Lord of the Truth

Chapter 830: Before the storm

Near the border of the northern region---


A giant, flat circle suddenly appeared on the ground, its enormous diameter making jaws drop. In this circle, the entire army of the Great Serpent Empire could stand, even the army of the North could stand next to them, and there would still be plenty of room!

*Whoosh**Whoosh* As soon as that circle settled, shocking soul force waves shot out, forcing everyone under the Sagehood realm to hold their heads tightly as if they were about to explode. As for those in the first few levels of the Knighthoos Domain, they immediately fell to their knees screaming.


"What exactly is this thing? Is this the trump card that the Third Truth's Chosen was hiding?!"

The three battlefields came to a halt... The Great Serpent Empire's ground army was struggling in the face of the soul force waves, the warships were swaying in the air from the shock waves, and even the Great Serpent Emperors, although they weren't as badly affected as the others, looked at that giant circle with anticipation.

Fortunately, the True Beginning Emperors didn't take advantage of the situation to attack them, in fact, they did something that made the heads of the Great Serpent forces heat up even more... They all retreated at the same time!

"What's going on? Why are those bastards retreating?!"

"That's because those soul waves don't differentiate between friend and ally, look over there!" One of the Great Serpent Emperors pointed towards the north.

There, Holak's army was in complete chaos!

"Damn it, they must have received orders to retreat, otherwise they wouldn't have retreated at the same time and in that orderly way, it seems that the real soul attack from that giant circle hasn't even begun yet!"

"We must destroy that circle!!" General Molad wiped the blood that was pouring from his head and shouted loudly

A quick conversation between the Great Serpent Emperors then began a massive attack wave on that giant circle, around eighty Martial Emperors with dozens of ships and hundreds of thousands of soldiers, all of them opened fire!

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

But all of these attacks collided with a soul force wall and exploded before reaching the circle!

Holak watched the majestic scene as the Great Serpent Army rained attacks on the flat circle, ignoring the fainting spells occurring among his soldiers and the frenzy that struck the beast army, "...Why does that thing look like a portal to something?"


The giant circle slowly began to rise upwards, and as they all rose, something appeared in its place, something that looked like a huge, endless column.

"Attack, don't stop!!" The Great Serpent Emperors knew that whatever was happening would not end well for them.


The height of the giant circle began to accelerate until it disappeared above the clouds, A few branches filled with silver leaves began to appear on the massive column, making it now clear that this was a tree trunk!


The highest point of the huge trunk finally collided with the Heaven's Sealing Array, and began to push the energy cover upwards!

"Oh? Well, it's no longer needed anyway-" Robin laughed and sent his orders to the Heaven's Sealing Array.


The banners suddenly left their positions and quickly flew towards Robin's location. The Heaven Sealing Array disappeared for the first time in six days, finally, there was no longer a veil preventing the 400 Martial Emperors from descending!

"There, this is the location of the controller of the array, and perhaps he is the controller of this strange circle as well, kill him!!" One of the smart ones pointed towards Robin's location and then rushed towards him raising his weapon, eight Martial Emperors behind him!

Facing this intense attack, Robin merely smiled.


The tree branches suddenly moved!

"What the-- Arrrghhh!!"


With speed like a whip and weight like mountains, those Martial Emperors found themselves flying backward like meteors, in the blink of an eye there was no trace of them, their life or death was unknown!

The rest of the 400 Martial Emperors didn't dare to act on their own anymore, they just started to approach the remaining 80 emperors alive and surround Generals Parrs and Molad to take their orders

And they didn't wait for long, as General Parrs shouted, "Everyone be careful! Put your full attention on that thing and stay put!!"

Everyone immediately listened to him without question, they could already sense the three marshals and their army approaching quickly, preserving their lives and the lives of their colleagues until the higher command arrived was the most important thing right now!


*Bzzzzt* *Bzzzzt* *Bzzzzt*


After a few minutes, after the last leaf emerged from the top of the huge tree, that giant circular portal disappeared.

And what it left behind made everyone look up with their mouths wide open... It was a huge silver tree!

No, that thing could no longer be described as a tree, but rather a pillar that carried the weight of the sky! And above it, a dense thunderstorm began to gather, the force of the storm alone

Was alarming.


"This..?" Near the battlefield, a space portal opened and the three Tree Fathers came out with difficulty, each of them exceeding 60 meters in height, but in front of the giant tree that they faced as soon as they appeared, they appeared as if they were ants that no one paid attention



About two minutes passed after Hoffenheim appeared, and no one made not make any move.

However, his attack a moment ago was still fresh in everyone's minds, so they all just stood and stared at him as well, and at the same time, the nearly 700,000 soldiers of the Great Serpent Empire's army began to retreat in all directions under the instructions of Generals

Parrs and Molad.

But when they retreated a certain distance, Hoffenheim made a few threatening gestures towards them, so they quickly received another order to stop.

Robin was also another subject of focus in this stifling silence, after everyone saw the array banners heading towards him, and saw how the giant tree moved to defend him, everyone's eyes automatically moved to take a quick glance at his position as he stood with his arms folded in front of his chest in comfort, then they would return to focus on the giant silver tree.

"Hoof... Hoof"


Five minutes after Hoffenheim appeared, 7 Martial Emperors appeared from afar, they were the ones who were knocked away.

All of them were injured and full of fractures, but they were alive. The rest of their colleagues quickly gathered around them to protect them in case the giant tree tried to finish the job, but they were lucky enough that the giant silver tree acted as if it didn't notice them, so they just focused on providing them with treatment.

From afar, Holak slightly furrowed, "...Well, this result doesn't match that overwhelming aura, in that single attack, two 'low-level Martial Emperors were killed or completely incapacitated wherever they are, with seven seriously injured, that's the strength of someone at the half-step level of the realm above Martial Emperor... Almost like me."

That expectant silence continued for another two minutes, until...

*Whoosh**Whoosh* *Whoosh*

The three marshals finally arrived, behind them a thousand Martial Emperors ready for battle.

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