Just as Zick closed his eyes, fragments of memory flew into his head, merging with his mind.

Memory began playing before Zick's eyes as if they had come to life.

Zick's body began falling as he lost consciousness. He fell into the ocean, but there was nothing to worry about.

The frenzied energy entered back into Zick's body, with nothing forcing them out. Most of it was already merged with his higher form of energy, leaving behind only around 10 percent of it left.

The most important problem of the frenzied energy was taken care of by the soul fragment in Zick's soul. And the left-out frenzied energy in his body could not do any harm in its current state, it would take time to recover.

The Mist of annihilation had noticeably thinned above the ocean too.

Zick entered into a state of slumber.


Coming to this world, in a situation where Zick could die at any moment. There were already signs of him wanting to suicide.

The pressure was just too much for him, and his intentions to live were also quite low, thanks to what happened on Earth.

The Melvix dukedom was like an execution ground to him, death could embrace him at any moment with no prior notice.

Zick was never a stupid person, and neither was he a genius. His capability could only be said to be above average.

He had noticed that nothing good would be happening to him, through Butler Von's behavior. It was like he was just performing temporary work, that would cease to exist soon.

But, such a person, with suicidal intentions somehow survived.

It all began only after Zick looked at the knights in the training ground.

A prowess that surpassed the limits of humans.

A presence that could give rise to admiration to anyone who saw.

Zick wanted it, such power fascinated him.

Wasn't it the power that he seeks from the bottom of his heart?

Even while he was bullied or when he was announced as a murderer, what was he lacking?

It was strength!

He wanted this individual strength, something that could never betray him.

'...I might not be able to change the past, and it's a fact. But if I hold such strength in my hand, at least...At least I can dictate my future.' Fire blazed in Zick's heart and the feeling that he had not experienced in a long time, the feeling of living.

However, a huge problem represented itself before Zick, he had very low talent, or more like, he had none at all.

Leaving him with the only other probability, to show his ability in any other field. He first had to survive before hoping to gain any kind of strength.

Immediately after, the world crumbled and another fragment of memory began playing itself.

The Zick from reality looked at all this calmly. He was within the body of the eight-year-old Zick, feeling his body and mind working on their own all along.

But he could still feel and see vividly, even the emotion the Zick from the memory felt were transmitted to him.

After organizing his mind, the eight years old Zick had begun experimenting. To search for whatever he had even a little talent with. He stayed at the library most of the time, reading through the books with perseverance.

In the end, Zick turned ten years old and reached a certain height. He had a well-built body, he had trained his body in the past year.

He excels in the art of military strategist, but it was still after studying for an extended amount of time. Many people were above him in this profession.

In this round, Zick did not have any knowledge from the novel, leading him to start from scratch.

'I am good at strategizing and manipulating, but this thing can't keep me alive for long. According to the intel that Von gathered, it seems like there have been cases of an heir killing another heir in a roundabout way in this family.'

'My siblings are still completing the task handed to them, but they will come back one day or another. I will need to find a way to protect myself.' Zick thought with a frown on his face.

The Melvix family left him alone, not even bothering to look at him. This made him feel a little indignant for no apparent reason, but he could do nothing about it.

The other thing Zick excelled in, or at least appears to be is in the merchant profession.

Zick had opened up his own business using the knowledge from Earth.

To start any business, a certain amount of money and employees are required.

The employee could be somehow recruited using his status as an heir of the Melvix family, even if he was considered literal garbage, a few people would still be attracted.

As for the money, all of it was handled by Butler Von, through and through. He was a servant that had to follow all of Zick's orders.

Zick kept his distance from the dirty work though, he knew that all his actions were being watched.

Zick could only send Butler Von to hunt some monster in the end. It was embarrassing to choose such a course of action, but he could only do that at the time.

After saving up for more than six months, Zick began the business when he was Nine and a half years old.

It was an ice cream shop, many ice cream movable stalls were also made.

To create ice in a place with no refrigerator, the correct season and environment are needed, usually, that is.

With a wonderful element of magic mixed into it, many problematic things could be ignored.

Buying dozens of low-rank enchanted items, to freeze the water and keep the ice cream frozen, no problem arose in this aspect.

It was a business that began very small at the beginning, but after another half a year, its daily avenue could not be looked down upon.

With the permission of many city and village lords, Zick began opening up stalls and shops in other cities too.

Starting from the simple flavor, many other kinds of ice cream that Zick remembered from Earth were being made one by one.

These products broke through the roof, attracting almost all the children and noble women.

Many merchants and nobles had already sent requests to either collaborate or open a shop in their territory.

Zick did not stop at that, he opened up coffee and tea shops along with chocolate shops, big to small everywhere.

Right at the moment, Zick was in the main city controlled by the Melvix family, sitting within the headquarters of his company. He had named this business — The Gaweil.

Zick spent most of his time here, only going back to the mansion sometimes.

'With all this money, I have already hired tons of merchants and mercenaries as guards. This was the best course of action as I thought, it is best to recruit them and let a piece of profit go than make an enemy.' Zick grew shrewder living the life of a merchant.

A week ago, Zick had made up his mind to begin his next business.

It was to open up food hotels and groceries. For this task, the supply of goods is very important, the reason why he made so many connections and then recruited many merchants too.

These hotels covered dishes like burgers, pizzas, and other junk foods from Earth and simple dishes that the earth had, which did not exist in this world.

Zick felt a little bad and put up a notice that eating too much might make you fat, or be bad for health too.

Zick had already gathered many of his chefs and began experimenting a long time ago. Deciding to make it a sellable item now, after gathering surplus funds.

Many cities accepted such projects with open arms, while some looked on waiting for the result first.

Zick showed the attitude of an open-minded merchant, even making deals with forces out of the Cravion kingdom. His influence had already begun spreading to the pheorous kingdom and Mhydrasvil empire.

Zick had a wide range of knowledge, including logistics and politics too. But they were not as prominent as these two.

Many merchants tried to fool Zick, looking at him as a 10-year-old kid. But they all got nothing as a result, he was very cautious from beginning to end.

Hiring mages, alchemists, and knights to guard and experiment for him.

Just after this project was executed, Zick got a message from the Melvix family. They were quite straightforward, telling him to go to the Garcia family with the invitation they sent.

A furious look appeared on his face at once, he felt humiliated. Accomplishing so many things, he had developed a feeling of pride.

The actions of the head of the Melvix family were not putting Zick in his eyes at all. This was to be expected, this time around Zick did not show any talent that might lead him to be the next family head after all.

Remembering this grievance, Zick began moving to the Garcia dukedom.


Zick was quite well received by the whole Garcia family.

Even in the party venue, many tried making connections or leaving a good impression on Zick.

This made Zick firmer within: 'Power is everything, and with it, convenience is all that awaits a person. But I don't want only influential power, individual strength is more important.'

Zick had learned to not always rely on others from his experience on Earth. He would not make the same mistake as then.

In the party hall, Zick met with Searre, the daughter of the Velscar family. He performed a ball dance with her and kept a good relationship with her.

Putting aside all that, many people here just praised Zick for his wonderful products. Especially since the young noblewomen had all gathered around him, when he showed an interactive type attitude.

Zick's life went on with not many obstacles from here on, until when he turned 12. When two of his siblings returned, he was assigned his mission for this round.

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