After a few hours.

All five people who slept on the floor, opened their eyes one after the other. They felt sluggish as they had not moved around their body for a long time. The cat who was looking at them from the corner, still felt its mind blank.

The two who cuddled it a while ago flashed through the cat's mind. It had truthfully considered itself one of the strongest beings out there. Thus, it felt a sense of loss meeting two incomprehensible beings like that.

It could not even resist Arianell and Aurel, who went off to the dragon clan's galaxy with Zick. The difference between their existence was just too wide, causing the cat to be paralyzed by the pressure.

"Cat...?" Varine called out to the cat with a spark in her eyes. Finding someone she knew, a feeling of reassurance rose within her.

Varine still appeared to be around 12 to 13 years old, the others too had the same age as before.

Seveleen and the others looked around the room too. Everything appeared to be luxurious, giving off an atmosphere similar to the royal palace. However, none of their gazes stuck to the luxurious items for long, almost all of them were very high-ranking nobles and even a princess.

The air got awkward as they couldn't even get up properly.

Seveleen was the most bewildered, 'What exactly is happening...? My mana can't spread to the surrounding area.'

Seveleen was a high-rank mage, she was the most sensitive to the mana in the group too.

On the other hand, Anastasia too was baffled because of another reason. Her eyes, which had a special ability, could only see gray fog around them, instead of blue mana.

The power contained within this gray fog, terror, was different from mana. It was like the terror had a 'will' of its own, looking for any being with a strong enough grudge.

Anastasia could see such a sight only because of the area they were in. Wanting to research terror further, Zick of course built his house in a place with abundant terror concentration.

Silence descended on the group, as they felt that they could not move their body. They could only move their head, with a lot of hard work. It felt like they had all turned into statues.

Only the cat could move around as it was different from humans. The cat walked near to Varine and tapped her pale cheeks lightly.

A beutiful woman walked into the room through the door, at that moment. It was Yuriel, her black hair similar to Zick cascading behind her freely, she wore a white coat, similar to the researchers.

Taking out green potions from her storage device, Yuriel began feeding them to all of the people laying on the floor. The moment they drank this potion, their body recovered back to normal.

"You are..." Seveleen felt Yuriel to be familiar, she had seen her with Zick a few times.

"I am Yuriel, nice to meet you again. Let's move to the hall, Sir Zick is waiting for everyone." Yuriel coolly began taking them all to the hall with no change in expression.

Anastasia and Leona followed, feeling Yuriel to be the strongest here.

"Uhm, So where exactly are we right now?" Seveleen questioned, feeling somewhat close to Yuriel.

"We are currently in a dream world, ruled by sir Zick. And mana does not exist here like you must have noticed." Yuriel responded passively.

"Huh..." Varine jerked her head up in confusion. The cat was on her arm right at the moment.

It was like a bomb was dropped right on their head, making them feel empty for a second. They knew the meaning of Yuriel's words, but their brain could not process them.

Anastasia on the other hand felt this to be very plausible, her eyes clearly showed her that no mana existed in the surrounding.

"S-sir Zick is the ruler of this place?" Varine asked to clarify.

"Yes." Yuriel nodded her head.

Seveleen, the cat, and Varine felt a little relieved hearing this. They had a lot of trust in Zick.

But the same could not be said for everyone. Philine was half already out of it, her memories were very foggy.

She could not remember anything after Levienel abducted her out of nowhere, only certain images of a black dragon passed through her mind, as she walked in the corridor.

Leona felt uneasy in her heart as she looked at Yuriel. For some reason her instinct told her that...the woman before her was a golem. It was a baseless guess, so she just kept it deep within her instead of prying at it.

"I have a question." Anastasia, who was the calmest among the group, lifted her hand.

"Go on." Yuriel did not turn back while speaking.

"What exactly do you want from us?" There was a sharp light in Anastasia's eyes, as said this. She could not understand why she and Leona too were here.

"I don't know, Sir Zick will answer that question." Yuriel's answer was immediate, with no lag in the middle.

Philine pulled herself together and opened her mouth with a dazed look: "Mister Zick..."

A person with a handsome face passed by her head, his image was etched into her memories. Zick had after all saved her on the brink of death.

Putting a long face, Seveleen glanced at Philine. Seveleen remembered her sitting beside Zick at the party, which was still fresh in her mind.

After walking for quite a while, they reached their destination at last. The manor that they were in was very large, if not careful, people could even get lost within it.

The air grew tense as they stepped into the hall, it was like an invisible force was pressing on them. The cat held its breath again, feeling a being comparable to the two from before!

'Where the hell am I exactly, really why are people with such formidable strength appearing one after the another? Levienel can't compare to them at all.' The cat felt indignant all over.

To the cat, Levienel was the strongest person it met, leaving aside the demon general. However, that belief was broken again and again.

As they went deeper into the hall, Zick could be seen sipping a cup of lemon tea with leisure, sitting on one of the luxurious couches.

The cat froze looking at Zick, it had never thought for a second that the existence far above it — was actually Zick!

The Zick before them was nothing but a golem with demi-god rank strength. It had the same appearance as him, it was being controlled by him too.

Zick turned to the six people and the cat, who entered the hall, with no hurry at all.

"Long time no see, I guess." Zick waved his hand with a friendly look.

Varine moved before him with a smile immediately, her eyes were beaming with happiness, it was like she was meeting her parents after a long time.

"You seem to be doing well." Zick nodded towards Varine.

Leona moved forward before the others this time. Her eyes directly met with Zick's red eyes.

"In which kingdom or continent are we right at the moment? And what exactly do you want with us?" Leona felt the current situation to be a mess, she could not hold in her questions anymore.

"Everyone should sit down first, it is going to be a long story." Zick pointed at the couches around him.

Slowly everyone began sitting on the couches.

"You can return to your research." Zick sent Yuriel to her work.

"Let's see...." Zick began narrating what happened, while conveniently twisting many parts of the stories. No flaw appeared in the fabricated story, leaving everyone speechless.

According to Zick, the world that they stayed in was already destroyed. He told the back story of how the giant race got sealed, then how he made a deal with the Taweir, giving him the world core for everyones' sake.

It was a coincidence for Leona to survive too. That part was not changed in Zick's story.

It was very hard to believe, but they could not find any point to retort at. They had all lost consciousness because of God's blessing, which they had not noticed.

Everyone was shaken at the end, causing silence to reign upon them.

Everyone was shaken to the core, and Seveleen and Philine suffered the greatest impact. Their family was destroyed along with the world in the end.

Truthfully, Zick was currently manipulating their emotions slightly. If not, Seveleen and Philine would break down at least. They only sobbed silently right at the moment.

Becoming a god allowed Zick to guide the thoughts of any being near his divinity, of course, they had to be below grandmaster rank. That was how the other gods' were trying to manipulate him, in the Igmorous world.

This god rank perk did not allow him to fully control the target either.

Zick had no intention of pulling this conversation to a large one.

'There is no real point in this conversation, but I can't rush it anyway.' Zick put on a sad face too.

"Let's take a break for now, I am sure that you all need time to sort out your head too." Zick began sending Seveleen and Philine to the guest room.

Only Anastasia, Leona, and Varine along with the cat remained. Their shock was lighter compared to those two.

"You can ask whatever you want to." Zick spoke with a generous expression, having dark thoughts internally: 'I have to erase Philine's memory somewhat, she is aware that I was the one who caused the golem outbreak in the past.'

It might not have been possible before, but now it was different.

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