There were many courses which could be chosen, mentioned in the application. But to Zick, it didn't hold enough attraction. He could choose courses like recon/scout or ranger, but they wouldn't increase his strength in any way, instead it would be a waste of time.

Zick could do all that using magic easily, if he didn't have it, he might have chosen one of these courses.

It didn't take long for Zick to reach the reception, there were many people along with him too. Passing his application to a women receptionist, he walked towards the tram line nearby.

It was already night, but the garden-like street wasn't dark at all. There were multiple street lights everywhere illuminating that whole place. The tram line was very near, so he reached there within a minute.

Zick didn't have to wait for long as a tram reached there soon. Entering it, he looked at the starry sky and red moon to pass his time. There were many institutes which entered Zick's field of view as the tram moved.

The whole Central district can be said to be the academy premises. The main institute, where Zick attended the auditorium, is the only place where classrooms, training Institutes and prohibited areas exist. Even the dormitory in which the cadets will stay in is seperate from it.

The other institutes all over the Central district are for leisure and entertainment of the cadets. Restaurant, stalls, canteen, clothes store and many more places like this.

Zick arrived near mana train station as he thought about all the places in the Central district.

Walking past the administrative centre, Zick reached the station. There were still a few people who walked a little distance from him. Standing in the station, he waited for the mana train to arrive patiently.

After ten minutes, a mana train arrived at last. Entering it, Zick sat beside the window without any hesitation. Moon light fell upon him, making his handsome face even more attractive.

After reaching the Desterk district, Zick walked towards the mansion leisurely. The same two knights who guarded the gate always enter his sight.

Looking at them opening the gate, Zick remembered something.

"Soon a guest of mine would arrive, within one to three days. Be sure to let them in.'' Zick spoke to the guards indifferently. The guest he was talking about was of course the messenger from the underworld.

''''Yes sir!"'' The two guards answered at the same time.

Zick entered the mansion and walked towards the dining hall where the dinner was already ready. He had instructed Butler Von to make it, before leaving to the academy.

After eating the luxurious dinner, Zick went to his room and changed into comfortable clothes. He started training in his aura like usual, waiting for Keshein to contact him. He didn't have to wait for long, as the very next day, early in the morning a messenger came to his mansion.

Sitting on the sofa, Zick looked at the messenger standing in front of him. They were in the office-like rooms in the mansion on the first floor. The messenger looked like a normal citizen who looked to be in his mid 20s, he had black hair and green eyes, but without a doubt he worked under Keshein.

The messenger was a peak rank Assassin, normally no one would be able sense his presence with the weird ring artifact he had worn. But Zick could sense through it to a certain degree and with his dragon eyes he could see through it fully. Keshein giving an artifact to this person just showed his importance.

"I have to come here to deliver a letter, following my master's order." Saying this, the messengers passed on a letter to Zick.

Opening the letter, Zick started going through it, not bothered by the messenger's presence. There were only two pages within the letter.

The first page invited Zick to a underground auction house, along with the route to reach there, which would be held tonight and the other one mentioned about the demand of slaves and monsters done by Zick.

The auction house, slaves and monsters market was in the same place, there is also chances of him to get the good quality ones in the auction.

'But it's just too annoying.....' Zick found The route to reach the auction house to be a lot bothersome. He will have to take a carriage from a certain location, which would then take him to the underground auction house. This just wasted a lot of his time and he would even have problem of bring the slaves and monsters along with him.

"Give me the coordinates of the auction house." Zick directly asked the messenger. Keshein sending him a letter like this only meant one thing, he had decided to form a friendly relationship with Zick, now that he couldn't do anything else to him.

As long as he keeps a good relationship with Zick, his identity would be kept a secret. So he would accept most of his demands.

"I don't have the jurisdiction to do that." The messenger still responded without any emotions.

"Then just ask your master."

".....can I use the room besides this one?"


Hearing Zick's approval, the messenger went out of the office-like room and entered the room beside it, which was a normal bedroom.

Zick could sense all the actions of the messenger easily. The messenger took out a magic communicator and connected it to someone. Zick let them talk and waited patiently thinking about the auction.

This would also be the first time Zick would be attending an auction in his life. He considered what he should do for now.

'I don't need monsters yet, I haven't even started learning enchantment right now. Buying only slaves to try brainwashing magic for now is better and when I learn enchantment I will try doing it upon them too.'

,m A lot of people would die in this experiment, but it didn't stop Zick from doing it. He wasn't against using others or making them suffer to get what he wanted at all. Instead it was a normal thing to do in this world, where a person could do anything with enough strength.

Zick didn't care about a person who didn't have any value to him. There were only a few things he cared about right at the moment. Himself, the two dragon eggs and the butler Von. Though he would sacrifice them all if there was any danger to his life.

'My life is the most important thing.' This would never change no matter what.

Zick could even feel that Butler Von was getting closer to the master assassin rank. He has been training in all his free time after all.

Soon the messenger came back and handed a small piece of paper to Zick.

"That is the coordinates to reach the auction and my job here is over, I will take my leave now." Till the start to end the messenger never showed any of his own emotions while conveying Keshein's message. This showed that he had been trained tremendously.

Still sitting upon the sofa, Zick looked at the paper which had coordinates of the auction house. He had to put this in the teleportation circle and then he could go to where the coordinates lead. He knew how to create teleportation for a very long time, so he could easily make it.

Now Zick only had to look for an appropriate place to place the teleportation circle and make it his lab. and He already had one in his mind.

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