Loser System and Berserker Me

Chapter 129: The Snickering Banshees

“Grandson, why aren’t you charging anymore?” Miazova scoffed in annoyance when Shu Yichao returned with the ghost horsemen. “Do you know how dangerous that was?!”

The ghost horsemen were strong. A charge involving hundreds of them formed a catastrophic force that few could rival, but that didn’t mean that they were invincible.

Even if the ghost horsemen had the advantage in terms of stats, if the Tibetan heavy infantrymen and war slaves succeeded in tying them down, they would still be devoured whole nevertheless.

Not to mention the enemy had an army of ten thousand, and their leader had a divine artifact!

And the enemy had mages too! Granted that it had boosted Shu Yichao’s magic resistance, but what if it had failed?

“Goddamnit! Do you know that you would have been a goner if that woman blew the Horn of Courage once more while you were still there?!” Miazova grumbled in irritation.

“Oh?” Shu Yichao’s eyes lit up. “They have a divine artifact! I’ll make sure to get it later.”

“…ARGH!” Miazova glanced at the shovel hanging on its waist, wondering if Shu Yichao would stop acting so impulsively if it gave his head a good smack. “Tsk, so annoying.” Shu Yichao dug his ears. “Are you my mum? You keep nagging nonstop.”

“…” Miazova was choked up.

Shu Yichao turned to Rajmaya’s army and said, “All that’s left is to slowly grind them down. I have an endless army of skeleton soldiers, whereas their troops are either suffering injuries or casualties with each passing second. Let’s see how you can compete with me!”

【Ahh, such a nice sleep!】

System 12345 lazily turned on its screen.

【Eesh, I’m still blacklisted, huh? Can’t see anything at all. Isn’t it ridiculous that my host has higher authority than me?】

It was indeed embarrassing that it couldn’t share vision with its host during the internship, but System 12345 wasn’t bothered in the least.

Look at my host. He clears every mission with absolute precision. What’s there to worry about?


System 12345 perked up when it noticed huge fluctuations in Rajmaya’s emotional state.

【She’s moved, yet a bit fearful… Tsk tsk! My host, you move so fast!】

It could already imagine what would happen next based on precedents.

The beautiful city lord, under the earnest request of her loyal aide, decided to grant audience to a rising young adventurer. Little did she know that her loyal aide had already become the young adventurer’s servant.

As usual, the proud city lord made disparaging remarks of the young adventurer despite having made up her mind to take him under her wing.

All of a sudden, the innocent young adventurer lost his temper and lurched forward.

The flustered city lord immediately turned to her aide for help, but to her shock, her aide had already thrown her lot with that young adventurer. Not only did her aide not help her, but she even helped the young adventurer to restrain her.

Despair coursed through the city lord’s veins. She looked at her aide with tears streaming down her cheeks, only to see the latter smiling at her.

Let’s become master’s servants together. She could almost hear her aide saying that to her.

In the end, she had no choice but to submit, both her body and her soul…

【I’m getting excited just thinking about this plotline. She might talk tough, but that area of hers is bound to be soft… Ehehehe!】

【Ah right!】

System 12345 smacked its head.

【I should release the mission now, or else he’ll get no rewards from the conquest like the previous time!】

【Conquest Target: Young City Lord Rajmaya】

【Description: This city is mine. Don’t even think about snatching it away!】

【Requirement: Achieve a loyalty of 100】

【Reward: An upgradable grimoire. Despite its ordinary cover, it always contains spells beyond the current level of spellcraft or sorcery.】

“This is the worst!”

When the ghost horsemen retreated after killing the wolf cavalrymen, and an endless army of skeleton soldiers began rushing at them again, Rajmaya knew right away that things had gone awry.

It’s fortunate that our war slaves are incomparably strong and impervious to weapons, so those skeleton soldiers can’t do anything about them. Our mages are also able to burn a huge area of skeleton soldiers into cinder with a single spell.

We should be able to fend them off for a long time.

“Maintain our formation! We’ll slowly retreat!” Rajmaya ordered. “I didn’t expect the Tang bandits to have this in them, but this is nothing but a small setback.”

Just then, a horrified scream echoed, “My mana! Where did my mana go?”

Rajmaya anxiously looked over. There, a mage clutched his chest and screamed hysterically.

She remembered that mage.

He was a highly talented individual who could simultaneously control the war slaves while tossing out frost beams and lightning bolts. Yet, no matter how he murmured his chants, he was unable to release his spells.

The mage felt light-headed as fatigue engulfed his being. His mana refused to flow no matter how he tried to channel it, as if it had completely dried up.

He quickly gulped down a mana potion, only to be horrified to realize that his mana was still swiftly depleting. Even the potion bottle itself had lost its luster.

“What’s going on?!”

The mage couldn’t comprehend what was going on.

“Kihihi! Kihihihihi!” a sinister laugh echoed in the air.

“Who is it?!”

Knowing that it wasn’t from an ally, the mage hurriedly assessed his surroundings, only to see a ghostlike figure floating in the corner of its formation.

It was a banshee!

The banshee eyed the mage with a horrifying smile of contempt.


It couldn’t be clearer to the mage that the banshee was behind this. Infuriated, he roared, “Men!”

“Yes, Lord Mage!”

“Get rid of that thing!” The mage pointed to the banshee.

“Yes, Lord Mage!”

The forest sniper swiftly loaded an arrow onto its bow and released it.

Shoosh… Tok!

However, the arrow passed through the banshee as if it was a clump of smoke.

“Ah?” The forest archer was taken aback.

“What are you dawdling around for? Use your enchanted arrows!” the mage roared.

“Yes, Lord Mage!”

The forest archer quickly snapped out of it. Since physical attacks didn’t work on the banshee, they would have to resort to magical attacks.


A glowing arrow squarely struck the banshee, causing it to dissipate as black smoke.

“Hmph!” The mage coldly harrumphed.

To his dismay, his mana still wasn’t recovering.

“Could it be…”

The mage quickly looked around, and his heart soon turned cold. He spotted more wraiths hiding in inconspicuous corners where the two armies were fighting. Their laughter could be heard now and then, just that they were mostly covered by the fighting noises.

We’re doomed!

The mage fainted.

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