The Nerbext city, within the winter howl inn.

The teleportation circle shone in a brilliant light before Zick appeared upon it with closed eyes.

The room he arrived in was luxurious with many innate accessories and furniture. The scent of wood wafted around the room.

The Hevertec kingdom is famous for the many types of incense they produce and use extensively in many places.

Zick felt calm smelling the particular incense burning in the room.

He headed to the reception without any hesitation.

'For some reason, the Everlor organization doesn't allow its members to use a teleportation circle to teleport to another ruling force's main base directly using other ruling forces' teleportation circle. Though it's for security purposes, they really are thorough when it comes to this kind of thing.'

Through the information passed to him from the seal and oath, Zick was aware of all the rules and taboos of the organization.


A corridor greeted Zick behind the door. Unlike the inn, he had been in priorly, this inn seemed to be a large-sized one.

Walking to the right, he found steps shortly from which he descended at a relaxed pace. The receptionist and the servant didn't even glance at him as they continued doing their work with a perfect demeanor.

This time, the receptionist was a middle-aged man with a well-shaped brown beard. There were signs of shrewdness in his eyes.

The moment the receptionist, Deliun, felt Zick walking toward him a natural smile formed on his face.

"Welcome dear sir, would you like to-" Deliun stopped seeing Zick showing his seal on the back of his palm with no hesitation.

Zick wasn't a fan of wasting time or trash-talking with others for no reason.

"Connect the teleportation circle to the main base," Zick said plainly.

Deliun didn't dare to waste time and did what Zick ordered. 'This kind of people are the most who have a short temper.....'

Killing a member of the same rank of the organization was prohibited, The seal would activate and kill the person.

But couldn't the person do anything they wanted excluding killing? Like torture, humiliation, harming them politically, or just causing the person to die at the hands of others.

The oath that Zick took could be taken advantage of in many ways. The organization had actually made these flaws wantonly.

The sentence, survival of the fittest fits here perfectly.

The Everlor wanted elite members, not just in quantity but in quality too!

While walking behind Deliun, Zick thought: 'This scheme is effective in many ways too. The main point mentioned in the oath was - that "Members of the same rank can't kill each other", which means that higher-ranked members could kill lower rank members.' Zick's eyes flashed with a cold light.

This is the reason he didn't act conceited and overbearing in front of stronger members of the organization.

It was not that the other higher-rank members couldn't kill lower-rank members, instead, it was that they didn't want to do it for no reason.

'The higher ranked members of the organization treat each other as a family....really such a weird organization.'

Zick liked that the higher his rank was the more influence and freedom he would have. This was the decisive factor that made him accept the oath.

Deliun was a green-ranked member with a low profile in the organization. He had only survived with shrewd and crafty means until now.

Using the teleportation circle, Zick arrived at the teleportation center of the main base.

The scent of incense burning reached Zick's nose as he opened his eyes.

First, Zick touched the blue crystal in the reception room, which sent the layout of this base to his mind.

This base had three pillars unlike the main base in the Gorthect empire. So the posts were also stationed differently.

Finding the location of the trading post which was below the left pillar, Zick went towards it at a fast pace.

"Hey, do you know, the Revelner disease has already affected the royal family?"

"There is a rumor that the Yuivel valley is going through an unnatural disaster too. The Hevertec city is going through many misfortune hehe."

"Lady Philine is also affected by the pandemic, sigh....the world is going to lose another beauty."

The crowd of people was buzzing and discussing different matters at once.

Some interested Zick but he put it aside for now and walked towards his destination.

The trading post was especially crowded with many people walking to and fro. Surprisingly there were demihumans too unlike in the other main base.

Zick didn't even have to think about it to find the answer: 'The demihumans must have run away scared by Ovelon without a doubt.'

Heading to the main trading shop, Zick arrived in front of a three story high building made of pure white marble. He could see his reflection on its wall perfectly.

Entering it, a clean room with many shelves having glass cases welcomed him.

A woman with long black hair and a soft expression sat on the counter of the reception. Few people were looking around the shelves with interest.

The receptionist gave a glance at Zick before looking at her red book again.

