'Well, one of my doubts was cleared off in the end too. The reason why the other side of the mist had so low concentration of mana, must be because the world core was extensively used by the gods.'

Zick intently looked at the world core in his hand. His red eyes flashed with bright light.

'Though the world core is a very high-grade item, they are not that hard to destroy.' Zick let go of the world core, and being in the middle of space, it began floating by itself.

Time flew by faster as Zick was away from any gravitational field. As people go far from a world's gravitational field, the lower spacetime curves.

Zick sliced the world core into two pieces with his cursed sword. He put away one piece into his pocket and held the other one in his hand intently.

"What are you planning to do?" Reikel transmitted seeing Zick's reckless action, even though he was not so knowledgeable about world core.

Who knew the world's core might just vanish into nothingness once damaged?

As they were in space, they had to transmit to each other directly in the mind.

"Breakthrough to god rank." Zick passively answered back, the world he was heading to had a god already present. He had to kill this person before taking over.

Though having devoted believers gave a boost of around 20℅ maximum in the speed of growth, it was not Zick's main goal this time.

'I need a place to lay low the most. This is the dark factions' territory, it's unlikely they would come barging in search of me.' Zick put a little force on his finger, breaking a small tip of the world core.

Zick gave this piece to Aurel with a serious expression: "Use this and fasten my body's time by as much as you can."

Aurel clenched her fist and the small piece of the world core in it. Immense determination passed through her face, unlike ever before. She nodded her head showing she was ready.

Zick moved a few meters away and ordered Aurel to proceed.

A blinding golden light radiated from Aurel's body, she appeared like a star if seen from afar.

Reikel watched all of this indifferently, but suddenly his expression changed. With a flash, the golden glow traveled into his body.

Reikel's body froze in place at once, it was like his body had frozen in place. It was to be expected, he was affected by an attack that used the middle-grade world core as a catalyst. It was something many great gods sought after.


"Kugh...." Reikel spitted out blood from his mouth.

A hand protruded from Reikel's chest, right through the heart. Without noticing, Zick appeared behind him.

Zick pulled out his hand, which was smeared in dark red blood. A smile adorned his face, filled with mockery and wickedness.

"Did you think such superfluous acting can fool me?" Zick cleaned off the blood on his arm using quasi-divinity.

Kururu's action was just too suspicious in Zick's eyes. No matter how one trusts the others, they would still form a bind just in case, the people who reached godhood would do even more so.

Therefore, Zick concluded the information that Reikel provided to be false.

There is no way the giant god, kururu would let Reikel go without making a bind with him.

"I am sure he didn't have much expectation to gain anything from me, but he still put you on me right?" Zick held Reikel's head, ready to crush it any moment.

Reikel gritted his teeth, no matter what he did, his quasi-divinity did not move. It was frozen in place, not affected by his will in the slightest.

".....You are right," Reikel answered back blankly, he resolved himself internally, this was the end. He had a feeling that things would turn out like this.

In the end, he had no choice either.

"I see, so you were going to assassinate me while I was distracted absorbing the world core." Zick deduced Reikel's next course of action.

"Yes, that was how it was supposed to be if you got the world core." Just as Reikel finished speaking, suddenly Zick put force in his hand, directly crushing his head into bloody mush.

Reikel's blood began to float in the space, and with a flash, his body was destroyed too.

'That's all I wanted to know from you, bye my old friend.' Zick did not feel anything doing such a thing, but he still gave a farewell to Reikel.

He had helped Zick a lot in the first timeline, Zick even had fun scheming with him.

'He always looked at me warily though...' Reliving the memories that arose for a second, Zick focused on what was before him.

"Good work, I was able to defeat him all thanks to you." Zick smiled at Aurel while patting her head. Aurel began smiling brightly at once.

Zick estimated that he had 60℅ chances of defeating Reikel, he was a demi-god right now after all. But, it was still better to be cautious at all times.

Zick had this percentage of victory chances, as he knew all of Reikel's cards through the first timeline.

Zick gave another piece of the world's core to Aurel and instructed her to use her power on him, for real this time.

It was at that time, a flash of light traveled through the darkness, directly stopping before Zick and the others.

As the bright light vanished, a figure with flashing white hair could be seen standing upright. He had a handsome face and black clothes with many ornaments on them.

"You must be Zick?" The white-haired man asked.

"Yes, Here is what you came for." Zick kept a humble look, he wanted to form as many connections as he could.

Getting the other half of the world core, The white-haired man nodded his head.

"My name is Kewerel, I rule over the world named — Slaited, visit anytime you want. Sir Taweir and the dark faction have high hopes for you." After saying this, Kewerel just flew away, looking to be urgent.

Seeing Kewerel fly away a hundred thousand kilometres in a few seconds, Zick retracted his gaze.

Kewerel was exceptionally fast because his divinity originated from light elements. He was a veteran god who had fought with the light faction for thousands of years. And he was a subordinate of the Vortex god, Taweir.

'He seems quite busy for some reason, is the situation so dire?' Zick felt a feeling of rush, he was not aware of the exact situation between these two factions.

This might prove to be fatal in the future, who knows when the world under him would be attacked.

'....I might have to hurry.' Zick turned to Aurel while thinking rapidly.

Getting Zick's permission, Aurel began circulating her aura into the piece of world core.

Zick's body began glowing in a golden glow immediately. Zick put aside everything and wholeheartedly concentrated. The world core in his hand began getting absorbed into his body.

Just as Zick started to merge both his Quasi-divinity and soul, he was shocked speechless.

His soul easily became one with his quasi-divinity!

It was even strengthening Zick's quasi-divinity, bringing it to another level.

'I can see why other gods sought for world core.' Zick was fully awed by the magical sight before him.

Fusion rate began skyrocketing-


After the fusion was completed, an immense feeling of fullness took over Zick, he continued resolutely until the world core fully dissipated.

Dark energy as dark as the space left Zick's body, crawling around his body. Even the space began bending and distorting away in presence of this chaotic energy.

After a while, the world core in Zick's hand vanished, as if dissolving into the darkness.

Zick clenched his hand before him, creating a shockwave from broken space. His eyes gave a brilliant spark, his existence had entered into another level altogether.

'At last, I have reached this stage. I am a god now, a being that every mortal would have to look upon. I have an unlimited lifespan too, it can be said that I have achieved eternal life in a way.'

'But, this is not the end, I am still not at the top of the whole universe. As long as there is something above me, my journey has not ended. I will keep moving forward like always.'

Zick felt his senses inflating ridiculously, fusing both his soul and Quasi-divinity bringing upon a mysterious change. His strength increased by so many folds that even he felt it to be ridiculous.

'...I might even be able to destroy a planet with a single punch of just my body strength.' Zick moved around his body, he was truthfully still getting used to moving around in space.

Zick's normal body was already a hundred times stronger, compared to anyone in the same rank as him. Becoming a god, this monstrous fact was made even more dominant.

'Haha, I guess I am lucky, I wanted to try out my strength, it is good that I already have a test partner ready. Just that, I will have to beat him to death.' Zick snickered to himself.

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