Lord of the Truth

Chapter 821: Battle of the city ignites

"Follow the mayor's lead, we must protect the towers!!"

"Help His Highness Richard!"

"Destroy those damned dark buildings!!!"

Before Richard's lost eyes, the Great Serpent Empire's soldiers gradually began to approach the towers... Meanwhile, tens of thousands of city dwellers quickly gathered around them all over the capital!

The marshal's shout a moment ago had already revealed Richard's plan to everyone, a large number of Great Serpent soldiers and Martial Emperors tried to evade their battles to destroy one of the towers and achieve a great military achievement.

Meanwhile, when the city dwellers found out what His Exllency's son intended, all of them decided to help immediately, leaving the fight to the zombies, golems, and metallic snakes while they went to surround the towers, thus creating meat shields ready to intercept any approaching attack.

"That damned city... Insignificant side characters dare to get in my way?!" The Marshal gritted his teeth and summoned his epic hammer to his hand, ready to throw it again, "If this Marshal wants something, it will be, all of you die at my mercy hahaha!"


At this moment, the ground shook violently, everyone below the level of a Saint fell to the ground, fainting or vomiting.

"What's happening?!" Even Marshal Straga in mid-air felt the earthquake, it was strong enough that it made him stop his next attack! The city was shaking as if it wanted to separate from the continent!

Under this strange phenomenon, the Marshal heard Richard's voice as if it was coming from the depths of hell, "Uncle Henry, an honorable person like him shouldn't have died a death like this... Insignificant side character? I'll show you how insignificant side characters are dealt with!"

*Swoosh* *Swoosh* *Swoosh*

"Everyone, stay alert!!" The marshal shouted loudly, but it was too late.

Tens of thousands of metal and rock pillars pierced the ground and rushed towards the Empire's soldiers

*Paa* *Paa*

This time, the Serpent Empire army was in a state of high alert for combat, so Richard couldn't catch them off guard with the stakes as he had done before, but that first wave was enough to impale more than 30,000 soldiers directly, all of whom were lifted and displayed to the public at a height of more than 50 meters for each stake.

*Crack* *Crack*

The ground beneath the residential buildings and gardens cracked deeply and lava began to emerge from them, then this lava quickly formed into monsters, each at least 30 meters tall, and after a loud shout of "Rooooaaarrr!!" they jumped on the Martial Emperors of the Great Serpent Army!

"Dammit, what is this?! Arrrgh---!!"

The first clash against the Great Serpent Emperors who were already busy fighting the Golems and Metal Snakes resulted in ten of them being killed in the blink of an eye!

The rest panicked, increasing the burning of Durger the Devourer's blood in their bodies and attacking the lava monsters, but the huge monsters did not fall easily, and whenever they completely destroyed one using the Law of Corrosion, another one would immediately emerge from the ground!

"Damn, retreat!!" The Great Serpent Emperors for the first time lost their positions and were forced to spread far apart from each other.

The balance that Richard was trying to create had been broken, now the city had the upper hand!

"Long live the Crown Prince!"

"The Crown Prince is invincible! We haven't lost yet!!"

"Long live the True Beginning Empire!!"

Amidst the epic scene around them, a number of the city's people fell into a fit of hysterical crying

Marshal Straga began to turn around like a madman, watching the wave of violent killing that swept the city, then he looked back at Richard with raging anger, but when he found the boy staring back at him...

*Ba-dum* In front of Richard's cold gaze, his hair that had turned gray in his youth, and his aggressive features that made him look like he was ready to eat his raw flesh... the Marshal's heart beat strongly. but he smiled, "The energy that envelopes your body is no longer as stable as before, nor nearly as thick... It seems that what you just did was not without a price." Richard kept his calm and did not show anything, but the Marshal was right... He had to give up half of the reserve that he had left for himself in order to tip the scales and push the army away from the towers.

Or perhaps he did it to vent his anger... He himself does not know.


"Growl..." One of the lava monsters took quick steps and stood in front of the ten-story tower, staring at the Marshal

Strata knew he could handle that lava monster and strike the tower down, but it wouldn't be easy, especially when Richard was eyeing him like a hawk...

So he looked back at Richard, "Hehe there is no need to get distracted with your toys, boy, are taking us for fiils? We'll just kill you first..." *Vroom* The purple mist around the Marshal grew larger again, he had sacrificed a quarter of his share of the Durger the Devourer's blood

So far!

*Step* *Step*

Marshal Dyroth and General Smilat slowly advanced, keeping a safe distance from Richard, not too close for Richard to easily reach them, and not too far for them to intervene at any time, then they fixed their positions and gave Marshal Straga a meaningful look... Marshal Dyroth had been injured several times since the fight started because he was rushing towards Richard recklessly, three of them serious injuries, changing the shape of his head! While General Smilat was severely damaged from the last explosion, what happened to General Wagoz was still fresh in his mind and he did not want to end up like him... So the two tactically decided to give the honor of the upcoming fight to Straga alone this time!

That guy has been avoiding any direct clashes with Richard for long enough!

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