The eastern continent was larger than the middle continent, both in size and human population.

Both the continents didn't have much difference when looked solely at the size.

There were many reasons why the eastern continent had more human resources compared to the middle continent.

The main reason was that, nearly half of the middle continent was nothing but desert. Leading to the difference of land available to the three ruling forces to take over.

The difference in technology also played a role. Being prosperous in alchemist enabled the people of the eastern continent to have a better environment to give birth and live. But in the other hand there were tons of rules banning murder, robbery and other crimes. This would get in Zick's way without a doubt.

There was also an order which maintained the said rules. But their was no such thing as human right as of yet, after all slavery and prostitution was a normal thing in this continent.

These rules were so that they could decrease the crime rate, in other words it was just a scarecrow.

There was only one kingdom in the eastern continent which advocated human rights, treating everyone equally.

It was The Leweisert kingdom, also known as the holy kingdom. The people of this continent were a devout believer of the god of justice, Yuvlem church.

'It should be located in the east of the eastern continent, there was also another harem member in there.'

Zick knew about his current location somewhat through the novel. He was reaching the western side of the continent.

The West was where the Gorthect empire was located. This was a place famous for their architecture and superior artisans. It was said that the people of this empire had the blood of the dwarf race running through their veins.

The Dwarf race has been considered instinct by the whole world. Many hundreds years ago, the dwarf created something that even the dragons couldn't overlook.

In the end, the whole dwarven race was burnt to the ground by the dragons. The thing which they created was also buried forever.

'There are a few dwarfs that are still alive, living their lives in hiding. In the novel, they were taking refuge in the Gorthect empire. In exchange for creating weapons for them at a specific time and passing on some of their knowledge to talented blacksmiths, they promised to keep them safe. I don't think this was a bad deal for both of them.'

One of the four alchemist towers was also located in this empire, as abundant svenile were found there. This mineral was a rare material which could be used to create mana core and golem core.

It was in the middle of the night when Zick was first able to see the coast of the easter continent. It was dark, but he could see the silhouette of many high cliff surrounded by boulders.

'Though a year earlier than I estimated, I still arrived in the eastern continent.'

Splash! Swimming at a rapid pace, Zick left behind a trail in the water. He moved his hand in a little more experienced and refined manner, showing that he had adapted to swimming in the past three days.


Zick reached the coast in a minute, the cold water touching him made his body shudder, but he endured it without a single change in expression.

Using magic, Zick slowly rose into the air and landed on one of the grey stones.

The cold wind of the night brushed past his naked body, making Zick dry his body quickly through magic. After drying the water on his body, he took out the track pants and black jacket he wore while attending the auction.

'It's tighter than I thought....' Zick's body had grown a lot in size making his clothes stick tighyly to his body.

There was a problem which worried Zick from a while. He didn't know how much time had passed since the magic disaster occured.

If a long time passed by, the alchemist tower must have collected a lot of information from the people who teleported here. And they would without a doubt try to eliminate the people who might pose a threat to them.

Which means they would target the strongest people who might have been teleported here. Zick would definitely be among them as he was considered as master swordsman by many people.

'I should avoid coming in contact with the native of this continent in this appearance. I need a way to hide my identity.'

There was also the problem with his eyes. They were still vertical, giving off an eerie feeling as always. After losing his quasi-archmage level strength, Zick could not create any spell which would come in use for hiding his appearance.

'Losing my strength, authority and even the usefulness of the knowledge of the novel had fallen...this situation is just too disadvantageous to me.' While thinking this, Zick touched the place where his horn was at.

No hair grew from there in the end, instead the horn was showing signs of regrowing, he had no control over this process at all.

Bending his knees, Zick jumped with full force. His figure jumped up to half of the cliff before slowing down.

''It can't be helped....' Using magic to control the air around his feet, Zick pushed himself up.

Slowly Zick's body rose-up reaching the cliff's tip.

Thud, landing upon the edge of the cliff, Zick looked straight ahead.

A plain terrain filled with grass entered his sight and in the horizon of his view a village appeared. A village near the coast clearly showed that Zick was far from the place where the war troop gathered to wage war against the middle continent.

'For now, I should pick up a few clothes from there.' Zick took out the white mask he used in the auction house and put it upon his face. Then he started heading towards the village.

He had no plan entering this village through the checkpoint. It was just a small village, so Zick wasn't worried about the guard catching him.

While running, the cold wind brushed by his body, making Zick's hair and clothes flutter.

'Becoming an alchemist is also a possibility for me. By becoming one, I can try to find a way to increase my potential, but there is no reason or time for that.'

Zick didn't have a long time in his hand. In the novel, the final battle with the demons happens 9 years from now, but this could change at any moment.

'I should gather the ingredients to perform the unorthodox method I used when I came to this world. Even having peak rank potential is better than nothing.'

'There's only a few other methods that can increase my potential. The potion made with leaf of the world tree could increase my potential to master or higher. But it's very hard to get my hand on it.'

Zick didn't think getting the world tree's leaf was impossible. If he helped the elf princess instead of the protagonist and win the favor of the elfs it was possible. But strength was needed for this too. They would also treat him well with nature's characteristics in his mana.

'And there is still a while before the elf princess gets into trouble. Getting to the lab of the biological golem is also not possible right now.'

Even Aeiron had entered only when he was in the peak of the master swordsman rank. But it was still possible to take control of the lab to Zick by using the knowledge of the novel.

'Though many people would be sacrificed, it can't be helped. If I still had my past strength there would have been no need for this.....'

Zick couldn't help but feel a little furious at who had caused the magic disaster.

'Though I am not the type of person who holds a grudge, this is the first time someone made me angry enough to make me want to kill them.' Zick controlled his overwhelming killing intent and concentrated in planning his future moves.

There was no point in an ant's anger at this point. No matter what Zick did he would never be able to harm the being behind such a magic disaster. He knew that grudges were pointless, but emotions were not so easy to control.

It would be totally different if this being could bring benefits to Zick in some way.

For now, there was no immediate method which could increase his potential.

Reaching the wooden fences around the village. Zick jumped over it and headed towards the house in the middle of the village, To where the village chief house was located.

Walking in front of the village chief house, the little bit of wariness in Zick's heart also vanished. He could sense that the village chief was just a middle rank knight.

'Only people who are peak rank knights or above can threaten me currently, I can somewhat fight against peak rank knight with the cursed sword, but my winning chances are still zero.'

Though his winning were low, Zick had confidence in escaping.


Zick knocked on the village chief House's door. The reason why he directly headed here was very rational.

Wasn't it better to make others do his bidding instead of doing it himself?

All the more when the other party was weaker and couldn't resist him.

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