin, it was around 8 centimeter big

The slave seal on her neck started spewed out red smoke, after absorbing the red liquid. The slave trader sent his mana into it, directly expelling the remaining red smoke within it.

"Ughk....." A muffled groan left Varine's mouth. She bore the burning pain with clenched jaw and fists. The pain vanished in a few seconds, in this time her whole body was covered in cold sweat. She felt a connection with her severed.

"Please put a little of your blood on the slave seal sir." The slave trader spoke to Zick.

Zick's eyes squinted a little hearing him, it was hard for even him to harm this own body. He didn't want to use the cursed sword as it may give a clue to his real identity.

Lifting up his mask a little from his left hand, Zick brought his other hand near the mouth and bit the thumb finger. His sharp teeth were able to Penetrate his skin somewhat.

Zick let a few drop of his blood fall upon slave seal on Varine, who was kneeling right at the moment. The red blood shined with vitality, it got absorbed by the slave seal immediately.

At that instant, Zick felt a connection form with Varine. It was different from oath, it felt like the connection was formed directly on his body, unlike oath where the connection was external.

'It doesn't seems like the dragon blood effected it much....the slave seal seems to only be strengthen by a little and its almost negligible.' Zick felt disappointed, but thinking about it, this result was expectable. His dragon blood was nothing compared to a real dragon yet.

After checking that the slave seal was working alright, the same process was done with the other two slaves. They had their slave seal in the shoulder and purple liquid was used to pass their ownership unlike Varine.

Zick's injury healed in no time with his extraordinary vitality, so he had to harm himself again.

While Zick put a drop of his blood upon the slave seal of the last slave, he felt the slave trader take out something from his space ring.

It was a black book, it was used to communicate with each other from a distance, an enchanted item. The only disadvantage it has is that, anyone could use it. This might lead to another person using it and fooling or luring a person into a trap.

The slave trader read through the message sent by his friend.

''Ohhhh!'' There slave trader couldn't help but exclaim. Seeing Zick staring at him, he coughed and spoke calmly.

''It seems a method has been found to use mana drugs without getting your mana turned impure." The slave trader voice became heated as he spoke, there was also jealousy mixed in it.

'I guess it was around this time the method was found in the novel.' Zick thought to himself, this was the same method which he used while going towards the Garcia family's estate to become a middle rank knight.

Finishing everything that needed to be done, Zick started walking towards the teleportation circle with the three slaves.

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