The magic disaster incident.

This was a major arc in the novel 'the hero of velveric fights the demon lord' that Zick read.

At the end of the first year in the academy, when the graduation ceremony was being carried out, the magical disaster had fallen upon the cadets and the professors teleporting them all around the world randomly.

No one was teleported to the middle continent for some reason. Zick found this point suspicious and knew that there was something working behind the scene that he wasn't aware of. It was easy to reach this conclusion when one thinks about it.

The magic disaster had also directly aimed at where Aeiron was. This showed that it wasn't caused naturally, but intentional by someone.

Whoever did it was not normal in the least, even Zick couldn't resist it in the slightest.

Seeing its power, it was normal for people to label it as a natural disaster.

The magic disaster incident is also known as the beginning of the journey arc in the novel. It was when Aeiron started travelling the whole eastern continent in search of the other people who were teleported along with him. He also had to go to the demon continent to search for the lost harem member.

The magic disaster only covered the main facility of the central District, so not more than 1,000 people were teleported.

From this, more than half of the people's whereabouts were unknown. It was almost like they had vanished from the face of the world.

They were assumed to be teleported above the ocean or somewhere unknown and had died.

'This magic disaster was without a doubt bigger than the one which appeared in the novel. Though I couldn't sense how much area it covered as I didn't get any time to react, but just from what I could sense, it was bigger than the original one.....and for me to be teleported in the eastern ocean in this situation...'

For the first time in a long while, Zick felt despair.

His magic abilities were limited to the extreme, his mind was going through immense pain because of being teleported by the magic disaster. Which made it hard to concentrate and form a magic.

Even without this, Zick wouldn't be able to perform much magic because of the grandmaster's domain.

Zick could recover quickly with his dragonoid status. It would have taken a few minutes for him to totally recover, but with him using magic to fly ceaselessly it would take 10 minutes.

'I just have to survive for 10 minutes, then I can try using [Warp] and then start escaping....even though it would take a while to gather mana in this environment, I should be able to cast it.' Calming himself, Zick looked intently towards the cloud, he could feel it getting ready to attack.


A huge red lightning headed right at where Zick was.

Reacting to it, Zick moved aside dodging it easily as he was ready for it. But at that instant, the red lightning changed its trajectory and moved towards Zick like it had a will of its own.

Taking out the cursed sword from his space ring hastily, Zick started using his aura at full power. His sword got covered in a chaotic black aura, it was totally different from how he used his aura in the assassin incident.

Zick's aura was totally black moving around chaotically with a tinge of red in it coming from the cursed sword.

Suppressing his aura within the sword to the extreme, Zick swung it at the red lightning.


A strong sound wave was created with the clash of two different energies. The water rippled, forming tides.

With an explosion the red lightning vanished, but Zick's expression just got warier even though he was totally unscathed.

'I had to use all my strength just to block this red lightning which wasn't even created by the real I thought my chances of winning against an opponent with grandmaster level strength is abysmal.'


Many red lights started heading towards Zick at once making the whole place shine in red light.

'It coming.'

Zick wasn't disturbed by the blinding lightning, he got used to it squinting his eyes. His face hardened feeling the presence heading towards him.


The whole water in the ocean and the air shook in presence of Zrector, one of the magic disaster.

Zick didn't have the time to look at his surroundings. Covering his whole body in black aura, he swung his sword shooting out dozens of aura blades trying to block the red lightning.

But in the end, it was not enough. Zick's aura was only able to weaken the red lightning by a little.

'They are at least two times stronger than the previous one.' Zick gritted his teeth, while blocking one of the red lightning.


Zick was flung backwards, no wound appeared on him as he used dragon scale to cover his hands in the last moment.

But the clothes in his hands were burnt away.

Zick balanced himself recasting the flying magic again which got nullified in the previous clash.

'If this goes on, I wouldn't be able to even last for more than three minutes!'

Not even a minute had passed since the start of the battle.

Three red lightning converged into one and turned into a large spear. It headed towards Zick at an unprecedented speed.