Zick's eyebrows rose to feel her potential partially. He could not see her potentially perfectly as his dragon eyes had degraded but he could still somewhat see it.

'She must have a potential near the master rank.' Zick walked in front of her.

He stated his need directly: " Threleth poison, Gerence poison, gearzel bear heart poison, Heifer root poison, Vermillion snake gland poison..." Zick gave a long list of poison and material while digging deeper into his memories.

"I need a hundred vials for each poison and a hundred batches of the material I stated," Zick spoke calmly.

Immediately, the receptionist who was carefully hearing Zick froze. The other people within the room were also hearing with amazement but Zick's stated quantity made them not believe what they heard.

"What the...."

"What is he gonna do with so many poisons?"

Seeing that Zick was serious they snapped out of their daze and showed bewilderment.

Everyone couldn't help but think-

Was he planning on killing a whole capital? If it's the truth...

What kind of genocide person has the organization accepted?!

The receptionist started sweating as she stood up: "Ah...customer please wait, I will call the shop owner immediately."

Zick nodded his head, not saying anything. The people in his surrounding looked at him with weird gazes as he stood there like a statue.

'I am currently rich and there are still high-quality mana crystals in my space ring. With the backing of Ovelon, I can sell it if need be in the future with no problem.'

The poison and materials he ordered were either connected to the cure for Revelner disease or had certain effects on it.

Within a few seconds, an old man with his brow tightly knit walked down the stairs. He was also shocked hearing the list of poison and materials Zick needed.

This old man had trained all his servants very rigorously so they had a good memory and a good grasp on business opportunities. His name was Ghertel.

Zick's demand was very excessive when looking at the quantity, but from Ghertel's experience, he knew that this deal was very beneficial to him.

Some of the materials and poisons stated by Zick were very rare or cost a fortune. And for him to ask a hundred batches for each!

Waves were forming in Ghertel's mind as he felt excitement and palpitation in his heart. He was uncertain as to why Zick wanted so many poisons.

'There is definitely something big going to happen soon!'

With no change in his expression outwardly, Ghertel spoke with an elderly demeanor: "These days young people are extremely conceited, hmph!"

Ghertel snorted looking down on Zick with no restrain at all. To him, Zick was just a peak high-rank knight, while he was just a step away from master rank.

But he couldn't rise to the master rank, his body had already aged and he would not be able to take the pressure while becoming a master swordsman. His weak body would never be able to sustain an aura.

Seeing Zick still looking at him blankly even while he scolded him in front of others, Ghertel felt astonishment rising within him.

'He is still so young but is not provoked by my taunting...' Ghertel decided to change his way of probing.

"What kind of–!"

"Are you going to trade or not?" Zick spoke with no emotions at all, it was like he had never heard what Ghertel said in the first place.


'What is wrong with this person?' The people in the room couldn't help but think.

Zick looked at Ghertel who looked at him with amazement visible in his eyes.

Reacting, Ghertel felt shame rising within him rapidly but he controlled it. He was not someone who let his emotions control him.

What was most important was for him to agree with Zick's demand. He was a merchant so obviously, his heart seeks benefits too.

With a fierce gaze, Ghertel spoke to Zick: "...The things you need are not all available right now so they will pass on to you in batches."

"Give me all the things you have currently for now." Zick had already expected this so he asked the very next moment. "And also, there is no need for sending it in batches, tell me when it will be ready, and I will come and take it personally."

After a while, Ghertel brought many poisons and materials like Pertef panther skin, hail seeker tendons, grave rat heart, Xeces fruit, and many more.

They covered items used in alchemy, enchantment, and blacksmith.

'Luckily, I always wrote down names I felt familiar with while reading books in the Melvix family.' Zick took the item and also brought a map before beginning to move toward the teleportation circle.

Zick naturally didn't remember the names of this many poisons and materials. While reading books he would encounter familiar things which helped him in remembering some of the information related to the Novel, which he would write down in his diary.

'Now I just have to find the formula to the cure and then I can start my grand tour in the Hevertec kingdom.' Zick's lips perked up, regaining some expectation for the future.

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