Lord of the Truth

Chapter 826: The aftermath


Caesar lightly descended from the sky in front of Richard, his wingspan reduced to just 2 meters each, "It seems we're done for today, you can let the citizens go out now..."

Richard looked around for a few seconds, no one else was left in the capital except them, no soldier from the Great Serpent Empire, no citizen from the True Beginning Capital, no cat, no mouse, not even a cockroach, all the buildings that weren't dark in color had been demolished, "Yes, we won, I think..." Richard sighed deeply, "But I don't want to face them."

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself, I sensed the large number of survivors as you dragged them to the shelters, if it weren't for you, no one would be alive today!" Caesar took two steps forward and spoke with furrowed brows

"...." Richard nodded several times, then gave the order to the city


The ground cracked in several places in the city and a few ladders appeared to descend deep underground. After a few minutes, survivors began to emerge one by one.

"Let's go, we've had enough rest... I've ordered the Shadow Swords to mobilize our forces on all the continents to launch a counterattack against The People's Organization. If the fleeing Martial Emperors find our troop concentration points, another great massacre will occur." Caesar looked serious as he watched the city's survivors emerge, the battle had just ended but he was already thirsty for blood.

"You ordered to mobilize forces to fight against the rebels? I don't think your orders will be carried out this time, brother." Richard shook his head.

"Hmm? Why?" Caesar frowned. Who would dare to slack off on an order he gave?!

"Because there's no need... I've already killed most of the traitors, where do you think I got all this life force from?" Richard laughed, "There are still a few left but they're scattered and can be easily cornered, so I don't think the Shadow Swords will carry out your orders this time, they're an independent entity after all, and don't have to listen to you."

"You... killed most of them? The boy you sent said there were about 60 million of them a few days ago!!" Caesar exclaimed in surprise.

Richard shrugged with a smile.

"..." Caesar watched him for a few seconds without saying anything, as if he was looking at a monster...

Killing tens of millions in less than a week? That's not mentioning the horror stories he heard from the mouths of the Martial Emperors who helped him take down the Azil tribe.

The boy in front of him, the one he used to make him ride his back like a horse back in the days, had already killed over a hundred million people... That's more than the entire army of the True Beginning Empire combined, only the Demon army could rival him!!

"What, are you scared?" Richard let out a sarcastic laugh, "It doesn't matter, you don't have to feel bad about it, I don't blame you..."

Caesar paused for a moment, then took a few steps, hugging his brother tightly, "...Thank you."

"What's wrong with you man, go away." Richard was really flustered, he was far from such emotional things as brotherly hugs.

Caesar grabbed his shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes, "What happened today... These wings... You didn't help me fight, you gave me a new reason to live."

Richard scratched his white hair in embarrassment, "If you mean the effect of the life fire, then you should thank your father for this, he is the one who invented this technique, but if you want to thank me for the awesome shape of the wings, I will accept it with pleasure!"

"Huh? Didn't the energy take an automatic shape to suit me?" Caesar was surprised

"Yoo- calm down a bit, I wanted to bind the energy to you and slowly introduce it into your body, so I chose the shape of the wings for you, if you want, I will bind it to the shape of a tail next time!" Richard laughed out loud

"You dare?!" Caesar hit him on the head, then smiled and continued to follow the survivors out, "...I saw you collecting life energy from my battleground, do you think it is a coincidence?"

"What is it?" Richard patted where Caesar hit him.

Caesar looked back at his brother, "You relieve me of the symptoms of the death fire, and I increase the strength of the life fire. Together we can stand before the armies of heaven and earth with our heads held high!...Do you think our father thought of this while he was creating the two techniques?"

"...He created the Life Fire technique for my mother shortly after creating the Death Fire for you, I don't rule out that he had this possibility in mind, to have you in the front lines to fight and my mother in the back lines to support you, but his vision came true through me..."

After a short silence, Richard smiled again, "Or maybe it's just a coincidence, that old man didn't tell us to try something like this before!"

Caesar looked at his brother for a while, then returned to follow the scene in front of him without saying a word.

The survivors of the city emerged from the bowels of the earth like ants, most of them went directly to search for the bodies of their loved ones, and this process was much easier after Richard gathered all their remains and improved the cohesion of their bodies that had turned into pieces, then ordered them to lie on the ground in a state of peace before he drained the life energy from them.

The whole city fell into a fit of tears...

Some were crying for those they had lost, and at the same time crying with joy that the rest of their families had survived this great ordeal.

Contrary to what Richard thought, not a single person came to blame him or shout at him that he was late. Everyone who had come out of their state of loss came crying and thanking him, some even falling on their knees directly in front of him, finally making Richard's heart that had been tainted with grief soften a little.

Another hour later, and after Caesar felt that his body had returned to its optimal state, he patted his brother on the shoulder, "Come on, the great battle may be over, but the lake is wide and the fish are plentiful... We have to start fishing."

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