Looking at it, Zick didn't hesitate and used one of the abilities he got from dragon heart.

The air in the surrounding started converging towards Zick at full speed and entered his opened mouth.

Zick's chest started glowing in a dark black colour and the aura around his body dimmed a little.

It was a dragon breath attack! and it absorbed more than 10% of Zick's total aura at once!

Not hesitating, Zick shooted it towards the red lightning with his mouth wide open, exposing his shard teeths.

An black fire in the shape of a ray left his mouth and clashed with the red lightning.


A large explosion of red and black colour occured in the middle of the sky.

In the end, the breath attack was able to fend off the red lightning somehow.

"Haaa.....haaaa.... haaaa"

Zick breathed out raggedly, he felt his lungs, throat and jaw was on fire.

'I can only use a breath attack for another two times, any more than that and I would just be harming myself.'

Zick bore the pain and tensed his body feeling the presence above him, in the sky.

Slowly the clouds moved aside revealing a huge figure. It had headed towards here because he felt that Zick was the strongest among all the people who appeared here out of nowhere.

It had been watching the fight from above the cloud, thinking that the red lightning from the cloud would be enough to take care of Zick.

But Zick was actually able to take care of the red lightning surprisingly, so it showed itself, planning on crushing the ant who had invaded its territory.

Suddenly an invisible pressure bore upon Zick, making him paralyzed for a second.

But the very next moment, Zick's dragon fear started working at full power and resisted the invisible pressure coming from Zrector.

'The red thunder qilin, Zrector...' Zick gripped upon the cursed sword tightly.

The figure in between the gap in clouds, had a dragon head with yellow eyes and two large horns. Crimson red mane like a dragon flew upwards in its neck and it had the body similar to that of a deer or horse.

It was covered in red scale from top to bottom from which red lightning coursed by randomly. It had the tail of a ox and it had cloven hooves.

Zrector was more than 10 metres long. It's intelligence was comparable to a normal human. It looked at Zick with interest in its eyes, it had not expected Zick to handle his presence this easily.

'Another eight minutes.' Zick counted internally while looking at Zrector above him.

Zick was on his guard to react to any of Zrector's attack immediately. He had a Trump card, but he hasn't been using it because there was a side effect in it.

And this trump card was a close range type, so Zick would have to get near Zrector before using it.

'But even with that Trump card I won't be able to last long in front of this thing....I severely miscalculated the difference between a peak master rank and grandmaster.'

After fending the red lightning for a while, Zick noticed the difference in strength between him and Zrector. Now that he was in front of it, he could tell the difference between his and Zrector's strength clearly because his instinct was sending him danger warning at full speed like never before.


Roaring, Zrector opened its mouth wide. A red glow appeared within it, clearly showing that it was preparing to attack.

Zick swung his sword sending an aura blade towards Zrector to interrupt it. But it didn't even move and let his attack land on its body directly.

Zick's aura landed right at Zrector's jaw. Bang, making a audible sound of explosion.

Zick's eyes widened looking at the result.

There wasn't even a scratch in Zrector's scales.

'I will have to use both of my dragon breath attacks at once, to even have any chance of blocking that....' Zick didn't give up and looked up with a resolute expression. He had already used up 25% of his aura.

Using both of the dragon breath attacks at once didn't mean that its power would double. If Zick did that, he would only kill himself.

Zick could only use dragon breath to the limit of his body, not leaving any chance to use it again.

Opening his mouth, Zick started sucking in air, readying to use a dragon breath attack.

'I really am in a disadvantageous position in aerial battle, but I can't do anything about it.'

Zick had already looked into his surroundings and there is no island or land nearby. There is only water as far as his senses could reach.

Slowly a burning sensation started spreading from Zick's lungs.

'Not yet.' Zick continued sending his aura into the lungs, while still keeping an eyes upon Zrector.

Zrector slowly started lowering its head and aimed it towards Zick.

'Here it comes.' Zick concentrated more than ever before in his life while looking at Zrector.

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